Back issues
Various back numbers of the Heritage Group Journal are available. Issues 34-36, 39, 41-45 & 47 are £1.00 each; 48-50 & 52-56 are £1.25; 58-66 & 68-77 are £1.50; 78-114 are £2.00 and 115 onwards are £2.50 each. Other early issues may also be available from time to time. Back numbers can be obtained from Peter Harrison, 9A Bold Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 6SG but it is advisable to check which issues remain available before ordering, by letter or email to
Issues 35-37, 39-42, 44, 45 & 47 | |
Issues 48-50 & 52-56 | |
Issues 58-77 | |
Issues 78-114 | |
Issue 115 onwards except 144 |

‘Cordex’ Binders to hold twelve issues of the HG Journal are available at £7.50 each.