S-Z FRM index


S&T see Signals & Telegraph

Safe and sound HA Hall 61:9–10

Safeguarding vulnerable groups: the Ffestiniog Railway and the 2006 Act Chris Walker 207:211–212

Safety 132:490

(ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Safety first in 1886 4:10–11

Safety lines Geoff Hall 64:11–12; Ballasting PW Dept 63:10–11; Vehicles Geoff Hall 63:10–11; Bumps and bruises Geoff Hall 65:14; Ladders Geoff Hall 66:14–15; Matters electrical Ralph C Taylor 67:16–17

Safety matters 87:12

Safety corner 96:16; Louisa Wasley 134:67–68

Safety News from the Line 100:13–14 101:11 102:10 103:10–11; Nick Griffiths 247:504

Safety on the Ffestiniog Railway Correspondence: David Pollock – General Manager 122:87; JB Snell, Managing Director, Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway Correspondence 122:87–88

Safety [AJ Gordon Rushton] 143:442

Safety first [Peter Johnson] 147:94

Safety and Operations Director Notice Board 188:454

Safety Notice Board 195:154 208:253

Safety at Boston Lodge Notice Board 196:222–223

Safety Advisor Notice Board 209:327

How we manage safety Paul Lewin 235:514–516

Safety & first aid Tony Peake News from the line 246: 423–424

Safety and competence in Infrastructure work Alex Spring 246:438–440

see also Health & Safety

«Saga by rail: Great Britain & the Isle of Man» by James IC Boyd JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 198:375

«Saga by rail: Ireland» by James IC Boyd JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 196:232–233

«Sails on the Dwyryd» by Michael JT Lewis Publication received 127:291–292

Sainsbury reward vouchers Notice Board 162:241–242 163:281 165:362–363 167:444 168:487 169:20 170:57 171:100 172:153; David Witcomb 173:193–194 174:239–240; 175:288; David Witcomb 176:342; 177:406 179:493

SAIS Correspondence: Locomotivery 102:33–34; Locomotivery continued 104:43–44

sale, For: 7 ½ ton BMS lorry 38:9; [Devon Belle seats] 46:21; [set of Magazines] 87:13

Sales (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Sales items 15:9 16:5–6 17:9 18:10–11

Sales Department notes 94:13

Sales News from the Line 105:4 106:6 107:7 108:8–9 109:10 110:5 111:7–8 114:6–7 115:5 116:9–10 117:8 118:8 119:6 120:9 122:57 124:144 126:233 127:270 128:311 129:360 130:399 131:440 132:481–482 134:46–47 141:348 142:394–395 143:445 144:488 145:11 146:51 147:103 148:138 149:184 150:226 151:258 152:300 176:327–330 177:392–393 178:430–431 179:477–478 180:519–521

Sales Department – and you! Martyn Knight 135:103–105

Sales & catering News from the Line 139:261–262 154:374–375 162:226 163:267 164:311 172:137–138 173:183–184 174:230–233

Sales Department News from the Line 175:278–279

Sales figures News from the Line 192:696

Salford Films «Ffestiniog 150 years» (video) Publication received 114:35

Sallery, David News from the Line: Staff news 81:8

Salmon, Sally & Paul Smith «Directory of British Railways new & reopened stations 1948–2018» IMD Publication received 247:540–541

Salt, Sir Thomas [death] 30:21

Salter, Dave & Dave Worrell «Walks from the Welsh Highland Railway» Part 2 «Rhyd Ddu to Porthmadog» PNJ [Peter N Jarvis] Publication received 207:188–189

salutary lesson, A Jim Hewett 170:64

Salute to the “B Team” Ozzy 115:26–29

«Salute to the Hudswells» by Ian Stocks, David Mewes & John Browning JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 227:783–784

Sam Miller F[festiniog] R[ailway] Society board member Sam Miller 260:613-614

«Sand Hutton Light Railway, The» Publications received: by KE Hartley 100:36; 3rd edition by Kenneth E Hartley & Paul Ingham JLD [John L Dobson] 223:483–484

Sand on the tracks Steffan ob Owain 214:716

Sand or not . . ., To John Bate Correspondence 172:157–158

Sanding systems: «James Spooner» and others John Padley Correspondence 171:107

[«Sandra»] Simplex 22119 JE Reynolds Correspondence 84:28–29

[«Sandra», BEV, new locomotives] VJ Bradley If you want to know ask 82:20–21

Sands, Jane & Steve News from the Line: Personnel 99:13

«Sandstone steam railroad: the first ten years» by Dave Richardson & Joanna Molyneux-Killik CB Publication received 197:302–303

Sant, AJD If you want to know – ask: [South Snowdon Harbour development] 39:25

Santa specials 108:24–25

Santa trains News from the Line [2004] 188:436; 10, 11, 17, 18, 21 and 22 December [2005] 190:563 [2021] 256:250

«Sardinia & Sicily narrow gauge: scenic journeys on the Italian islands» by John Organ JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 224:556–557

Satisfactory travelling Margaret King Correspondence 169:24

Satisfied customer Correspondence: Ralph W Middlebrook 183:143; Walter Gay 186:330; Linda Billett 188:465; Andrew Milne 199:447

Satow, Mike, Patrons of the Ffestiniog Railway Company PJGR [P John G Ransom] 91:28–31

Saunders, Alan Correspondence: Paying our way 105:27; Poor marketing of the Vintage Weekend 167:448–449; Discourtesy to members? 204:805

Savage, Andy J

Director, Ffestiniog Railway Society Ltd PJGR [P John G Ransom] Portrait 61:25

Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; News from the Line: Personnel 183:132 188:445

News from the line: Personal & Personnel 252:884

Savage, Andy J (ordered alphabetically)

Building a better railway 112:39–40

Building projects 115:15–16

Buildings 113:13–14

[AJS] Capital Plan, The 123:114

Correspondence: Preservation and modernisation 57:35–36; Megaffest with reply by Alan Heywood 78:28–29; More Megaffest 79:28; Wee omission 119:41; Magazine matters 126:257; Birthday party 138:249; [«Taliesin»] 165:365; Moving on 188:465

[AJS] Ffestiniog Railway Company 147:111–112

[AJS] Ffestiniog Railway Company Board matters 128:326–327

[AJS] Ffestiniog Railway Company Board notes 118:15–18 120:21–24 122:66–67 125:205–206 128:326–327 132:494–495 138:235 147:111–113

[AJS] Ffestiniog Railway Holdings – Travel 147:112–113

[AJS] Ffestiniog Railway Holdings – Welsh Highland 147:113

Dick Hardy 1923–2018 Obituary 241:38–39

News from the Line: Punching above our weight 192:709

Notice Board: Carriage numbering 155:428; Ffestiniog Railway Company share ownership 197:287

[AJS] Portrait: Keith Catchpole – Ffestiniog Railway Company Lecturer 121:32–33

Railway Children Three Peaks Challenge 187:407–410

Stamping ground 70:21–22

[Tan-y-Bwlch urinal] Correspondence 119:41

Volunteer 124:152

Welsh Highland Railway: Howzit going 15 years on? 179:499–500

Who are the Railway Children? 187:410

Savage, Andy J, Anna Elizabeth & Carol 91:22

Savage, Andy J, Carol & John Howard 82:10

Savage, Andy J & Adrian C Gray Correspondence: On «Taliesin» 166:408–409

Savage, Andy J & Andrew Hayward Notice Board: Appointment of General Manager [Paul Lewin] 180:542

Savage, Andy J & [PJ] Peter Johnson The Earl of Lindsay [David Lindsay] Obituary 126:230–231

Savage, Andy J & Steve McCallum Oil firing – a retrospective 220:276–280

Savage, Andy J, Gordon Rushton & Alan Heywood David Pollock 1925–2015 Obituary 232:275–276

Savage, Andy J & Denise Smith David [“Bunny”] Lewis 1942–2006 Obituary 193:21–22

Savage, Andy & Howard Wilson Obituary: Sir William McAlpine 1936–2018 241:37–38

Savage, Carol Correspondence: Card [Christmas card 1975] 71:27

Savage, Carole P Lancashire & Cheshire Group and East Anglian Group of the Ffestiniog Railway Society 85:43–44

Savage, John News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 222:384

Savage, John Painting «Princess» in the Museum Correspondence 130:418–419

Save our museum Clio Correspondence 59:28–29

Saville, Harry Christmas volunteering 196:257

Saville, John

Correspondence: Ffestiniog Railway signalling 3 201:594

A fireman’s lot 215:787–788

Saving of the Ffestiniog Railway 1950–4 DHW [Daniel H Wilson] [drawn diagram] 85:3

Saving the Ffestiniog Railway 1946 to1956 Phil Hawkins 263:868-871 the first volunteers 264:947-950  the early volunteers 265:67-72 the “family” develops 266:146-149 

«Saving Puffing Billy: Puffing Billy Preservation Society: the first decade 1955–1965» edited by David Burke PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 232:295–296

Sawford, Eric Publications received: «The end of the line» 176:349; «Industrial steam in the ‘50s and ‘60s» JLD [John L Dobson] 188:468–469; «Eastern steam in retrospect» TNO 189:531

Saxon Fairlies 16:14

Correspondence: EK Stretch 41:32; David Cole 68:34

Saxon Fairlies – up-to-date P John G Ransom 66:21–22

Saxon Fairlies, The, David Makin part 1 231:228–230, part 2 233:378–382

Saxon Fairlies & Péchot-Bourdons Harry Gow Correspondence 234:437

«Saxony narrow gauge» by John Organ JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 188:467–468

Saxon steam: an appreciation Keith Strickland 251:846-850

Sayer, M Correspondence: Modernisation 50:42

Scaffolding clips 132:492

Scarisbrick, Julian 247:497

Scarisbrick, Julian From kid’s week to engine driver 253:56-57

[Scarisbrick, Julian appointment] John Alexander Notice board: The F&WHR Trust 238:755

Scarth, Richard N & ARW «Crowhurst locomotives of the RH&DR» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 189:529–530

Scene from afar John Budden Correspondence 133:37

Scenes at Railfest ’99 165:382–383

Scenes on AGM day, Behind the Norman F Gurley 25:8–10

Sceptic Correspondence: On locomotives, and other things like diesels 109:34

Schiederman, Chuck, II Correspondence: An explosive Alco fan 169:24

Schofield, Chris News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 192:710

Schofield, Roger JH

Roger Schofield Notice Board 190:587

Ffestiniog Railway Society Board part three John L Dobson 206:114

Roger Schofield Howard Wilson 224:537

Schofield, Roger JH Notice Board: Election of Ffestiniog Railway Society Directors 189:520; Ffestiniog Railway Society Board chairman 194:95; Dewi Lewis 214:683; Ffestiniog Railway Society AGM (2014) 223:474

Schofield, Roy & Jose Martin «The story of «Merddin Emrys» and the Ffestiniog Railway» Publication received 80:22

School groups on the railway 143:454

School of Herrick To Mechanicks, to make much of tyme [pretend medieval poem] 70:19

Schroder, John Correspondence: Happy days 124:177–178

Schumann, Michael A / Mike 98:15 163:290

Michael A Schumann, BA (Cantab.) Mechanical Sciences, CEng, MICE Project Engineer, Civil Engineering Department (New works), Llyn Ystradau Deviation Project, Ffestiniog Railway Company PJGR [P John G Ransom] Portrait 60:27–28

Correspondence: Peter N Jarvis 194:98

News from the Line: Personnel 188:445

Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11

Schumann, Michael A (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Smalley talk 61:33–34

Smalley Fund – finale 64:16

New Moelwyn Tunnel 66:13–14

Correspondence: Schumannship 71:27; Emotive power 119:38; [Fairlie preservation, Germany] 119:38; [Péchot-Bourdon preservation] 119:38; Imagine Blaenau? 124:176–177; Destination Tan y Bwlch 241:54–55

From the sponsor 107:4–5

Schumann, Mike & D Fred Howes Rebuilding the Old Locomotive Shed 204:812–815

Schumann-Savage sponsored stone structures spearhead, The [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 109:4

Schumannship Correspondence: Michael A Schumann 71:27; The duty surgeon 71:27

Schutzmann von Schutzmansdorff, Baron Roberrt Alexander News from the Line: Personal & Personnel: Obituary 231:188

[Science Museum, «Merddin Emrys», and public relations], The JB Leech Correspondence 100:40–41

Scotney, David «30inch railways worldwide» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 227:784

Scott, Andrew 209:327; News from the Line: Personnel 153:346 154:380; CBE Notice Board 209:327

Scott, Joe News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 194:81

Scott, Wing-Commander RDI, MBE, FCA

Honorary Secretary – Ffestiniog Railway Society Limited Portrait 47:16–17

Obituary 131:439–440

Scott, Robin 53:35

Scott, Terry News from the line: Personal & Personnel: 246:428–429

Scrivens, Linda Correspondence: Volunteering 206:109–110

Scrivens, Neil Correspondence: Successful working party 203:732

Scott-Morgan, John «The Hayling Island branch: the Hayling Billy» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 247:539–540

Scottish Group [of Society] see Group notes Scottish 138:241–243

Scrounge list 92:9; Civil Engineering Group 92:9; Permanent Way Department 92:9 93:11–12

SD what? [Peter Johnson] 150:221–222

SDS Project Blaenau News from the Line 157:13 162:2

«Search of steam, In: photographing the world’s steam railways» by Keith Strickland PED [Paul E Davies] Publication received 220:263

[Seasonal staff] 1972 season 55:14

[Seats and passenger comfort] David C Pinner with reply by General Manager & Editors Allan GW Garraway, Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley Wooden spooners’ corner 46:32–33

Sebastian [cat] [death] 140:302

«Second book of locomotive drawings» compiled by John D Blythe & Arthur F Cook Publication received 138:243

Second-hand book sales Notice Board John Powell 197:290

Secondhand railway books sale [David Witcomb] Notice board 242:132

Secret of the year [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 101:2–3

Secret society Correspondence: Rodney Weaver 120:36; Ben Fisher 121:39–40

[secretary] F[festiniog] & W[elsh] [Highland] r[ailways] Heritage Limited John Alexander Notice board 247:533

[secretary] F[festiniog] & W[elsh] [Highland] r[ailways] Heritage Trust John Alexander Notice board 247:533

Secretary to the Ffestiniog Railway Society Board Notice Board 224:546

«Sectional maps of Britain’s railways 2002» Publication received 180:550

Sectioning and suchlike Correspondence: Robin Leleux 117:29; Tony Wisdom 117:29–30; AN Massau 117:30–31; TP Maynard 117:31; David Ronald 117:31; Keith Wallace 117:31–32; Peter Miller 117:32; Tim Sparks 117:32–33

Sectioning «Livingston Thompson» Correspondence: Rodney Weaver 118:35; TW Merrick 118:35; John L Dobson 118:35; Paul L Harris 118:36; RJ Shrive 118:36; Robin Bowles 118:36; JM Pike 118:36; Andrew Johnson 118:36; Howard Wilson 118:36; AJ Padley 118:37; Andrew M Burgoyne 118:37; BJ Cawkell 118:37; Don Young 118:36; Derrick Why 118:37; Raymond A Elliott 118:37; ER Shepherd 118:37; Jim Hewett 118:37; WG Horrocks 118:37

Security at Boston Lodge and Minffordd Notice Board Paul Lewin 204:801

Seddon, Eamon News from the Line: Personnel 144:495 145:19 149:191–192 167:435 169:15 267:196-197

Seddon, Eamon News from the Line: Personnel & personal, Obit. Clare Britton, Alan Heywood & Neil Clayton 267:196-197

Sedgwick, Steve

“Shady” world of photo charters 225:632–636

Sedgwick, Steve An Indian Fairlie story 241:71–73

Seeing double Rodney Weaver 105:34–35

“Self-indulgent” editorial & the threat from the Welsh Highland Railway John Hopkins Correspondence 184:204–205

Self-steering Correspondence: Rodney Weaver 118:39–40; Hereward 118:40

self-steering bogie bogey, The Greg Trice Correspondence 117:33–34

Selman, Cyril A The Welsh Highland – high and low level Correspondence 132:513

Selman, Jean [death] News from the Line: Personnel 174:237

«Selsey tram, The» by David Bathurst Publication received 139:286

Semmens, Peter WB Publications received: «Bill Hoole, engineman extraordinary» 34:25; «Speed on the East Coast main line – a century and a half of accelerated services» 128:340; «Electrifying the East Coast route: the making of Britain’s first 140mph railway» 133:34–35; «Channel Tunnel trains» 145:34

Semmens, Peter WB

Correspondence: [Bill Hoole] 26:25; West coast line 61:30–31; Any old rail 149:210–211

Horseless in South Africa: the Port Nolloth–Okiep railway 57:29–30

Might the Ffestiniog Railway be designated a World Heritage Site 162:254–255

Send 3 / 4d we’re going to a dance AJ Gordon Rushton 126:227

Senior life membership Michael F Huber Correspondence 176:345

Senior, Michael Publications received: «Faithful hound: Beddgelert and the truth about its legend» PNJ [Peter N Jarvis] 207:189; «Eryri: the story of Snowdonia» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 214:691; «Yr Wyddfa: the story of Snowdonia summit» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 214:691

Sensation in court John Ransom 133:20

Sense & sustainability

Timetable changes for 2004 & beyond Paul Lewin 183:137–138

The clean sheet Terry Turner Correspondence 184:201

«Sense of travel, A» by Roderick Craig Lowe PED Publication received  252:911

Sentry-go 43:14

Separated HA Lee Correspondence 140:336

serious danger of your money going to the railway, A Daniel H Wilson 125:209–210

Serve cool Keith (“Keith”) Riley 64:13–14

Services News from the Line 116:11

«Severn Valley Railway, The» by John Marshall Publication received 125:219

«Severn Valley Railway, The» by Roger Siviter Publication received 78:449

«Severn Valley Railway – a view from the past» by Michael A Vanns Publication received 164:327

Severn Valley Railway (Holdings), In Re WB Broadbent Correspondence 94:37

Sewell, RK illustrations to Peter N Jarvis: Funny old engines 38:16–20; Bring on the dancing girls 38:16–17; Benefit of clergy 38:17–18; Blue engine 38:18–20

Sexy? R Rees Correspondence 141:385

«Seymour memorial edition, Spooner Album» Peter Johnson Publication received 183:147–148

Seymour, Basil A café experience 234:466

Seymour, Basil Personal & Personnel 249:668-669

Seymour, Michael

Introducing the staff: Honorary officials 27:10; News from the Line: Staff news 56:6; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; [Honorary (volunteer) staff list, 1986] 114:12

Seymour, Michael, MA Hon. Curator, Ffestiniog Railway Company’s Museum, Archives and Relics CPS Portrait 97:39–40

Michael Seymour 14 June 1931 – 28 February 1999: an appreciation Adrian C Gray Obituary 165:356–358

Michael Seymour Edmund Brookes Correspondence 165:365

Seymour, Michael (ordered alphabetically)

1863–1965 – the four-wheelers 31:21–25

1865 traffic survey 17:15

Archives 54:17

From the archives 5:10–12 6:6–8 7:12–14 9:6–7 12:12–14 17:14–16 20:20–25

From the archives: Ffestiniog Railway in 1860 9:6–7

From the archives: “«Taliesin»” as it might have been 9:6

Archives and relics 23:18–21

Captain Tyler regrets . . . 29:18–20

(editor) Captain Tyler, RE: a memoir by his daughter, Miss ML Tyler 30:18–21

Correspondence: Ancient bits and pieces 99:37; The Boat 79:26 81:31–32; Preservation & modernization 54:32–33

Fairlie Centenary medal 54:17

Ffestiniog Railway: centenary of the Railway Letter Service Agreement 28th May 1891 133:26–27; From the archives 2 7:12–14 6:6–8 9:6–7 12:12–14 17:14–16 20:20–25; Ffestiniog Railway in 1860 9:6–7; “«Taliesin»” as it might have been 9:6

Getting a job – in 1863 17:15

The great stock issue – the design story 119:18–22

Hundred years ago [1861–1862] 17:14

Madocks, William Alexander 82:16–17

Museum mark 3 85:38–40

Porthmadog museum 50:28–32

Porthmadog to the Rio Grande by narrow gauge 17:16

Portrait: Mrs Dorothy Harvey 56:15

Preservation report 53:11–14

Railway letter service, 150th anniversary of death of WA Madocks [1978] 83:20

Random reflection on Spooner & Co. 49:28–30

Russians come to Porthmadog 48:18–21

Share certificates from the past 119:21–22

“Si Monumentum requiris . . .”: WA Madocks after 200 years 62:27–29

Stockton and Darlington 150 70:17–19

Tan-y-Bwlch centenary 62:18–19

«Topsy» – growed up 47:20–22

Sir Clough Williams-Ellis [death] 82:3

What’s in a name 111:20–21

Seymour, Michael & Fred Boughey Ffestiniog Railway Ramblers’ Hostel 83:12–17

Seymour, Michael, Tom Davies, Will Jones, Michael Lewis, Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley Gravity slate working: part 1 44:16–20; part 2 45:26–29; part 3 46:12–16

Seymour, Michael, Adrian C Gray & Peter Weston Rusty bits & dusty bits – museums & archives 159:118–121

Seymour, Michael & Michael JT Lewis Passenger to Dinas – a centenary retrospective 28:22–25

Seymour, Michael [MS], DP [David Pollock] & PGM Ffestiniog Railway Company: Archive policy 109:21

Seyntes Way to Bardsey [Prynce [Prince] pretend-medieval poem] 70:13

“Shady” world of photo charters Steve Sedgwick 225:632–636

«Shaping the wild: Wisdom from a Welsh hill farm» by David Elias JHS 262:774-775;

Share and share alike Michael Chapman Correspondence 180:548–549

share certificates from the past, The Michael Seymour, Hon Archivist, Ffestiniog Railway Company119:21–22

share issue, The 117:16–17; Prospectus [for] 118:14; 120:18

Sharp, Charlie News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 205:17–18

Sharp, Charlie

Ffestiniog Railway Society re-launch 187:411

Correspondence: Standing down 192:724

Sharp, Charlie, Volunteer Recruitment Team, Hilary Norton, Howard Wilson & Alan Pye Volunteering – an immediate & long-term challenge 182:91–92

Sharp, Emily Correspondence: Steamy Ladies success 196:228–229

Shaw, Andy News from the Line: Personnel 190:572

Shaw, Phillip & Vic Mitchell (editors) «Colonel Stephens: insights into the man and his empire» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 191:659–660

Shaw, PJ Correspondence: Less incredible hulk, A? 108:52

Shear, Bryan (editor) «Welsh Highland Railway year book & travel guide 1980 / 81» Publication received 90:29

Sheffield & district Group [of Society] see Group notes Sheffield & district

Shelley, PB – volunteer [with poem] 78:20; sonnet 79:19

Shelving 132:492

Eileen & Neil Clayton BP&G bits, The 142:403

Eileen & Neil Clayton BP&G box, The 143:455

Shephard, Gill

News from the Line: Staff news 85:12; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:12 ; [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11; News from the Line: Personnel 169:16 171:95

Gill Shephard 1943–2009 Alan Heywood Obituary 208:241

Gill Shephard – a dear friend Martin Batcock Correspondence 209:330

Shephard, Gill Correspondence: Fair competition 119:33–34

Shephard, Warren Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; News from the Line: Personnel 109:15 112:17 139:267

Shephard, WF, Secretary SRC Correspondence: From the Ffestiniog Railway Staff Representative Committee 102:33

Shepherd, ER Correspondence: Sectioning «Livingston Thompson» 118:37

Shepherd, Eric Correspondence: Trematon 110:34

Shepherd, Ernie «Fishguard & Rosslare Railways & Harbour Company: an illustrated history» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 233:369

Shepherd, John «Liverpool & North Wales Steamship Company» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 199:449

Shepherd, Warren News from the Line: Staff news 65:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Staff news 66:12

«Shildon–Newport in retrospect – the fore-runner of main-line electrification» by K.C. Appleby Publication received 133:34

Shimmin, Andrew Correspondence: Naming the new double Fairlie 253:44

Shimmon, Ross Correspondence: Stephens, not Stevens 238:759

Shish Kebab, Looking back – on 31:7–10

Shooter, Adrian 53:35

Director, Ffestiniog Railway Society Ltd Portrait 55:32

News from the line: Personal & personnel 260:597

Obituary; Adrian Shooter CBE 1948-2022 Nigel Smith 260598-599

[Shooter, Adrian & Diane, daughter Victoria Louise] Addition to stock 85:33

Shooter, Alistair James Addition to stock 77:11–12

Shops News from the Line 182:65 187:373 188:437–438 189:501–502; John Wooden 190:564; 192:695–696 193:7 194:72 195:134 196:199–200 198:344–345 199:416–417 200:487–488 201:559–60 202:631 204:776 205:7 206:79–81 207:151–153 208:224 209:295–296 210:367–368 211:440–441 212:513 213:583–584; John Wooden 214:656–657 215:729–730 216:803 217:17–18 218:81–82 219:152 220:224–5 221:296–297 222:367–369 223:439–440 224:511–512 225:584–586 226:659–660 227:738–739 228:821–822 229:8–9 230:89–90 231:168–169 232:249–251 233:330–332 234:403 235:482–483; Steve Morris 236:560–561 237:642–643 238:720 239:799–800 240:880–881 241:8–9 242:87–88 243:168 244:247 245:327–328 246:408–409 247:489 250:704 253:10  254:87 255:168-169 256:252 Clare Britton & John Wooden 257:328-330 Steve Morris 258:407 259:488-489 Luke Griffin 260:567 261:646-647 262:729 263:812 264:892 265:009-010 266:088-089 267:171

Short of petrol? 63:28

Shorland-Ball, Rob «Minor railways of East Anglia: development, demise and destiny» P E Davies Publication received 252:902-905

Shorland-Ball, Rob, David Lee & Alan Taylor «Southwold Railway 1879-1929, The: the tale of a Suffolk byway» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 246:447–448

short break at Coed y Bleiddiau, A Michael Davies 446:467–469

short history of FR drains, A D Fred Howes 246:452–455

[Shorthand on postcard in 170:71] Howard (Nobby) Clarke Correspondence 171:105

Short-lived addition to the Ffestiniog Railway’s locomotive fleet Johnny Ellis 191:685

Should the Ffestiniog Railway abandon a myth? Stephen Murfitt 167:460; Keith Fenwick Correspondence 168:494–495

Showcase Wales News from the Line 191:630–631

Shreeves see Shrives

Shrive, RJ Correspondence: Sectioning «Livingston Thompson» 118:36

Shrive, RJN Correspondence: Locomotivery yet again 106:32

Shrives, Charles Alan News from the line: Personal & Personnel 244:272

Shrives, Robert ‘Whizz’ News from the Line: Personnel 111:17; [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11; News from the Line: Personnel 115:11 126:239 127:278 132:489 153:345 160:143 172:147 173:189

Shrives, Robert ‘Whizz’ and Organising Crew and Adrian C Gray, Paul Board, Eileen Clayton & Tricia Doyle Kids’ weeks (2004) 184:217–218

Shrives, [Robert] Whiz, Eileen Clayton & Adrian C Gray Kids’ Week (2003) 182:99–100

Shrives, Sara From the prize draw promoter’s administrative assistant 141:358

Shunting Louisa Walsey 148:169–170

shunting vols, On Correspondence: Ray & Brenda Waters 175:291–292; Bob Rainbow 176:345

Shuttle [AJ Gordon Rushton] 136:126–127 138:218

Shuttle preview [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 121:5

Si Monumentum requiris . . .”: WA Madocks after 200 years Michael Seymour 62:27–29

Side-line WG Horrocks Correspondence 43:26

Sideways look at the Ffestiniog Railway Notice Board 186:328

Sightlines Video «North Wales steam survey» Volume 2 (video) Publication received 135:117

Sights and sounds of the mini gala [1998] 160:215–217

Signal advance [AJ Gordon Rushton] 140:301

«Signal box – a pictorial history and guide to designs» by Signalling Study Group Publication received 164:328

Signal box cats FE Lix Correspondence 221:339

«Signal boxes» by Michael A Vanns Publication received 159:114

signalling equipment & practice, FR David Josey Correspondence 242:133–134

‘Signalling the narrow gauge’ course David Josey Correspondence 245:369

Signalling policy, Ffestiniog Railway Company DP [David Pollock] & PGM 109:23–24

[Signalling and safety] DA Barnes with reply by Allan GW Garraway If you want to know ask 62:30–31

Signalling Study Group «Signal box – a pictorial history and guide to designs» Publication received 164:328

Signalling & telecommunications [S&T] News from the Line 39:8 46:6

«Signalman’s twilight» by Adrian Vaughan Publication received 101:29

Signals and telegraph [S&T] (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Signals and telegraph SA Simmons 3:10–11

Signals & telegraphs News from the Line 30:7 34:9 37:5 38:5 39:8 40:8–9 41:7 48:6 53:6–7 57:5 49:4–5 58:8–9 61:7–8 62:7–8 66:10 67:9 72:7 79:7 95:11 54:10–12 96:7 98:11–12 99:12 100:11–12 101:10–11 102:10 103:10 183:129–130 184:185–186 208:233–235 210:376–377 211:448–450 212:521–522 213:588–589; Tim Prent 214:664–665 215:738–739 216:813–814 217:23–24 218:89–90 219:159–160; Peter Asquith 220:233; Tim Prent 223:450–451 224:524 225:601–602 226:674–676 227:753–755 229:24 230:108–109 231:182 232:268–270 233:346–347 Tim Prent 234:415–416 235:499–500 236:575–577 237:658–65 9 238:733 239:813–814 240:892 241:22–24 242:103–104 243:182–183 244:262–263 245:340 246:420–421 247:510 248:582-583 249:663-664 250:717-719 251:802 252:876-879 253:23-25  254:101-102 255:185 256:272 257:345-347 260:589-592 261:666-667 262:749 263:831-832 265:032-033 266:112-113 267:193

Signalling & telecommunications [S&T] News from the Line 39:8 46:6

Signal and Telegraph Department News from the Line 43:8–10

Signalling & telecommunications News from the Line 104:12–13 105:10 106:10–11 107:12–14 108:13 109:14 110:10 111:13 112:16 113:10 114:9–10 115:9–10 116:13–15 119:10 120:15–16 121:12–14 123:112 149:190–191 150:232 151:262–263 152:304 153:342 154:378 155:422–424 156:469–471 157:13 158:56 159:100–101 160:140–142 161:187–188 162:231 163:271 164:316–317 165:353 166:395 167:432 168:479 169:11–13 170:47–48 171:92–93 172:143–144 173:188–189 174:235–236 175:283 176:335–336 177:399 178:437–438 179:482–483 180:526–527 181:16–17 182:73–74

Signalling & telecommunications [S&T] and electrical News from the Line 117:11–13 118:11–12 122:62 124:148–149 125:197–198 126:236–237 127:275 128:314–315 129:362–364 130:403 131:444 132:487 133:12–14 134:52–53 135:92–94 136:136–137 137:186–187 138:225–227 139:265–266 140:310–312 141:353–354 142:399 143:449–451 144:492–493 145:16–18 146:56 147:105–106 148:144–145

Signals, telegraphs & lineside management News from the Line 185:251––253 186:314 187:378 188:442 189:506–507 190:569–570 192:705–706 195:141–142 196:208–209 197:278 198:351 199:424–425 200:496 202:638–639 203:711

Signals & telegraphs and JASPER News from the Line 204:785–786 205:13 206:89–90 207:161–162 209:303–304

Signal & telegraphs News from the Line Tim Prent 221:303–304

Signals & Telegraph [S&T] – Signal Gang News from the Line 59:7

Signwriters 127:280 128:323

Signwriting Richard Wilson 169:22; News from the Line 179:484–485

News from the line: Sign writing at megabash Andy Wilkinson 261:675-676

Signwriting minibashes: News from the line Andy Wilkinson 254:108-109

Signwriting on the FR Andy Wilkinson 242:124–128

Silver First Class passes 188:452

Silver Jubilee of the Railway Letter Service Harold Creamer 146:67–68

Silver Jubilee open weekend, The 87:15–27

Simcock, Canon Michael Pennington News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 214:672

Similarities between the Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways and RhB Harry Gow Correspondence 227:782

Simmons, Jack Publications received: «Image of the train: the Victorian era» 141:383; «Express train and other studies» 145:33

Simmons, NC Correspondence: Timetable issues 173:203

Simmons, SA Signals and telegraph 3:10–11

Simmons, Tony & Norman F Gurley [NFG] If you want to know, ask: [«Simplex» / Turning locomotives / Turntables] 88:15

Simmons, Yvonne News from the Line: Personnel 168:481

Simon, J Correspondence: Kiddies, try the prison coach 111:40; Editors to the prison coach 112:48–49

Simons, R If you want to know – ask: [Roaring noises from rails] 31:28

[«Simplex»] Tony Simmons & Norman F Gurley [NFG] If you want to know, ask 88:15

Simplex 22119 [«Sandra»] JE Reynolds Correspondence 84:28–29

«Simplex» at Moelwyn Tunnel 1955, «Mary Ann»] Flashback – 1 72:18

Simplex centenary: News from the line, the David High 260:574-575

Simply dreadful day Meic Batten 188:474

Simpson, Deryk Correspondence: Vintage congratulations 191:657; «Linda» and «Blanche» 221:337

Sinclair David & Martin Coombs «Railways at the end of the world: in Patagonia & the South Atlantic islands» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 231:213–214

Single Fairlie for the Welsh Highland? Dave Charlton 172:169; Peter Swift Correspondence 173:199–200

Single Fairlies, The – the legend Daniel H Wilson 124:154–158

Single line distaff [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 111:2

Singleton, John News from the Line: Staff news 53:6; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Staff news 56:6

Singular Fairlie [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 118:2–3

Sit in memory MC Whittle Correspondence 126:259

Sittingbourne & Kemsley to close? 202:678

Situation vacant [Ffestiniog Railway Society secretary] [1978] 82:11

Situations vacant 32:10–11

Siviter, Roger Publications received: «The Severn Valley Railway» 78:449; «Steam specials – British Rail’s return to steam» 95:32; «Farewell to steam» TNO 188:468

Sixty years ago Peter Treloar 136:156–158

Skeat, WO «George Stephenson – the engineer and his letters» Publication received 66:17

Skellern, Alan F 140:302

Introducing the staff: Harbour Station 27:8; News from the Line: Staff news 30; Introducing the staff 44:7; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; News from the Line: Staff news 60:10 77:10; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11; News from the Line: Personnel 133:18 161:190; Personal & Personnel 214:672 220:244

Correspondence: Howard Wilson 221:336; Ian Rudd 221:336; Dave Gunning 222:402

Alan Skellern 1933–2013 John L Dobson, Martin Duncan, David Lyall & Rosemary Wilson Obituary 221:317–318

Skellern, Alan F Correspondence: Auto-loop 123:131–132; Vintage heritage 172:161–162; Solution to parking problems 190:593; Ffestiniog Railway signalling 201:594; Tan y Bwlch developments 212:546; Change at Minffordd 218:116

Skellern, Peter [death] 140:302

Skellern, Rhiannon News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 214:672

Skidmore, Chris News from the Line: Personnel 189:510

Skidmore, David News from the Line: Personnel 182:76

Skidmore, David News from the line: Personal & Personnel 247:519

«Skills for the Future» Project, The Heritage Lottery Fund; what it means for the F&WHR Paul Lewin 237:678–679

Skinner, Kenneth Correspondence: Promoting Blaenau Ffestiniog 239:842

Skinner, Tom News from the Line: Staff news 91:7; Personnel 95:14

Skip shunt Membership matters 166:403–404

Skip tip [poem] Angela Marks 48:17

Skipworth, Bob «Linda» experience 155:433–435

«Slate» by Michael JT Lewis Publication received 78:24

Slate, Courses on Membership matters 147:109

Slate landscape of Northwest Wales UNESCO world heritage inscription, The David Gwyn 254:120-121

Slate planters Ann Kendall 263:849 264:930

«Slate quarry album» 2nd edition by Gordon & Ann Hatherill ACG Publication received 207:187–188

«Slate quarry railways of Gwynedd» by Michael Messenger JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 206:112

Slate shunt Notice Board 165:362

Slate shunts & “little engine” duties Tim Oulton News from the Line 232:257

Slate today 46:17–18

«Slates from Abergynolwyn» Publications received: «Slates from Abergynolwyn: the story of Bryneglws slate quarry» by Alan Holmes 115:38; «Slates from Abergynolwyn» by Alan Holmes 168:497

«Slates from Glyn Ceiriog: the industrial history of the Ceiriog Valley» Volume 1 by John Milner JFO [John Organ] Publication received 202:663

Slates to Porthmadog Will High 263:850

slates to strawberries, From: bringing the Ffestiniog Railway into the garden John Roper 218:140

Slates to the sea 90:10

sleeper wakes, The Bob Harris Correspondence 229:42

Sleeper wakes. . . 1954–55 Bill Harvey 228:868–871

Sleeping in the van / Cysgu yn y van Gwilym Deudraeth 185:284–285

Slides astray Norman F Gurley Correspondence 105:34

Slides for sale 132:490

slight extra or two, A Eric Hubbard Correspondence 88:28

slight grice, A Brian E Timmins Correspondence 61:32–33

Slight spot of correction [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 65:5

slightly less endangered species, A Rodney Weaver 136:164–165

«Sligo, Leitrim & Northern Counties Railway: an Irish railway pictorial» by Neil Spinks Publication received 173:205–206

Slime Notice Board 162:241

Sloan, Robert E. «Mountaineer»: first articulated in Colorado 186:344–348

[«Sludge»] [Lister diesel locomotive] 73:21–22

SM, ME, and PR, The JB Leech Correspondence 100:40–41

Small cheap books about the Ffestiniog Railway [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 122:52–53

Small coaches and great men Daniel H Wilson Correspondence 83:27–28

small print, A spot of 79:19

Small world 34:16 34:20

Small, Colin If you want to know – ask: [Loading gauge] 58:16–17

Smalley [excavator] 62:2–3

(ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Stamps for big intentions [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 60:4

Smalley and the silent majority 60:35

Stamps Correspondence: Eric D Bruton 61:31; HW Sneller 62:36; Philip J Hawkins 62:36–37

Talk Mike Schumann 61:33–34

Fund 62:38; finale Mike Schumann 64:16

Smallman, Gaynor News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 193:17 262:758

Smallman, John Stuart News from the Line: Personnel 187:380

Smallman, Rob (Bob) News from the Line: Staff news 45:7 47:7; Personnel 185:255; Personal & Personnel 193:17 262:758

Smallman, Rob (Bob) (RWF) (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Director, Ffestiniog Railway Society Limited, Hon. Publicity Officer, (Northern area), Ffestiniog Railway Company Portrait 5:3

Correspondence: 50 years gone in a trice 187:401–402; Coed y Bleiddau 197:293–294; Not the only nuts? 207:187

Visit to the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 203:753–759

News from the Line: Railway Letter Service 214:670–671; Notice Board: Railway Letter Service 215:761; News from the Line: Railway Letter Service 218:82 224:512 229:9 237:667 241:35 245:348

Notice Board: Ffestiniog Railway newspaper scrapbook 225:620

Notice board: Are you a philatelist? 241:51

The Railway Letter Service: a Golden Jubilee 244:305–307

Railway Letter Service, The: News from the Line 250:725

Earlier Reopening, An – Correspondence 251:827

Lockdown wasn’t all bad news – Correspondence 254:130-131

Catering at Harbour Station: Correspondence 258:449

Five valley tours 2015, The 262:792-794

[Smallman, Rob & Michael Davies] A double celebration Phil J Hawkins 227:797

Smallman, Rob, Roger Pratt, & Peter N Jarvis Allan Pratt 1925–2008 Obituary 202:647

Smare, Tony Hey Prestel 111:19

Smart, AGI, Director, Ffestiniog Railway Society Limited Portrait 6:2

Smart, Angie, John Alexander, Michael Davies, John Dobson, Bob Harris, Alan Heywood, Vic Mitchell, Hilary Norton, Tim Oulton, David Ronald, Patricia & Geoffrey Layzell Ward Obituary: Ian Smart, 1920–2018 240:906–908

Smart, Ian

Introducing the staff: Honorary officials 27:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; News from the Line: Personnel 105:10; [Honorary (volunteer) staff list, 1986] 114:12

Ffestiniog Railway Society AGM (2010) 209:326

Smart, Ian, 1920–2018 John Alexander, Michael Davies, John Dobson, Bob Harris, Alan Heywood, Vic Mitchell, Hilary Norton, Tim Oulton, David Ronald, Angie Smart, Patricia & Geoffrey Layzell Ward Obituary 240:906–908

Memories of Ian Smart David Ronald Correspondence 240:926–927

Smart, Ian Correspondence: [Preservation vs modernization] 55:47; Road transport 69:29; The big big D [diesel] 108:50; The end of «Moel Tryfan» 112:51; Farewell 143:473–474; Blaenau20 invitation 178:45

Smedley, Harry Anthony (Tony) News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 221:316

Smedley, Tony

Manod & the National Gallery 214:700–705

Croesor Quarry 214:705

Smith, Alan Correspondence: Where is this Ffestiniog Railway safety film? 207:186; Customer services at Porthmadog 215:764–765

Smith, Bob 247:494

Smith, David News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 194:81

Smith, David Operating a train service during a pandemic 251:817-820

Smith, David Notice Board: Volunteers’ recollections needed 229:38 232:2

Smith, David H & Martin PF Hallows «Harrogate gas works: its railways and other transport systems» Publication received 149:209

Smith, Denise & Andy J Savage David [“Bunny”] Lewis 1942–2006 Obituary 193:21–22

Smith, Derek «Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway in colour» Publication received 143:472

Smith, Dick see Smitth, Richard

Smith, GD, ARICS, Assistant Membership Secretary, Ffestiniog Railway Society Ltd Portrait 51:29

Smith, GJ Correspondence: [Penrhyn Quarry Railway and rolling stock (see HM Gunston letter 9:7)] 10:8–9

Smith, Hugh

Correspondence: Emotive power [«Palmerston»] 119:38; Restoring the Kerr, Stuart diesel: fundraising 174:254

[«Kerr Stuart] 4415» – an introduction to Britain’s oldest diesel locomotive 166:414–415

Smith, Julian News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 226:681

Smith, Keith & Vic Mitchell Publications received [alphabetical order]: «Aberystwyth to Carmarthen including Aberayron & Newcastle Emlyn branches» [G[A]LW] Geoffrey A Layzell Ward 213:617; «Bala to Llandudno featuring Blaenau Ffestiniog» JLD [John L Dobson] 212:548–549; «Bangor to Porthmadog: including three Llanberis lines» AST 210:403–404; «Barmouth to Pwllheli» JLD [John L Dobson] 207:189–190; «Branch line to Shrewsbury: the Shropshire and Montgomeryshire» 132:512; «Branch line to Wantage: the Wantage Tramway: a tramway classic» JLD [John L Dobson] 185:272; «Branch lines around Porthmadog 1954–94: the Welsh Highland and Ffestiniog railways» 146:78; «Bromsgrove to Gloucester (including Ashchurch to Great Malvern)» JFO [John Organ]] 195:167–168; «Cheltenham to Redditch (including Barnt Green)» JFO [John Organ] 195:167–168; «Dorset & Somerset narrow gauge» JLD [John L Dobson] 194:102–203; «Kent narrow gauge» 169:25; «Machynlleth to Barmouth» JLD [John L Dobson] 207:190; «Porthmadog to Blaenau: forty years of Ffestiniog Railway progress» 149:208–209; «Rhyl to Bangor: including Llandudno and Bethesda» JLD [John L Dobson] 217:50; «Romneyrail – a journey through time on the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway» 165:367; «Ruabon to Barmouth» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 212:549;l «Surrey narrow gauge» 180:550; «Sussex narrow gauge» 174:250; «Tavistock to Plymouth, including the Callington branch» 156:487;l «Welshpool to Llanfair featuring the lost connection» JLD [John L Dobson] 206:112

Smith, Keith, Vic Mitchell & Dave Edge «Country railway routes: Brecon to Newport»JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 184:206–207

Smith, Keith & Vic Mitchell with Adrian Gray «Branch lines around Porthmadog – the Welsh Highland and Ffestiniog railways» Publication received 141:382

Smith, Les JW

Director, Ffestiniog Railway Company Portrait 9:2

Correspondence: Les Smith 139:287; Philip Vaughan Davies 156:488

Les Smith MBE 141:362

News from the Line: Personnel 144:496

Leslie John Walshaw Smith MBE 1917–1997 [Peter N Jarvis] 156:457

Leslie John Walshaw Smith MBE 1917–1997 News from the Line: Personnel 156:472–473

Smith, Les JW

Blaenau here we come, or, Ffestiniog Railway (Light Railway) (Amendment) Orders 1968 & 1975 72:16–18

Ffestiniog Railway Company policies: Civil engineering & New works, buildings, land and property 90:11–15

Correspondence: Les Smith [resignation from Company Board] 139:287

Smith, Les JW [LJWS] & Alan F Pegler [AFP] Obituary: Henry Trevor Selborne Bailey 135:86–87

Smith, Mark News from the Line: The Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways Trust John Alexander 230:115

Smith, Martin Publications received: «Britain’s light railways» 145:33–34; «Steam on the Underground» 147:123; «British railway bridges and viaducts» 149:209; «Portrait of the central Wales line» 149:209

Smith, Mike More volunteering in the 1960s 208:279–284

Smith, Nigel

View from above 194:116–118

Correspondence: Diseased larches 223:482; Rhododendrons 236:605

F[festiniog] R[ailway] Society Deputy Chairman 254:125

Adrian Shooter CBE 1948-2022 260:598-599

From the Society Boardroom 266:119

Smith, Paul & Sally Salmon «Directory of British Railways new & reopened stations 1948–2018» IMD Publication received 247:540–541

Smith, Peter D Correspondence: Moelwyn last train: the mystery thickens 116:41

Smith, RD Correspondence: Welsh Highland Railway 157:26; Hostels 160:154

Smith, Richard (“Dick”) News from the Line: Personal & Personnel: Obituary 233:353

Smith, Richard (“Dick”)

Correspondence: Plas matters 94:34; Locomotivery 102:34

Smith, Rodney News from the Line: Staff news 45:7 47:9

Smithers, Mark Publications received: «Illustrated history of 18 inch gauge steam railways» 141:382; «Sir Arthur Heywood and the fifteen inch railway» 151:282; «The Royal Arsenal railways: the rise and fall of a military railway network» JLD [John L Dobson] 233:370

«Smoke amidst the drumlins: the Cavan & Leitrim in the 1950s» by Anthony Burges JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 194:102

Smoke box chicken Huw Jenkins Railway recipes 202:690–691

Smoke dispersal and other clearances Correspondence: Meic Batten 151:284–285; Paul Thomson 151:285

Smoke dispersal factor of Wayne Peter N Jarvis 150:240–241

Smoking Paul Lewin 196:222

Smoking cinders DJ Wright Correspondence 166:407

Smoothiel Daniel H Wilson 128:348–349

Smugglers of Portmeirion Peter N Jarvis 11:10–12

«Snailbeach District railways, The» by Andy Cuckson JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 238:761–762

Snake pits [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 92:1

Snape, Jane News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 205:18

Snell, HW If you want to know ask: «Charles» [Penrhyn Railway engine] 81:26

Snell, John B

[German 0-8-0] New arrival News from the Line 57:6–7

Publications received: «Jennie» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 241:60; «One man’s railway – JEP Howey and the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway» 101:29; «One man’s railway – JEP Harvey and the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway» New edition 141:383; «Mixed gauges» JFO [John Organ] 201:597

News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 224:532

Snell, John B Managing Director, RH&DR Correspondence: More locomotivery 103:34; Locomotivery yet again 106:3; Diesels and diesels 110:30–31; Safety on the Ffestiniog Railway 122:87–88; Daniel H Wilson 193:36; Phil J Hawkins’ resignation 195:159–160

Snell, John B & Peter Johnson John Brian Hollingsworth 1923–2001 Obituary 176:338–340

Snell, John B & PB Whitehouse «Narrow gauge railways of the British Isles» Publication received 105:22

Sneller, Harold News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 193:17

Sneller, HW Correspondence: Smalley stamps 62:36; Neglected? 151:284

Snips and snippets [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 73:2–4

«Snow, flood & tempest – railways & natural disasters» by P John G Ransom Publication received 175:294

«Snowdon Mountain Railway» (video) by Graham Whistler Productions Publication received 164:327

«Snowdon Mountain Railway» by Peter Johnson Publication received 256:294

«Snowdonia» by Jim Roberts Publication received 169:25

Snowdonia Adventure: a new travel concept David Brown 193:54–56

«Snowdonia: best lakeside walks» edited by Carwyn ap Myrddin PNJ Publication received 231:216–217

«Snowdonia: best woodland walks» edited by Thomas Sion Jones PNJ Publication received 231:216–217

«Snowdonia childhood, A: a London boy growing up in Beddgelert 1957–1963» by Richard J. Bernard PLW [Patricia Layzell Ward] Publication received 223:484–485

«Snowdonia metal mines : recording the past» by Des Marshall, Compact Cymru Guides from Gwasg Carreg Gwalch reviewed by John Dobson 258:472

«Snowdonia scrambles including gorges and streams» by Mike Peacock Compact Cymru guides from Gwasg Carreg Gwalch reviewed by John Dobson 258:473

«Snowdonia slate» by Des Marshall JPJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 246:450

«Snowdonia slate 2:The story with photographs» by Des Marshall, Compact Cymru Guides from Gwasg Carreg Gwalch reviewed by John Dobson 258:471

Snowdonia Society Dry Stone Walling Competition comes to Minffordd Station Notice Board 155:429–430

Snowdonian special trains, 2017 Notice Board Michael Wilkinson 235:524

«Snowdonia’s waterfalls» by Des Marshall reviewed by John Dobson 258:473;

[Snowploughs on FR] Allan GW Garraway Correspondence 4:11

So, farewell, then . . . Pat MacGregor Correspondence 176:348

So now we are a charity…what does this mean for you? David Gordon 159:115–116

So there RP Rogers Correspondence 100:42–43

So who was William Riley? Dave Charlton 198:404

So you think you can make the grade? Installing gradient posts on the Ffestiniog Railway Frank Collins 151:278–281

So you want to be a volunteer? Stuart Manley 97:20–25

Soap on the rails Brian Bushell 209:352–357

Soberly Lewis Edwards, OBE, JP Correspondence 137:208

Social life is great Richard Wilson 168:490

Socially responsible Ffestiniog [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 53:2

Society, Ffestiniog Railway see Ffestiniog Railway Society

Society [Ffestiniog Railway Society]: Welsh Highland Railway Society: Welsh Highland Railway Ltd Phil J Hawkins, Dave Kent & David Allan 187:385

Society [Ffestiniog Railway Society] members’ special train [2016] Paul Lewin 232:289

Society [Ffestiniog Railway Society] Chairman’s piece see under Ffestiniog Railway Society

Society [Ffestiniog Railway Society] recruitment [Dave Charlton] News from the line 242:114–115

Solution to parking problems Alan Skellern Correspondence 190:593

Some notes on the Ffestiniog and Blaenau Railway Michael JT Lewis 18:15–17

Some quarterly observations on recent Group activities Group notes: Comment 49:33

Some random jottings Jasper 19:15–18

Some reminiscences of the Ffestiniog Railway revival AM Davies 85:19–25

Somers Dave Mountaineer on test & the Drayton Park rail 252:931-932

Some titbits about the Cob Steffan ob Owain 214:713–716

Somers, AJ (Jack)

News from the Line: Personnel 162:233

Harold Creamer Obituary 164:319

Somers, AJ (Jack)

Correspondence: More locomotivery 103:35–36; Locomotivery continued 104:45; Top air 105:26–27; The prince and the cane 110:34; Passing matters 124:178

The Peckett: the beginning 90:10–11; continued 91:10–11 92:11

Somerset Coast Express rail tour: supporting the «Welsh Pony» appeal [2014] Notice Board Jim Parrish 224:547

Son of Little Wonder John Winton Correspondence 92:28

Son of Smalley [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 65:5

Son of Yellow Pages [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 111:2–3

Song of a Double Fairlie (fragment) [poem] 62:19

Song of the engine Christine Weatherly 217:9

Songs of raise Daniel H Wilson 127:299–300

SOS to members and friends in the Southern area 5:7

Sour apples Correspondence: BM Janes 42:21; JH Bowles 42:21

«South African narrow gauge 2004 / 2005 calendar» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 183:146

«South African two-foot gauge featuring the Garratts» by Hugh Ballantyne JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 206:111

South east Wales Group [of Society] see Group notes South east Wales

South Wales Group [of Society] see Group notes South Wales

[South Snowdon Harbour development] AJD Sant If you want to know – ask 39:25

«Southern Alpine narrow gauge: narrow gauge Montreux to Tirano» by John Organ JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 219:190

Southern area, SOS to members and friends in the 5:7

«Southern electrics – a view from the past» by Graham Waterer Publication received 164:327–328

«Southern France narrow gauge» by John Organ Publication received 171:108

«Southern Railway handbook 1923–1947» by David Wragg JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 184:208

«Southern Railway’s withered arm – a view from the past» by Stephen Austin Publication received 164:327–328

«Southern then & now» by Mike Esau Arthur Lambert [ALl.L] Publication received 155:440

Southern, Dave, with Adrian Barrell «The Croesor Tramway: a history of the tramways and quarries of Cwm Croesor» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 244:295

Southern, Dave, Adrian Bodlander & Mark Hambly «Llangollen Railway revival» 2nd edition Publication received 134:73

Southern, Dave & John Keylock «The Bryngwyn branch» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 227:783

Southern, David & Paul Lawton «Lost lines of Wales: Bangor to Afon Wen» IMD Publication received 242:138–139

Southern, David & Paul Lawton «Lost lines of Wales: Conwy Valley line» IMD Publication received 245:370–371

Southern, David & Paul Lawton «Lost lines of Wales: Rhyl to Corwen» IMD Publication received 242:138–139

Southern, DW & JR Thomas «The industrial tramways of the Vale of Llangollen» [GALW] Geoffrey A Layzell Ward Publication received 222:407–408

Southwold Railway 8:8

«Southwold Railway 1879–1929, The: the tale of a Suffolk byway» by David Lee, Alan Taylor & Rob Shorland-Ball JPJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 246:447–448

Souvenir tickets 54:22

Sowden, Geoff News from the Line: Staff news 59:7 60:10

Sowerby, John News from the Line: Staff news 58:9 60:10 62:10

Sows ears or silk purses? [AJ Gordon Rushton] 142:392–393

Spam blockage DH Ward Correspondence 121:40–41

sparing the rod, On not [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 103:2

Sparks M Waters Correspondence 43:26

Sparks, Fred News from the Line: Personnel 182:76

Sparks, Hamilton News from the Line: Staff news 30:8 37:6

Sparks, Hamilton Correspondence: A satisfied reader 214:688–689

Sparks, Hamilton, Howard Wilson & Peter Oakley Susan Oakley 1949–2008 Obituary 201:575–576

Sparks, Tim Correspondence: Sectioning and suchlike 117:32–33; Ffestiniog Railway Cob traffic in wartime 139:287; Ffestiniog Railway Society Special General Meeting 139:288; In the dark 147:125

Spaven, David & Julian Holland «Britain’s scenic railways» [GALW] Geoffrey A Layzell Ward Publication received 220:263–264

Speakman, Colin & Les Lumsden «Great walks from Welsh railways» Publication received 125:219

Spears, JR Correspondence: Firing course, The 101:34

Special announcement [«Earl of Merioneth»: permission from Prince Philip to use the name] Stop press 12:15

Special events [2005] News from the Line 188:437; 195:135 208:223

Special General Meeting 138:230

Special issues 88:13

Special notice for the 1,300 members who pay their subscription by banker’s order 67:26

Special policy [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 43:2

Special Resolution, Society AGM 2002

Special Resolution, Ffestiniog Railway Society AGM 4 May (2002) 177:415; Speech in support of the Richard Buxton 177:414–415

Ffestiniog Railway Society AGM [2006] 192:718; Ffestiniog Railway Society Board’s response 192:718; White Rose case 192:718

special Santa special, A Bill Forbes Correspondence 124:178

Special therapy Ken Hamilton Correspondence 94:35–36

Special trains 27:18

[1960] Notices 8:7

22 April 1961 13:9–10

For the Annual General; Meeting [1962] 15:10

For the AGM [1969] 42:13

For the Annual General Meeting, 24–25 April 1971 51:39

From London for the Annual General Meeting 29 April 1972 55:35

From London for the Annual General Meeting 28 April 1973 59:18 60:34

For the AGM, 27 April 1974 63:22 64:17

For Annual General Meeting, 26 April 1975 67:25

Special Travel for the Annual General Meeting [1975] 68:25

Special train after the AGM Notice Board 201:589

Special train on WHHR Notice Board 204:799

Specials to Blaenau 99:14

Specials to Dduallt [1968] 40:18–19

[Speed of trains] AP Greenough Wooden spooners’ corner 35:24–26; [editors’ reply] Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley Wooden spooners’ corner 35:24–26

«Speed on the East Coast main line – a century and a half of accelerated services» by Peter Semmens Publication received128:340

[Spelling of Ffestiniog] Paul Wilde Letter 122:75

[Spelling of Festiniog and Welsh names, «Livingston Thompson»] Geoffrey E Hughes Correspondence 15:19

[Spelling of Festiniog and Welsh names: response to Geoffrey E Hughes (15:19) Consultant on Welsh affairs Correspondence 15:19

Spencer, M Hugh Correspondence: Lifers 115:43; Missing points 124:180

Spencer, Meredith Hugh Correspondence: Attitudes of Railway management to volunteers 175:293

Spending the Ffestiniog Railway Society’s money Dave Charlton 190:585–586; 2 Supporting people 191:649–650; 3 The boring stuff 193:28; 4 196:220–221

Spinks, Neil «Sligo, Leitrim & Northern Counties Railway: an Irish railway pictorial» Publication received 173:205–206

Spinners, The 123:113–114

sponsor, From the MA Schumann 107:4–5

Sponsored volunteers Notice Board 212:539

Sponsored walk

[2009] 206:34–35 207:182–183 208:255 209:329

[2010] 208:255 209:329 210:397 211:474 212:542

[2011] 213:609 214:684; David Witcomb 215:761

[2012] 216:834 217:44 218:112 David Witcomb 219:185

(2013) David Witcomb 222:399

[2014] 224:548 225:621 226:691 227:778

Sponsors and money [Peter Johnson] 142:392

Sponsorship for young people

News from the Line 208:223–224

Sponsorship for young volunteers Notice Board Joanna Vincent 233:363

Young persons’ sponsored volunteer programme Notice Board Jo Vincent 235:522

sponsorship fund, The 140:315–318

sponsorship scheme today, The 112:24–28

Spooner, A (Tony) Correspondence: In the beginning [Spooner family history] 77:28; Blast from the past 91:34–35

Spooner, Charles

Correspondence Boston Lodger 22:18

CR Weaver 20:25–26

A reply to “Boston Lodgite” CR Weaver 22:17–18

Spooner & Co.

Correspondence: J Herbert Roberts 41:35; D Cole 50:41

Spooner & Co. Porthmadog, England James IC Boyd 20:28–34

A second chapter [James IC Boyd] 40:24–26

«Spooner Album, Seymour memorial edition» Peter Johnson Publication received 183:147–148

Spooner, and Brush G Toms Correspondence 82:33

Spooner connection, The Daniel H Wilson 127:300–301

Spooner family

[Spooner family] In the beginning James IC Boyd 73:14–17

[Spooner family history] In the beginning A (Tony) Spooner Correspondence 77:28

[Wilson, Daniel H, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 79:2–3

Spooner family tree, More about the, (Ffestiniog Railway Magazine 77, summer 1977 pp. 19–25) John H Gray Correspondence 171:106

Spooner Lascelles, Thomas 8:8

Spooner, Louisa Mathilda : An appeal Phil Hawkins 262:786-787

Spooner, Fairlie & Pihl John Knowles Correspondence 202:660–661

[Spooner-built locomotives] Sydney A Leleux Correspondence 22:19

Spooners [Harbour Station café]

Spooners up to date, The DH Wilson 77:19–25

Correspondence: Rodney Weaver 78:25; Eric D Bruton 78:26; Eric Foulkes 78:26; Paul Towers 180:549

Spooner’s hits the spot Roger Broomfield Correspondence 184:206

Refurbishment Correspondence: Dennis Hill 184:232–233; Howard Wilson 185:270

Spooners attic Anthony Brierley News from the Line 234:415

Sporting offer 134:56

spot of small print, A 79:19

Spot the bum Notice Board 161:197–198

Spot the dragon Roy D Needler Correspondence 124:179

[Spotter guide for young travellers] 130:418

Spreading the word Roger Dimmick 199:462–466

Spreading the word – an Ffestiniog Railway educational project 91:24–25

Spridgeon, Dale News from the Line: The Summer of Fun [2016] 234:400–401

Spring Bank Holiday week [1969] News from the Line 45:3–4

Spring fever working party 115:13

Spring service 65:22–23

Spring, Alex News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 231:187

Spring, Alex

News from the line: Infrastructure 237:651–653 238:727–728 239:809–811 240:886–888 241:17–19 242:97–100 243:179–181 244:255–259 245:335–338 246:416–418 247:500–503 248:577-580 249:656-659 251:794-796 252:871-873  253:18-20 254:97-99 255:180-182 256:263-266 257:338-339 258:418-419 259:496-498 260:579-581 261:657-659 262:739-740 263:820-822 264:902-905 266:095-097 267:176-177

Notice board: Adult helpers needed for Young Volunteers’ Training Week [YVTW 2019] 244:290–291

Notice board: First aid courses 246:442

Notice board: Track inspection volunteers 244:291

Safety and competence in Infrastructure work 246:438–440

Young Volunteers Training Week 2020 248:590 258:430-432

Spring, Kaz

News from the line: The Heritage Lottery Funded Training Programme 244:268–269

News from the line: The Heritage Skills Programme 241:19–21 247:506–508

News from the line: Parks & gardens 240:897–899 241:31–32 242:106–109 243:188–190

News from the Line: Boston Lodge interpretation and development project N[ational] L[ottery]H[eritage] round 2 bid 250:715

Spring, Kaz & Eileen Clayton News from the line: Parks & gardens 237:663–664 238:737–739 239:818–819

Sprung points Rodney Weaver Correspondence 124:181

«Spurn Head Railway, The» by KE Hartley Publication received 78:25

Squire, Rachel News from the Line: Personnel 115:11 118:14

Squires, Stewart E «Lincolnshire potato railways» 2nd edition JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 192:728–729

Sreeves, John C. Tany y Bwlch’s new footbridge 219:210–211

Sreeves, John, George Brown, D Fred Howes & Katharine Dobson Andy Putnam 1944–2009 Obituary 205:19–20

St John Thomas, David Publications received: «The country railway» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 216:840; «Railway season» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 216:840

St John Thomas, David & Patrick Whitehouse «The great days of the Southern Railway» Publication received 140:334

Stacking Penrhyn rails] Ron Lester Correspondence 30:26–27

Staff catering at Harbour Station 137:190

Staff morale Norman F Gurley Correspondence 81:31

Staff news News from the Line 30:8 32:7 35:7 36:7 37:6 39:8–9 40:10 41:7 42:9 45:7 46:6 47:7–9 48:6 49:7–8 50:10–11 51:8–9 52:6 53:6 54:12 55:6 56:6 57:7–8 58:9 59:7–8 60:10 61:8 62:10 63:7 64:8 65:10 66:12–13 67:12–13 67:13 68:10 69:7–8 70:9 71:7–8 72:8 73:10 74:8 75:11 76:10 77:9–10 78:10 79:9 79:9 80:9 81:8 82:10 83:9–10 84:7 85:12 86:8 89:7 90:8 92:8

Staff Representative Committee, From the Ffestiniog Railway WF Shephard, Secretary SRC Correspondence 102:33

Staff vacancies 81:25

News from the Line: Permanent way 78:8–9

Staff vacancies Notice Board 195:154

Staff vacancy, Permanent way News from the Line 79:7

Staff, shops and spikes [Dduallt litter] Correspondence: DM Poole 76:27; Ray J Misson 76:27–28; Peter Carey 76:28

Stamper, Mike Introducing the staff: Honorary officials 27:10

Stamping ground 71:22

Andy J Savage 70:21–22

Stamps for Blaenau 66:17 67:24

Standard Yale bows out, the: News from the Line  Nick Griffiths 257:343

Standing candidates [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 52:2–3

Standing down Charlie Sharp Correspondence 192:724

Stanier, AB Correspondence: Locomotive of the future 35:23

Stanistreet, Allan «Portrait of the West Somerset railway – 25 years of preservation progress» Publication received 154:398

Stark, RJ Correspondence: Of Dragons and fire 124:179–180

Starr, Simon News from the line: Buildings minibash 260:585-587 News from the line: Gigabash 267:179-181

Starting as a young volunteer Alastair Williams 253:58-59

Start of a new finish [Daniel H WIlson & Norman F Gurley] 26:1–2

State visit to the Ffestiniog PR Pennington 43:16–17

State, Ray Correspondence: «Mountaineer» in Colorado 187:401

Statement from the Ffestiniog Railway Company 14:8

Statement on temporary staff Ffestiniog Railway Company 47:10–11

station adopters, Blaenau News from the line Clare Britton 237:662–663

Station adopters looking for new blood 232:287

Station Design: Correspondence John Hatton 249:683

Station furniture John Fenner News from the Line 229:25–26

Station hosts, The role of: News from the Line Stephen Hopkins 251:784-785

Station House, Tan y Bwlch: a case study Bob Zeepvat 245:385–391

Station staff wanted 142:403

Stations News from the Line 47:6–7

Stay safe [Peter Johnson] 152:294

Steam, On by OS Nock Publication received 98:30

Steam 125

Feeding the 5000 Trish Doyle 121:21

[Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 119:1–2

Correspondence: John Tremlock 121:37; Robert Clegg 121:37; Allan Veall 122:82; Geoffrey E Hughes 122:82–83

Steam 150: a narrow gauge odyssey May Day Bank Holiday Weekend 3 to 6 May (2013) 220:252–253 221:322–325

Steam blockage Correspondence: Brian Butterworth 120:39–40; (continued) 122:88–89

Steam gala 5–7 May [1990] Pat MacGregor 128:324

Steam gala 6th–8th May 1995, All our yesterdays Pat MacGregor 148:150–152

[Steam haulage of AGM train] GE Hughes Correspondence 30:27

«Steam in Somerset» by Derek Huntries Publication received 155:441

«Steam in Wales» Volume 1 by John Cocking Publication received (video) 129:385

«Steam into the seventies – a guide to Britain’s steam railways» by JB Hollingsworth Publication received 75:21

«Steam locomotives in India» Part 2 «Metre gauge» by Hugh Hughes Publication received 80:22

«Steam locomotives in industry 1930–50» compiled by John K Williams & Bob Miller Publication received 174:250

«Steam on the north Wales coast» by Michael Jones Publication received 155:440

«Steam on the Underground» by Martin Smith Publication received 147:123

«Steam on West Country branch lines» by Peter Gray Publication received 160:155

Steampipes [2020] Cancelled: Notice Board  Liz Verran 250:742

Steampipes: Notice board 254:127

«Steam railways around the world» by Keith Strickland Publication received 134:73

Steam returns to the Corris valley Vic Mitchell 70:20

«Steam specials – British Rail’s return to steam» by Roger Siviter Publication received 95:32

«Steam through five continents» by Keith Strickland Publication received 149:209

«Steam trails: north Wales» by Michael Clemens PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 211:481

«Steam trains for Windows» (CD Rom) Publication received 153:358

«Steam view» Volume 1 «October ’85 to May ’86» by Transport Video Publishing (video) Publication received 114:35

Steam widow’s tale Mary Strickland 187:423–425

«Steaming Sixties, The: stirring episodes from the last decade of steam on BR» 12 «Central Wales» by Terence Dorrity DMD Publication received 236:608–609

«Steaming through the Cheddar valley» by Derek Phillips Publication received 176:350

Steampipes Notice Board 213:608; Steampipes 2018 [Liz Verran] Notice board 241:50–51 242:131 248:592 249:679 Phil Hawkins, Liz Verran & Roger Patenhall 256:278

«Steamy Ladies calendar 2007: we are Macmillan Cancer Support» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 194:104; Steamy Ladies success Emily Sharp Correspondence 196:228–229

Stedman-Jones, Richard News from the Line: Personnel 173:189

Steel, steam & stars Notice Board 204:799–800

Steel, John Correspondence: Attitudes of Railway management to volunteers 175:293

Steggles, Ruth News from the Line: Personnel 234:42

Stephens, not Stevens Ross Shimmon Correspondence 238:759

Stephens, Colonel

Colonel Stephens’ railways 132:492

«Colonel Stephens: Insights into the man and his empire» edited by Phillip Shaw & Vic Mitchell JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 191:659–660

Stephens, Peter & Brian Butterworth [If you want to know ask: Whistles] 82:21

Stephenson, David Correspondence: No less of it 114:41

«Stephenson, George – the engineer and his letters» by WO Skeat Publication received 66:17

Stephenson, LWM, Director, T. Stephenson & Sons Ltd (printer of magazine) Portrait 57:24–28

Stepping Down Howard Wilson 254:122-123

Steven, Ron Correspondence: Timetable issues 174:248

Stevens, Alan News from the Line: Staff news 71:7 81:8

Stevens, Izaak, Melanie & Philip News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 212:528

Stevenson, David Correspondence: First Class travel 228:863

Stevenson, Gillian News from the Line: Personnel 156:473 Personnel 157:15

Stevenson, JL & JRH Cormack «Highland Railway locomotives» Book 1 «Early days to the ‘Lochs’» Publication received 124:176

Stewart, Alasdair

Our history 136:162–163

[History of the line] 137:206

Ffestiniog Railway history – part 3 [History of the line] 139:285

News from the Line: Welsh Highland Railway 216:820–822

Thee-dimensional laser scan of Garnedd Tunnel, A; 251:833-835

Steyrtalbahn, The: then & now Keith Strickland 232:309–315

Stibbs, Richard Ffestiniog Railway Society Board Part two John L Dobson 204:810

Stibbs, Richard (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Correspondence: Welsh Highland 146:79; Travel &c 149:211

Notice Board: Membership matters 158:59 162:239 163:279 164:323 166:402

Notice Board: [membership numbers] 157:17

Notice Board: Administration 158:107

Notice Board: Ffestiniog Railway directory 163:279

Ffestiniog Railway Society Chairman’s piece 194:91 195:150–151 196:217 197:285–86 198:358–359 199:438

Stibbs, Richard & George Nissen Notice Board: Joint Ffestiniog Railway Company / Ffestiniog Railway Society Board meeting [2002] 178:445–446

Sticker labels 20:5

Stiff-Rail Daniel H Wilson 128:347

Still active after 50 years: Notice board Rob Holton 253:40

Still more locomotivery Correspondence: J Manners 107:32–33; Graham Dukes 107:33

Still sexy P. Donovan Correspondence 142:431

Stirling, David News from the Line: Staff news 37:6

Stirland, Julie Notice board: Rags for engine cleaning 262:768

«St Ives branch line, the – a history» by Richard C Long Pubications received IMD 259:536

Stock list

At 31 August 1970 50:16–20; [corrections and alterations] 54:20–21

[1981] 93:27–33; [corrections] 94:14

Stock, On [Peter Johnson] 135:84

Stocker, G Correspondence: Harbour Station 217:48

Stocker, GA Correspondence: Accolade 197:292

Stocker, Geoff Correspondence: Restoring «Welsh Pony» 211:479; Vintage Weekend congratulations 215:765; Strowger telephone system, The 233:366; F[festiniog] R[ailway] heritage services 252:900 An appreciation of FRM 252 253:42 In praise of FR carriage builders 262:771

Stocker, Roger News from the Line: Staff news 66:12

Stocks, Ian, David Mewes & John Browning «Salute to the Hudswells» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 227:783–784

«Stockton & Darlington Railway 175 years, The» by Charlie Emmett Publication received 176:349

Stockton and Darlington 150 Michael Seymour 70:17–19

Stoking the Ffestiniog Railway Society boiler [AJ Gordon Rushton] 133:6

Stone, Geoff News from the Line: Staff news 57:8

Stop Gil Shephard [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 118:2

Stop press (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

[Kitten born in the editorial office] 1:23

[Vacuum cleaner needed by FR] 4:11

Special announcement [«Earl of Merioneth»: permission from Prince Philip to use the name] 12:15

[«Earl of Merioneth»] 17:16

[«Merddin Emrys»] 21:13

[Extra trains in autumn 1967] 38:23

[Catering Supervisor vacancy] 48:21

[David Williams] 52:8

[CEGB payment] 58:2

[1980 AGM locomotive schedules] 88:29

«Livingston Thompson»: demo or relic 116:30

Death of WB “Bill” Broadbent Stop press Notice Board 189:520

National Railway Heritage Awards 227:761

RHN (Dick) Hardy, death 240:878

Hon. Sir William (‘Bill’) McAlpine, death 240:878

Hunslet 125: visiting locomotives 240:886

«Stort’r Cob / Cob story» by Carol Reeve JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 213:614–615

story behind the 1981 timetable, The Terry Turner 91:17–21

«story of «Merddin Emrys» and the Ffestiniog Railway, The» by Jose Martin & Roy Schofield Publication received 80:22

Story of Standard Boiler 3 Fred Boughey 99:20–26

«Story of the Kempton Park Waterworks Railway» by Ron Howes JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 183:145–146

story of the Panther Wagon, The David Hodgson 240:944–946

story of the picture, The Norman Gurley 108:30–33

story of «Topsy» grows, The 78:13–14

Strachan, Adrian, David High & Geoffrey Hurlock Correspondence: Vintage thanks 167:448

Strail, FE [“Festrail”] Correspondence: [Keith Riley] 73:24

Strange, J & SC Jenkins «Wrexham and Ellesmere Railway» DG [David Gwyn] Publication received 187:405

Stratford, Chris

Correspondence: Structure review 172:156–157

Playing away: Ffestiniog Railway slate waggons in East Anglia 225:641

Stratford, Chris, Peter Allen & Andy Thres Correspondence: Agsoc: teacher induction 119:34

Streeter, Tony [editor) Publications received: «Gallery of steam» JLD [John L Dobson] 210:405; «Glorious years» JLD [John L Dobson] 211:481

Stretch, EK Correspondence: Saxon Fairlies 41:32; Re-Vivarais 50:43; Bells 101:31 106:35; The Big [diesel] 108:49–50

Stretton, John Publications received: «Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland railways» 153:357; «Ffestiniog Railway» 161:200; «Welsh Highland Railway Caernarfon to Porthmadog» Volume 1 «A phoenix rising» 166:410; «Colour of the Ffestiniog» 176:3; «Welsh Highland Railway» Volume 2 «Halfway to paradise» JLD [John L Dobson] 187:404; «Ffestiniog Railway» Volume 2 «Nostalgia collection» JLD [John L Dobson] 189:528; «Welsh Highland Railway» Volume 3 «Ain’t no stoppin’ us now!» JLD [John L Dobson] 205:40; «Ffestiniog Railway recollections» JLD [John L Dobson] 213:614; «The Ffestiniog Railway past & present» JLD [John L Dobson] 221:342

Stretton John Correspondence: Local Publicity 2 248:610

Stretton, M John Correspondence: Past & present – Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland railways 155:441–442

Stretton, Judi News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 228:843

Stretton, Tammy Correspondence: In support of bats 218:116

Strickland, Keith Publications received: «Steam railways around the world» 134:73; «Steam through five continents» 149:209; «Worldwide steam railways» PED [Paul E Davies] 209:335; «In search of steam: photographing the world’s steam railways» PED [Paul E Davies] 220:263; «The best of steam: railways of the world in photographs» PED [Paul E Davies] 231:216

Strickland, Keith

Away to the woods! Narrow-gauge steam in Romania 239:858–865

Classic Ffestiniog: a returned exile’s report 219:179–181

Festiniog Law: Correspondence 262:771

«French narrow gauge album» by Peter Lemmey & Michael Whitehouse: Publication received   263:856

Le Chemin de Fer de la Baie de Somme: a French preserved railway 236:621–625

Memories of Narrow-Gauge Steam in India (Part 1) Keith Strickland 261:710-714

Memories of Narrow-Gauge Steam in India (Part 2) Keith Strickland 262:788-791

Narrow gauge in the Northlands 242:146–150

Narrow gauge steam in the Czech Republic & Slovakia 247:549–554

The Steyrtalbahn: then & now 232:309–315

Saxon steam: An appreciation 251:846-850

Switzerland, back to, Part 1 an appreciation of Ffestiniog Travel’s 50th Anniversary tour 267:234-236

Up, up & away In Switzerland 244:308–315

Narrow gauge steam in South America 40 years ago 253:66-72

Narrow-gauge steam in South America – 30 years ago 254:150-156

Narrow gauge steam in Pakistan – 1988 259:550-554

Strickland, Mary

Steam widow’s tale 187:423–425

Correspondence: Allan Garraway’s legacy 229:42

Correspondence: Thanks for the 2021 train services 254:128

Stringer, Janet

News from the Line: Personnel 101:12 180:529 188:444

Janet Stringer 1948–2008 Clare Britton Obituary 201:575

Stringer, Janet & Mike News from the Line: Personnel 106:11 177:400

Stringer, Mike News from the Line: Staff news 77:10 82:10 83:9 84:7 85:1; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; News from the Line: Staff news 89:7; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11; News from the Line: Personnel 145:19 172:147

Strippers wanted [signboard preparing] Notice Board Andy Wilkinson 234:432


Strowger telephones Notice Board 209:327–328

Strowger telephone system, The Geoff Stocker Correspondence 233:366

Structures Team, The Graham Cole News from the line 242:100–102 Roger Dick 266:114-115

Student worker membership 117:15

Styles, Showell «Walks from the Ffestiniog Railway» Publication received 92:24

Sub nub Paul L Harris Correspondence 76:28

Subscription(s), rates, renewals see Membership renewals

Subscription story, The Peter Jordan 127:279

Subsidised youngsters Clare Britton News from the Line 216:799

Success for the ELDHF cyclists Notice Board 158:63

Successful working party Neil Scrivens Correspondence 203:732

Sudden works expansion Ray Jordan Correspondence 93:48

Sudlow, Colin Meritage of heritage, The Correspondence 128:344

Summer job vacancies [2017] Clare Britton News from the line 236:559

Summer long past Rodney Weaver 114:23–27

Summer of Fun, The [2016] Dale Spridgeon News from the Line 234:400–401

Summer ‘seventy-one Norman F Gurley 54:18–19

Summer time-table (1958) 1:23

Summer vacancies 45:15

Sumner, David, 1944–2005 [obituary] AJ Gordon Rushton 191:643

Sumpster, GW, AIAC, Secretary, Ffestiniog Railway Society Limited Portrait 13:7

Sums on slate

[Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 72:2–3

Muckshifter Correspondence 73:24–25

Sunday opening on the Cambrian [1970] 49:10

Sunday standard-gauge support Chris Magner Correspondence 115:43

Sunday trains, 1977] Blaenau branch 77:12–13

Super Power Weekend, WHR, – change of dates [2017] Notice Board 236:602

Super saloons and tin cars Mike Davis Correspondence 229:44

Supplementary book auction Notice Board John Powell 217:43–44

Support columns [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 105:2–3

Support for the Welsh Highland Railway Richard Lewis 192:723

Support for volunteers [hostels]: Notice Board 259:526

support of bats, In Tammy Stretton Correspondence 218:116

Support the railway builders – join us now 48:10

surgeon, The duty Correspondence: Schumannship 71:27

«Surrey narrow gauge» by Vic Mitchell & Keith Smith Publication received 180:550

Survey AJ Gordon Rushton 124:142

surveying passengers, About Arthur Lambert 139:280

Surveys & services News from the Line 194:71

Suspension of travel facilities [3–5 May 1997] 156:454

«Sussex narrow gauge» by Vic Mitchell & Keith Smith Publication received 174:250

Sustainable railway: plans for Minffordd Yard John DCA Prideaux 223:467–472

[Sutcliffe, David] «Russell» print Notice Board 175:288

Sutherland, James News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 194:81

«Sutton Coldfield fifteen inch gauge railway» by JG Tidmarsh JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 209:335

«Sutton Coldfield fifteen inch gauge railway in pictures» by JG Tidmarsh JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 209:335

Sutton, GB The Welsh Highland – high and low level Correspondence 132:514

Sutton, Rosemary «Great Orme tramway» Publication received 138:242

SVR thanks Peter Edkins Correspondence 146:80–81

Swales, Jeffrey News from the Line: Personnel 182:76

Swales, Rachel Elizabeth News from the Line: Personnel 182:76

Swales, Susan News from the Line: Personnel 182:76

Swales, Susan Correspondence: Presentation counts 151:285

Swales, Ted News from the Line: Personnel 132:489 163:273

Swallow, John, Director, Teifi Valley Railway Company Alan George’s holiday 141:368–371

«Swanage branch, The» by Andrew PM Wright Publication received 144:517

«Swanage Railway in colour» by Tim Deacon Publication received 153:358

Swansea & Mumbles Railway 8:7

Sweet trolley [Festiniog & Blaenau Railway] Peter J Miller Correspondence 131:469

Sweeter running John Browning Correspondence 121:39

Swift, Mike Martin, Ralph his Legacy 266:129

Swift, Mike Porthmadog to the Rio Grande by narrow gauge 3:9–10

Swift, Mike Correspondence: White Rose Group  263:853

Swift, Mike & Peter N Jarvis Dr Richard Peter Lee Obituary 210:384

Swift, Peter Correspondence: Can we please have our station back 121:44; [Early colour photographs of Ffestiniog Railway] 160:153; A single Fairlie for the Welsh Highland 173:199–200; Restoring «Welsh Pony» to steam 210:399–400; Joy’s Valve Gear 222:403

«Swilly and the Wee Donegal» by Anthony Burges JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 195:167

swimmer, Are you a? David Witcomb Notice board 245:365

«Swindon: the legacy of a railway town» by John Cattell & Keith Falconer Publication received 151:282

Swiss Alpine tour – 18th–26th October [1974] Alan Wheelhouse 67:17

«Swiss electric locomotives since 1900» by Martin Fisher  Publication received 265:52

«Swiss narrow gauge» by John Organ Publication received 181:35

«Swiss steam locomotives since 1900» by Martin Fisher Publication received 257:377-378

Switzerland, back to, Part 1 an appreciation of Ffestiniog Travel’s 50th Anniversary tour Keith Strickland 267:234-236

Symes, Bob News from the Line: Personal & Personnel: Obituary 231:188


tablelaying, On Correspondence: David Benny 104:48; Alan Heywood 105:27–28; Terry Turner 105:28; JC Hopkins 106:34–35


Recollections of a 1958 Tadpole, Roger Worton Correspondence 241:55–56

Tadpole 1000 71:13

Tadpoles [and Keith Catchpole] PJGR [P John G Ransom] Portrait 69:31–32

“Tadpoles”, The Ray Latty Correspondence 220:259–260

[Taffy] Sydney A Leleux Correspondence 22:19

Tailpiece 52:29

Taith i’n Treftadaeth – Our heritage journey: a possible £300,000 cash injection for heritage work Gareth Williams 213:606–608

«Taken by trains: the life & photographs of William Nash» by Kate Robinson & Robert Forsythe PW Publication received 186:338–339

Taking an interest in museum & heritage Robert Riddick 167:450–451

Taking Billy on holiday Dafydd Gwyn 202:686–687

Taking on the Infrastructure Department Dafydd Thomas 221:328–329

Takt (and diplomacy?): 1988 – even interval timetable Terry Turner, Operating Officer, Ffestiniog Railway Company 118:20–23

Taktfahrplan – a takt too fahr Correspondence: Dafydd R Jones 120:30–31; Jim Place 120:31; Revd Dr RF Buxton 120:31

Taktiks Correspondence: Mike Belshaw Correspondence 119:34–35; Ian Rudd 119:35; Derek J Winter 119:35–36; Tony & Margaret Eaton 119:36–37; Michael Berridge 119:37

Talbot, Edward & Clive Taylor «Crewe Works narrow gauge system» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 191:660–661

Talbot, Ted Correspondence: Joy’s Valve Gear 223:482

«Tale of many gauges (from the archive collections of James Boyd)» by Railfilms (video) Publication received 165:367

Tale of two fairlies, A  Paul Lewin 261:687-691 

«Talerddig in Great Western days» by Gwyn Brinant Jones Publication received 168:497

«Taliesin» (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

“«Taliesin»” as it might have been Michael Seymour From the archives 9:6

[«Taliesin» at Duffws 1879] Flashback 72:25

«Taliesin» – the single Fairlie BG Markham 111:28–30

«Taliesin» – the single Fairlie RG Markham Correspondence 112:53

«Taliesin» rides again AJ Gordon Rushton 124:139–141

«Taliesin» 2000 News from the Line 125:201–202; Ruth Hopkinson 125:213–214; 126:241

«Taliesin» update Roland Doyle 154:386; Bryan Webster 155:437–438

[«Taliesin»] Correspondence: Andy J Savage 165:365; David Payling 165:365

«Taliesin» Roland Doyle 165:368–370

«Taliesin», On Adrian C Gray & Andy J Savage Correspondence 166:408–409

«Taliesin» cylinders News from the Line 203:709

«Taliesin»’s chimney David R Jones Correspondence 236:604–605

«Taliesin» progress report Roland Doyle 267:210-212

Talking of tickets 33:28

Talking stock [AJ Gordon Rushton] 149:182

“Talking Train” / Y Tren Siarad Paul Lewin 184:191–192

Talyllyn Railway 17:12 71:3

(ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Talyllyn Special – 3 October 1970 49:9

[Talyllyn Railway] Greater little trains JB Hollingsworth 73:4–5

«The Talyllyn Railway» by David Potter Publication received 129:384

«Talyllyn Railway through the year» (video) Publication received 148:170

«Talyllyn – 50 years of change» by Vic Mitchell Publication received 168:497

Talyllyn Railway holders – Ffestiniog Railway Society members’ travel privileges Notice Board 205:33

Talyllyn Railway Appeal Notice Board 221:333

«Talyllyn & Corris steam locomotives» Volume 1 «Pre-preservation and manufacturers» by Martin Fuller PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 229:46–47

«The Talyllyn Railway Men» by Sara Eade PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 230:132–133

«Talyllyn pioneers» by Michael Whitehouse PLW [Patricia Layzell Ward] 232:294–295 Publication received

«Talyllyn & Corris steam locomotives» Volume 2 «Early preservation & locomotive rebuilds» by Martin Fuller JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 239:845–846

T[alyllyn] R[ailway] in the 1950s, On the footplate: BR, FR & Ann Hatherill 241:61–63

“Talyllyn working” Robert Clegg If you want to know ask 84:22–23

«Tanat Valley Light Railway, The» by Peter Johnson, Publication received  DW 267:218

Tan y Bwlch 112:19

(ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Extension 1:3

Tan-y-Loo [toilets at Tan-y-Bwlch] Jasper Wooden spooners’ corner 39:26–27

Tan y Bwlch Project News from the Line 51:9 204:787–788 206:90–91 207:164 208:237 209:304–305 210:380–381 211:451–452 212:524 213:590–591; Phil J Hawkins 214:668 215:740–741 216:817–818 217:26–27 217:26–27 218:92–93 219:166–167 220:241–242 221:309–310 222:380–382 223:454–455 224:527–528 225:597–598 226:678–679 227:756–757 228:840 229:24–25 230:111 231:184–185 232:272 233:349–350 234:418 235:502–503 236:580 237:660–662 238:736–737 239:816–817 240:893–895 241:28–29 242:106 243:186–187 244:266–267 245:342–344 246:422–423 247:511–513 248:585-587 249:664-666 250:720-722 251:802-804 252:879-881 253:26-27 254:104-105 255:186-188 256:273-275 257:349-350 258:427-428 259:505-505 260:592-593 261:671-673 262:751-752 263:833-834 264:917 265:018-020 (Friends of Tan y Bwlch Station) 266:099-100 267:182

[Tan y Bwlch, Trip to, 1955 / 6] HA Frazer Correspondence 55:47–48

Centenary Michael Seymour 62:18–19 Tan y Bwlch and Tanygrisiau Correspondence CH Ashton 95:36

Automation: signalling RJ MacGregor 113:30–31; civil engineering D Fred Howes 113:31–32; trees Eileen E Bradbury 113:32–33

[urinal] Andy J Savage Correspondence 119:41

water tank Geoff Hall Correspondence 134:74

Malcolm Bond Correspondence 175:291

“Tan y Bwlch or bust”: Vintage Weekend (2004) Notice Board 184:197

Tan y Bwlch in summer / Tan y Bwlch yn yr Haf Gwilym Deudraeth 196:221

Tan y Bwlch tables News from the Line 199:421

Tan y Bwlch station Notice Board 202:657

In 1958 C.J. Bishop Correspondence 202:659

Footbridge Correspondence: Tony Baker 208:260–263; Colin Tucker 211:476–478; Chris Jones 211:478; Ralph W. Middlebrook 219:187

Developments Dafydd Gwyn 211:482–483; Correspondence: Alan Skellern 212:546; Dafydd Gwym 212:546; Mike Davis 212:546

Station building – a family-friendly project Alan Norton 215:756–757

Tany y Bwlch’s new footbridge John C. Sreeves 219:210–211

Tan y Bwlch station house and service ducts Anthony Brierley News from the Line 234:415

Tan y Bwlch road bridge renovation: a volunteer-led project Alan Norton 234:428–430

Tan y Bwlch footbridge Alan Norton News from the line 240:895–896 251:804-806

Destination Tan y Bwlch Keith Catchpole 240:934–937

Destination Tan y Bwlch Mike Schumann Correspondence 241:54–55 242:106

The 2020 Tan y Bwlch train services David Carter Correspondence 251:825

Tan y Bwlch Wooden Train Phil Hawkins 261:704

Tan y Bwlch station house letting arrangements – a volunteering opportunity Phil Hawkins 264:930

Tan y Bwlch Station House: a case study Bob Zeepvat 245:385–391

Tan y Bwlch Station House Project finance help required Alan Norton 263:849

Tan y Bwlch Station House Alan Norton 264:918-919 267:177

Tan-y-Bwlch, Will [Will Jones] Correspondence: [Bessie Jones’ death] 66:26

Tan-y-Loo [toilets at Tan-y-Bwlch] Jasper Wooden spooners’ corner 39:26–27

Tanous, Christopher «Festiniog fireman 1960s» PED [Paul E Davies] Publication received 230:132

Tanygrisiau (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Buarth Melyn to Tan y Grisiau 74:15–16

Tan y Grisiau to Blaenau Ffestiniog 74:16–17

Reservoir CEGB 77:13–15

Tan y Grisiau (Fron) to Glan y Pwll (Dinas Jncn) route length – 0.81 miles [route map] 97:34

Tanygrisiau loop project News from the Line 125:204 128:324

Loop development: Derek J Winter Correspondence 131:456–458 142:431 172:157

Tanygrisiau News from the Line 135:92 142:3

Signal box and loop project Derek Winter 135:99

Signalling project Derek Winter 138:235

Shuttle NA Fuchs Correspondence 143:472–473

Tanygrisiau signalling system Bob de Wardt 146:65–66

Tanygrisiau signal box Notice Board 155:429

Tanygrisiau signalling report RH de Wardt Notice Board 157:18

The Tanygrisiau project: the Project Manager’s tale Bob deWardt 172:164–66

Tanygrisiau signalling News from the Line 184:185–186

Tanygrisiau signalling Correspondence: Derek J Winter 185:269–270; Peter Treloar 186:332

Target reached (?) 19:2

Tarver, Joe Correspondence: Young and on the rails, please 225:624

Tarver, Joe David Nelson Personal & Personnel 253:32

Tarver, Joe Obituary: David Nelson 1937-2021  254:114-115

Tarver Joe White rose group winds down 262:765-766

Tarver, Peter 247:497

Tarver, Peter Introducing young people to the Ffestiniog Railway: my story 253:54-55

Tasker, M Correspondence : Your magazine 47:31; The media again 98:34

Tatham, Robert Correspondence: Welsh Highland 146:80

«Tavistock to Plymouth, including the Callington branch» by Vic Mitchell & Keith Smith Publication received 156:487

Taylerson, Keith «Narrow gauge at war» Publication received 117:24–25

Taylor, Alan, David Lee & Rob Shorland-Ball «Southwold Railway 1879–1929, The: the tale of a Suffolk byway» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 246:447–448

Taylor, Clive & Edward Talbot «Crewe Works narrow gauge system» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 191:660–661

Taylor, Elizabeth Staff news 48:6; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Staff news 61:8

Taylor, Hugh Correspondence: New use for an old hole 115:44

Taylor, Jenny News from the Line: Staff news 82:10

Taylor, Joe West «The Clare Railway» Publication received 177:410

Taylor, Keith Correspondence: George Brown 259:529

Taylor, Michael Megabash (2006) 193:61

Taylor, Paul News from the Line: Staff news 75:11; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; News from the Line: Personnel 108:14; [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11; News from the Line: Personnel 115:11 127:278 131:447 139:267

Taylor, Ralph

News from the Line: Staff news 64:8; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Staff news 75:11 76:10; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; News from the Line: Personnel 111:17 113:12 114:10; [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11

Ralph Clifton Taylor 1921–2004 Howard Wilson Obituary 184:194–195

Taylor, Ralph First aid and safety competition 87:13

Taylor, Ralph C, CEng. MIEE

Safety lines: Matters electrical 67:16–17

Correction 119:39–40

[Electrical matters] 119:39–40

Correspondence: A man not called Evans 120:34

Tea towel 36:31

Tea what be at T-y-B LJ Rolph Correspondence 97:43

Team Mountaineer News from the Line: Return of Mountaineer 257:334-335

Team «Taliesin» makes tracks Bryan Webster 159:123–124

Team X R[est] I[n] P[eace]: News from the line Norman Bond 255:176:177

Teamwork [AJ Gordon Rushton] 147:96

Tebb, Laurie Correspondence: More imagery 102:36 ; [Waste oil] 120:34; Life and Leech 120:34

«Technical study of the Ffestiniog & other narrow-gauge railways» by Edouard Vignes translated by DA Boreham Publication received 113:33–34

Telecomms News from the Line 117:13

[Telegraph lineswoman] Observer Correspondence 39:24

[Telegraph wires] WAA Butterworth If you want to know – ask 38:24–25

[Telephone] Ffestiniog Railway’s other traffic DH Wilson 74:18–19

Telling our story Dafydd Gwyn 216:841–843

Temple, Mark Correspondence: Improving Blaenau Ffestiniog Station 3 245:368–369

Temple, Mark  F[festiniog] R[ailway] Magazine index: Notice Board 267:215

Temporary staff, Statement on, Ffestiniog Railway Company 47:10–11

Ten years of building work at Boston Lodge Concretor 52:13–16

Ten years on [AJ Gordon Rushton] 137:178

Tennent, JF Correspondence: On locomotives, and other things like diesels 109:34–35

Tennent, John Hands off rhododendrons! Correspondence 234:436–437

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord The Prince, a metrical ode 72:11

Terabash at Harbour Station Howard Wilson News from the Line 225:603

Terrapin fortnight (or more) News from the Line 83:9

Terry, A Keith Tramway Museum Society 12:8–9

«Testing times at Derby: a “privileged” view of steam» by Alan Rimmer JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 188:469

Thank goodness for sell by dates Howard Wilson 251:851-852

Thank you (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Thank you Alan Heywood Correspondence 42:22

Thank you Allan GW Garraway Correspondence 42:22

Thank you Welsh Highland Railway AJ Gordon Rushton 129:356

Thank you – whatever for? Keith Tyler Correspondence 151:284

Thank you from Norman [F Gurley] ’s family Hazel, Grainger, Katey, Kilmeny, Alastaiur and all the family Gurley Correspondence 186:333–334

Thank you Megan Williams Correspondence 192:725

Thanks (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

[Thanks for work for Dduallt opening] Norman Harvey & RF Roberts Correspondence 41:31

[Thanks to volunteers 1969] Allan GW Garraway 47:15

Thanks to the Major [AJ Gordon Rushton] 135:85–86

[Thanks for 40 years’ recognition] Norman F Gurley Correspondence 149:210

Thanks, but no thanks Correspondence: Daniel H Wilson 150:244; Jim Hewett 153:359

Thanks Correspondence: Ian Rudd 152:322; John D Little 152:322; Ray Elliott Correspondence 159:113; Bob Branch 161:200; Richard Buxton Correspondence 170:61 Neil Clayton 249:680

Thanks for DLG DA Williams Correspondence 158:73

Thanks [for guest driver day] WD Bareham Correspondence 163:283

Thanks for the memories Eric M Gresty Correspondence 175:293

Thanks for Ffestiniog Railway 50 Andrew Wilson Correspondence 189:526

Thanks for the memories Tim Flynn 242:150–154

Thanks for the memories an archive project Ron Fisher & John Cosford 252:894-895

Thanks for the 2021 train services Mary Strickland 254:128

That gap in a wall – some additional information Philip Hawkins 253:76

That “JGF” moment Peter Dennis Correspondence 174:248–249

That awful chart Correspondence: Paul Lewin 172:159; Peter Dennis 172:159

That case [Land Tribunal hearing 1971] 54:4

That coal Lord Gresford Correspondence 48:29–30

THAT headshunt JB Leech Correspondence 136:166

That journey north and other Cambrian trivia Brian Bushell 214:707–712

That journey north Correspondence: Chris Magner 216:837; Derek J. Winter 216:837; Richard Maund 216:837–838

That lake again [Llyn Ystradau] Correspondence: AJ Padley 77:29; Peter N Jarvis 77:29

That rapid! Richard Watson Correspondence 147:125

The mule Gwilym Deudraeth 185:285

Theacht instead of Dduallt Ian Adams 45:12–15

theory proved, A [Blaenau Ffestiniog “Bunny Hutch”] Richard Buxton & John Powell 175:297–298

«Theo the yellow bird: My adventures on the Ffestiniog steam railway in Wales» by Dawn Bosley Publication received P[hil] J H[awkins] 261:703

There was an old farmer . . . . . CMH Brady 4:8

Thermit welding on the Ffestiniog Railway News from the Line 32:6

There’s nothing new Peter Johnson 172:148

These you may have missed 104:33

They also serve who man the stand Paul Harris 119:17–18

Things that can happen in a booking office 102:12

Thinking of volunteering 68:18

Thinking of writing? Correspondence 51:39

Third means worst [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 119:3–4

Third of a vacancy [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 65:4

Thirty-four years recollected by Norman F Gurley 158:78–85

Thirty-five years on MH Penn 64:14–15

This is my life Gwyndaf Hughes 122:68–70

«Thomas Telford’s Holyhead Road: the A5 in north Wales» by Jamie Quartermaine, Barrie Trinder & Rick Turner DG [David Gwyn] Publication received 182:89–90

Thomas the Tank Engine Weekend 4–6 May 1996 Membership matters 152:310

Thomas, Andrew News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 208:240

Thomas, Andrew

Festinog Railway on TV 210:406–410

Putting a value on publicity 212:537–538

News from the Line: Publicity 214:655–656 215:728–729 216:802–803 217:16–17 218:80–81 219:151–152 220:224 221:295–296 222:367 223:438–439 224:510–511 226:658–659 227:737–738 228:821 229:8 230:88–89 231:168 233:329–330 234:401–403 235:480–481

News from the Line: Media matters 225:583–584

Correspondence: Improving our public image 238:757

Thomas, Andrew & Chris Jones Quirks & Curiosities 30 April to 3 May [2010] 208:248–249

Thomas, Cliff Publications received: «Quarry Hunslets of north Wales – the great (little) survivors» Publication received 174:250; «Narrow gauge in Britain and Ireland» 178:449; «Quarry Hunslets of north Wales: great (little) survivors» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 188:466

Thomas, CS «Whipsnade & Umfolozi Railway and Great Whipsnade Railway» Publication received 151:282

Thomas, Dafydd (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Taking on the Infrastructure Department 221:328–329

Notice Board: Your railway needs you! 222:397–398

News from the Line: Infrastructure 223:447–448 224:517–519 226:671–673 227:749–752 228:829–831 229:17–19 230:100–102 232:258–263 233:337–340 234:408–411 235:490–494 236:569–571

News from the Line: Minffordd Yard 226:671–672

News from the Line: Forthcoming works programme 226:672–673; Permanent way 226:672; Signals & telecommunications 226:672–673; Buildings, electrical & estates 226:673; Lineside 226:673

News from the Line: Winter major works programme [2014–15] 227:750–752: Permanent way 227:750; Lineside 227:750; Bbuildings and estates 227:750–751; Boston Lodge development 227:751–752

Thomas, David Correspondence: A query answered. . . [David Thomas graffiti] Peter Johnson 230:131

Thomas, David St John Publications received: «The country railway» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 216:840; «Railway season» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 216:840

Thomas, David St John & Patrick Whitehouse Publications received: «Great days of the GWR» 135:117; «The romance of Scotland’s railways» 143:472

Thomas, Dewi W «Hydro electricity in north Wales» Publication received 160:155

Thomas, Dylan News from the Line: Catering 216:804 Catering 219:153

Thomas, Ieuan News from the Line: Staff news 50:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; Personnel 103:11

Thomas, JR & DW Southern «The industrial tramways of the Vale of Llangollen» [G[A]LW] Geoffrey A Layzell Ward Publication received 222:407–408

Thomas, John & David Turnock «Regional history of the railways of Great Britain» Volume 15 «North of Scotland» 2nd edition Publication received 141:383

Thomas, Cllr Oswald 52:9

Thomas, Paul News from the Line: Personnel 95:14 107:14

Thomas, Sarah News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 206:93

Thompson, Dennis Blake, Richard Dunn, Steve Hauff and others «Climax locomotive» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 190:596–597

Thompson, JM Correspondence: Jarrah sleepers 49:38

Thompson, John [death] News from the Line: Personnel 174:237

Thomson, DP Correspondence: [Diesel or steam locomotives, «Upnor Castle»] 55:46–47

Thomson, Paul Correspondence: Harbour Station dormitory 70:22–24; Fairlie futures 100:44–45; Ffinance 114:40; FR150 114:39; Hidden shelters 129:389; Smoke dispersal and other clearances 151:285; Fairlies and royalty 158:73–74; Harbour Station 189:525–526; Improving Blaenau Ffestiniog Station 2 245:368; Cutting the New Moelwyn Tunnel 251:825-826 Mike Middleton 253:43

Thorman, LA Designs from high places 44:13–15 46:21–23

Thorndike, AE If you want to know – ask: [Passenger amenities at Harbour Station] 47:30

Thorne, HD «Rails to Portpatrick» Publication received 75:21

Thorny problem [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 43:3

Thorp, Mick, Brian Ammann, Ian Andrew, Gareth Davies, John Fry, Phil Hawkins, Fred Howes, Chris Jones, Ron Walker, Brenda & Ray Waters Obituary: Rodney Thorp, 1954–2017 240:904–906

Thorp, Rodney

death of 239:867

Rodney Thorp, 1954–2017 Brian Ammann, Ian Andrew, Gareth Davies, John Fry, Phil Hawkins, Fred Howes, Chris Jones, Mick Thorp, Ron Walker, Brenda & Ray Waters Obituary 240:904–906

Thorp, Rodney: memorial service Howard Wilson Notice board 240:924

News from the line: Personal & Personnel 241:36

Thorp, Rodney [and others] Correspondence: Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways Trust, The 223:480

Those hostels B Paul Correspondence 84:28–29

Thoughts on the Boat

Handel Kardas takes a fresh look at an old mystery Handel Kardas 156:480–482

Correspondence: Geoff Hall 157:25; Daniel H Wilson 157:25–26; David W Green 157:26

“Threat” from the Welsh Highland Railway Eleanor, Louise & Michael Wasley Correspondence 183:14

Three and a half Double Fairlies Roy Woods 155:411

Three-dimensional laser scan of Garnedd Tunnel, A; Alisdair Stewart 251:833-835

Three men and a dragon: a bedtime story for junior members PN Jarvis 78:16–17

Three men in a bugbox Anonymous 55:36–38

Thres, Andy, Chris Stratford & Peter Allen Correspondence: Agsoc: teacher induction 119:34

Thurlow, Dave Lineside maintenance: News from the Line 250:720

Tibbetts, Alan News from the Line: Personnel 177:400

Tick, On Greg Howell Correspondence 167:447

Ticket agency 40:17 44:26 48:7

Ticket office 58:15 58:18 66:17

Tickets, vintage 79:10

Tickets & bookings 74:20

«Tickets of the North Wales Narrow Gauge Railways» by Trefor David Publication received 164:328

Tidmarsh, JG Publications received: «Sutton Coldfield fifteen inch gauge railway», «Sutton Coldfield fifteen inch gauge railway in pictures» JLD [John L Dobson] 209:335

ties, FR crested John Fenner Notice Board 236:602 238:755

Tiffin & woodsmoke John L Dobson 188:484–487 189:548–552

Tigger [cat] [death] 140:302

Time at termini RW Hughes Correspondence 64:26

Time lapse [Peter Johnson] 149:181

Time, gentlemen, please! P John G Ransom 57:23–24

time of high Welsh rails, A [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 90:2–3

Timetable leaflets: Correspondence Alan Brant 263:854

Time to get involved Louise Wasley 149:207

timely reminder, A [legacies] Notice Board Dave Charlton 234:433

Timetable (organized by year and railway)

1956 timetable 241:64

1964 timetable 23:9

1965 News from the Line 28:10–11

1966 News from the Line 32:8

1967 News from the Line 35:4

1969 News from the Line 43:8

1970 News from the Line 47:10

1971 News from the Line 51:8

1977 timetable News from the Line 75:4

1989 vintage trains 125:202

1990 gala 128:316–317

Ffestiniog Railway 1995, provisional summary 147:yellow sheet bound in with number;

2003 timetables Helen Waters 179:500–501

Ffestiniog Railway [2011] 212:540–541

Welsh Highland Railway [2011] 212:556–557

Ffestiniog Railway [2012] 216:800–801

Welsh Highland Railway [2012] 216:848–849

Ffestiniog Railway [2013] 220:234–235

Welsh Highland Railway [2013] 220:274–275

Ffestiniog Railway (2014) 224:520–521

Welsh Highland Railway (2014) 224:550–551

Ffestiniog Railway (2015) 228:832–833

Welsh Highland Railway (2015) 228:858–859

[2016] Ffestiniog Railway timetable 232:280–281

[2016] Welsh Highland Railway timetable 232:279–282

[2017] Ffestiniog Railway timetable 236:592–593

[2017] Welsh Highland Railway timetable 236:591, 594

timetable, 2018 940:912–913

timetable, 2018, Welsh Highland Railway 940:911, 914

Timetable constraints David W. Green Correspondence 218:115–116

Timetable issues Correspondence: NC Simmons 173:203 Ron Steven 174:248

Timetables, posters & disneyfication Correspondence Howard Evans 265:50-51

timetables, The 2003 Helen Waters 179:500–501

Timing GD Foster Correspondence 115:43–44

Timmins, Brian E Correspondence: A slight grice 61:32–33

[Tipping over «Jane»] Bunny Lewis Correspondence 159:110–111

TITAN & buildings, On Andy Castledine Correspondence 194:99–100

TITAN comes of age Brian Bushell 193:49–53

Titular tattle [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 90:1–2

TNO Publication received: «Farewell to steam» by Roger Siviter 188:468; «Eastern steam in retrospect» by Eric Sawford 189:531

To all members M Wright Correspondence 99:35

To countrymen and others 16:4

To Dduallt in 1968 News from the Line 33:6

«To Mechanicks, to make much of tyme» [pretend medieval poem] School of Herrick 70:19

To prospective volunteers 16:3–4

To sand or not . . . John Bate Correspondence 172:157–158

Toe in the water – 1955 John L Dobson 212:565–570

[Toilets at Tan-y-Bwlch] Tan-y-Loo Jasper Wooden spooners’ corner 39:26–27

Tokens 136:143 137:191

Louisa Wasley 139:284–285

Eileen & Neil Clayton BP&G bits, The 142:403; BP&G box, The 143:455 144:499; P&G notes 138:232 139:268

Tom Tiddler’s ground 88:10

Tomkins, Jason, in News from the line: Infrastructure Alex Spring 244:259

Tomlinson, Alan News from the Line: Personnel 184:188; Personal & Personnel 220:244

Tomlinson, Alun Notice Board: Wanted! Bridge inspectors 221:332; Notice Board: Wanted! Track inspectors 221:332–333

 Tomlinson, Alun & Whalley, Bex News from the line: Infrastructure 265:016-018

Toms, G Correspondence: Brush and Spooner 82:33

Tony Ward – a presentation 211:453

Tool van 154 160:152

top, Over the Correspondence Ken Hamilton 96:35; Peter Miller 96:35

Top air AJ (Jack) Somers Correspondence 105:26–27

Top air Rodney Weaver 104:36–38

Top and bottom 56:16

top end, The News from the Line 72:6–7

Top feed [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 120:5–6

Top up [AJ Gordon Rushton] 149:183

Topics Welsh [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 67:2

Topliss, David News from the Line: Staff news 52:6; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; News from the Line: Personnel 103:11–12

Topliss, David & Veronica News from the Line: Staff news 74:8

«Topsy» 21:12

«Topsy» – growed up Michael Seymour 47:20–22

«Topsy» Rodney Weaver Correspondence 48:30 79:26–27

The story of «Topsy» grows 78:13–14

Torch Lake Rodney Weaver 85:34–36

Toronto Grey & Bruce, On the hunt for the Ralph Beaumont 266:150-155.

Toronto Grey & Bruce picture caption errors: Notice Board  267:215

Tourism trophy News from the Line 51:9

«Tourist railways of France: the sub-metre gauge lines» by John Organ PED [Paul E Davies] Publication received 238:763

Tourret, R Publications received: «War Department locomotives» 78:24; «Hedjaz railway» 129:384–385; «GWR engineering work» MB 186:339

Tourret, R Correspondence: Preservation & modernization 54:34

Towards more volunteer involvement David Green 109:19–20

Going up the wall with kids 156:484–486

Towards “one person operation” Alan Heywood 108:26–28

Towers, John, 1932–2011 Howard Wilson, Eileen Clayton & Richard Buxton Obituary 216:824–825

Towers, John

Correspondence: Ffestiniog Railway’s physical appearance 196:228

Towers, Lorna News from the Line: Personnel 177:400 179:486

Towers, Paul Correspondence: Spooner’s 180:549; Mike Elvy 182:86; Wantage tramway 186:333 Members’ privilege tickets 253:44

Towers, Vicki News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 201:573

Town routes Rev’d Donald Bird Correspondence 163:283–284

Townsend, John L

Paul Décauville & the Ffestiniog connection 121:26–27

Correspondence: Change of view … 155:443–444; Right of way 165:365–366; Accepting items offered 179:494–495

The missing parts from «Mary Ann» 229:60–61

Townsend, Simon, Robin Butterell & Dave Holroyde: «Miniature railways» Publication received 161:201

Towyn, A day at News from the Line 47:9–10

«TPO: a history of the travelling Post Offices of Great Britain,» Part 1: «England – “The specials” and associated TPO’s» Revised edition by HS Wilson Publication received 76:24–25

TR see Talyllyn Railway

Tracing Lost Railways by Trevor Yorke 249:685-686

Track inspection volunteers Alex Spring Notice board 244:291

Track record Arthur Ll. Lambert Correspondence 96:36

Track renewal Bob Rainbow Correspondence 193:36–37

Track Safe certification 209:318–319

Track safety News from the Line: Health & safety 148:137

Trackbed Consolidation Limited: further information on Welsh Highland Railway trackbed EH Preston, in Welsh Highland affair [stop press insert on yellow paper bound in with 131]

Trackside drains Ron Walker News from the Line 214:666–667 216:816–817 218:92 219:166 220:240 221:308–309 222:379–380 223:454 224:527 225:602 226:678 227:755–756 228:839 230:109–110 231:183–184 232:271–272 233:349 234:416–418 235:501–502 236:578–580 237:659–660 238:735–736 239:815–816 240:892–893; Gareth Davies 241:27–28 242:105 243:185–186 244:265–266 245:341–342 246:421–422 247:510–511 248:584-585 249:664 252:879 253:25 254:102-103 255:185-186 256:273 257:347-348 258:425-426 259:403 260:592 261:670-671 262:749-750 263:832-833 264:916 (Drains Gang) 265:033-034 266:113-114 267:193-194

Trading stamps 72:15 73:11 75:18 76:30 79:25 83:19 84:10 85:13 87:12 91:9 93:15

Traeth Mawr air crash memorial: Correspondence Katherine Roche 250:747

Traffic (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Traffic News from the Line 29:3–4 30:3–5 31:2–3 33:3–4 34:3–6 35:3–4 36:2–3 37:2 38:3–4 39:5–6 41:3–4 42:3–5 43:4–5 45:2–3 46:2–4 47:3 48:2 49:2–3 50:2–4 51:3 52:4–5 53:2–4 54:5–6 55:3–4 56:3 57:3–4 58:4–5 59:2–3 60:6 61:4 62:4–5 63:2–3 64:2–3 65:5–6 66:3–4 67:3–4 69:4–5 70:3 71:4–5 72:3 73:5 74:2–3 105:4 107:6–7 108:7–8 109:8–10 110:4–5 111:6–7 117:6–8 119:5–6 178:426–427 181:8–9 182:63 188:435 189:501 198:343 206:78–79 208:223; Clare Britton 226:655 245:326

Traffic, Focus on volunteers 35:10–11

Traffic Department prepares, Dduallt sixty-eight – [timetable] Alan Heywood 40:14–17

Traffic census, Ffestiniog Railway Company [1972] 58:12–15

Traffic & commercial News from the Line 68:4–5 75:3–4 76:3 77:2 78:3–6 79:3–4 80:2–3 81:3 82:6–7 83:3–5 84:2 85:7–9 86:4–5 87:4–6 88:6 91:4–5 92:3–5 93:5–8 94:5–7 95:3–7 96:3–4 97:4–6 98:4–6 99:4–5 100:5–7 101:5–7 102:3–4 103:3–5 104:6–9 105:4–5 106:4–7 107:6–8 108:7–14 109:8–11 110:4–5 111:6–10 112:8–9 113:4 114:5–7115:4–5 116:8–10 117:6–8 118:6–8 119:5–6 120:7–9 121:6–8 122:55–57 123:103–104 124:143–144 129:359–360 137:181–182 138:218–220 139:259–261 140:302–305 171:86–87 172:134

Traffic, operating & commercial News from the Line 125:193–195 126:231–233 127:269–271 128:310–311 130:398 131:440 132:480–482 133:7–9 134:46–47 135:88–89 136:130–133

Traffic Stephen G Abbott Correspondence 175:291

Traffic figures [2000] Alan Heywood Correspondence 176:345

Traffic figures (2002) News from the Line 180:519

Traffic & sales News from the Line 194:71 195:134

Trailfest 2016 Notice Board Dave Charlton 234:434; David Witcomb 235:522–523

«Trails of steam» Volume 7 «Trails along the Welsh border» by Colin Walker Publication received 91:34

Train crew introductory training weekend 126:240 128:323–324

Train des pignes Canon C. Coussmaker 201:615–617

Train fever Douglas Lindsay 207:212

Train of the future Howard Wilson Correspondence 190:592–593

«Train operations on the Ffestiniog Railway in the late 20th century / Trenau Rheilffordd Ffestiniog Arddiwedd yr 20fed Ganrif» by Roy Harper» PSE Publication received 232:292

Train services marketing strategy: Correspondence David & Elizabeth Carpenter 266:125-126

Train services marketing strategy: Correspondence James Hewett 267:216-217

Train services News from the Line 196:200–201

Training course for junior operating personnel 99:14–15;l News from the Line 102:7

Training exercise News from the Line 30:6–7

Training for young people News from the Line 193:12–13

Training research Robin Goodman Correspondence 95:37

Training seminar 59:14–15

Training train 59:15; News from the Line 84:7

«Trains and model trains» edited by Chris Ellis Publication received 124:176

««Trains» magazine: the complete collection» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 212:549–550

«Tralee and Dingle Railway, The» by Michael Whitehouse JLD [John L Dobson] 262:773

«Trams & buses on stamps – A collectors guide» by Howard Piltz Publication received 254:136

«Tram book» by Paul Collins Publication received 152:321

Trampion EA Gildersleve 89:46

Tramway Museum Society A Keith Terry 12:8–9

Transmanche Onions : Correspondence Harry Gow 258:449

«Transporter bridges: an illustrated history» by John Hannavy Publication received 256:301

«Transport recalled: North & Mid Wales» by Martin Jenkins and Charles Roberts Publication received 258:450

Transport Trust 27:20

Transport Video Publishing «Steam view» Volume 1 «October ’85 to May ’86» (video) Publication received 114:35

Transport for Wales, KeolisAmey, and the F&WHR Anonymous 244:286–289

Transport and Works Act 1992 AJ Gordon Rushton 142:405

Travel Arthur J Brown Correspondence 157:26

Travel, Travel agency 65:13; News from the Line 66:4 105:4 106:6–7 107:7 108:10 109:11 110:5 111:8 114:6 115:5 116:10 117:8 118:7–8 119:6 120:9 121:7–8 124:144 126:233–234 127:270–271 128:311 129:360 130:399–400 131:440 132:482 134:47 174:227–230 176:330–331 177:393–394 180:522–523

see also News from the Line: Ffestiniog Travel

Travel &c Correspondence G Mann 149:211; Richard Stibbs 149:211; Christopher F Dycke 149:211; E Fillis 149:211–212; D Pickup 149:212; Mike Belshaw 149:212–213

Travel log [Alan Heywood] 153:333–334 154:370–371 155:414–415 156:455–457 157:21–22 158:71 159:105 160:145–146 161:193 162:237 163:276–277 164:321 165:360–361 166:400 167:440 168:486; Alan Heywood The General Manager writes 169:18 170:54–55

Travel privileges 78:30

Travel services for volunteers 86:9

Travel thanks Angela & Patrick Marks Correspondence 173:204

Travel, the magazine & volunteering I Griffiths Correspondence 151:285

«Traveller’s guide to the Ffestiniog Railway» Publication received: 62:16; «A traveller’s guide to the Ffestiniog Railway» PNJ [Peter N Jarvis] 82:27 DHW [Daniel H Wilson] 101:28–29; New edition 170:62

«Traveller’s guide: Rheilffordd Eryri, Welsh Highland Railway:Publication received: Tony Russell 257:376

Travelling locos 114:28

«Travelling with the motorman on the Manx Electric Railway and Travelling with the motorman on the Snaefell Mountain Railway» [videos] Publication received 150:243

Trawsporthffest [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 116:4–5

Treacy, Eric Best of Eric Treacy Publication received 145:34

Treadwell Jones, Philip News from the Line: Personnel 189:510

Treasurer to the F[festiniog] & W[elsh] H[ighland] R[ailway] Trust Rob Holton 263:849

Trebinski, Deborah News from the Line: Personnel 234:422

Trees have it! Paul Lewin Notice Board 158:65–66

Treisman, Richard News from the Line: Personnel 234:421

Treloar, Peter

Publication received: Peter Treloar (editor) «The Earle Marsh album –locomotive photographs of the 1880s» 114:34–35

Peter Quintrell Treloar (1936–2013) John Alexander & John DCA Prideaux Obituary 221:318–319

Treloar, Peter (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Ffestiniog Railway 150 appeal 114:14 115:30–33

By Ffestiniog Travel to the Swiss narrow gauge 114:28–31

The pre-history of the Magazine: the Ffestiniog Railway Society’s newsletters, 1954–1958 127:285–289

A week in the life of a buffet car steward 128:331–335

A visit to Pithiviers 133:28–30

Sixty years ago 136:156–158

Heritage goods 139:283–284

Lottie’s Cottage appeal fund 144:502–503

News from the Ffestiniog Railway Trust 156:47

«Lilla» 160:166–167

Correspondence: Tanygrisiau signalling 186:332

«Tremadog 1913: Old Ordnance Survey maps» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 184:207–208

Trematon Eric Shepherd Correspondence 110:34

Tremlock, John Correspondence: Steam 125 121:37

Tren Siarad, Y / The “Talking Train” Paul Lewin 184:191–192

«Trenau Rheilffordd Ffestiniog Arddiwedd yr 20fed Ganrif / Train operations on the Ffestiniog Railway in the late 20th century» by Roy Harper PSEPublication received 232:292

[Trespass at Dduallt] Please note News from the Line 40:10

Trespassers 82:15

Tribute Howard Parker Correspondence 213:614

tribute, A ML Collins Correspondence 78:27

Tribute to Alan Francis Pegler OBE: Petrina Derrington 217:8–9; John DCA Prideaux 217:9; Sir William McAlpine 217:10; Nick Pigott 217:10–11

Trice, Greg Correspondence: Self steering bogie bogey, The 117:33–34

trim job, A [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 111:3–4

Trinder, Barrie, Jamie Quartermaine & Rick Turner «Thomas Telford’s Holyhead Road: the A5 in north Wales» DG [David Gwyn] Publication received 182:89–90

trip to remember, A 29:16

trip to see Santa, A Martyn Knight 124:165–167

[Trip to Tan y Bwlch 1955 / 6] HA Frazer Correspondence 55:47–48

Trois-vingt-trois [Alco] P John G Ransom 33:16–22

Trolley pulling ‘The Crazy Gang’ 133:23–25

Trolleys at one Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley 36:1–2

Trouble in the Vale David Payling 183:157–158

Trouble with dragons 105:12

Trowel, The Arthur Ll. Lambert 141:377–378

Truly memorable weekend [26–27 September 2004] Meic Batten 187:388–390

Trust see Ffestiniog Railway Trust and Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways Trust

Trust deed, Changes to the Ffestiniog Railway & Welsh Highland Railway John Prideaux Correspondence 224:552–553

Trust name and deed, Changes to the Ffestiniog Railway & Welsh Highland Railway John Prideaux 221:326–327

Trust us [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 93:3–4

Trustees of the Ffestiniog Railway Trust PJGR [P John G Ransom] Portraits 63:28–30

Tubb, Mike Praise for outgoing editor: Correspondence 264:932

Tube strike, Stop press [Moelwyn Tunnel relaying] Notice Board 174:240

Tube-boos [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 122:53–54

Tucker, Alison Alison Tucker: F[festiniog] R[ailway] Society board member 260:615

Tucker, Colin: FR Society board member Colin Tucker 257:368

Tucker, Colin

It’s not a real railway 186:355–357

Correspondence: Tan y Bwlch footbridge 211:476–478

From the Society Boardroom 263:842-843

Tucker, Lynette Correspondence: Gurley, Norman F 185:270

Tucker, Phil News from the Line: Personnel 174:237 177:400; Personal & Personnel 202:646 204:790

Tuffield, Stella Correspondence: Less of it! 113:41

Tunnel portal, The New Moelwyn Brell Ewart Correspondence 245:369

Tunnel [New Moelwyn] shotcreting 81:21–23

Tunnellers’ travels AC Baker Correspondence 69:26

Turkey & tinsel trains (Wednesdays & Thursdays in November) [2005] News from the Line 190:563

Turnbull, Rob News from the Line: Personnel 135:95 136:140 137:189

Turnbull, Robert News from the Line: Personnel 126:240

Turner, Alan ««Russell» the story of a locomotive«»Publication received 10 130:422–423

Turner, Andrew Russell & Liz News from the Line: Staff news 92:8

Turner, Bob and Paul Bradshaw News from the line: Rest of the world gang 256:268 258:422-423

Turner, Bob and Bob Zeepvat News from the line: Rest of the world  gang 262:748 264:915 266:110

Turner, Elizabeth Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; News from the Line: Personnel 124:151

Turner, Keith Publications received: «North Wales tramways» 86:29–30; «Leek & Manifold Light Railway» 89:45; «Llandudno & Colwyn Bay Electric Railway» 144:517; «Directory of British tramways» 154:396

Turner, Liz News from the Line: Staff news 80:9 91:7

Turner, Paul

Correspondence: Anniverseer? 112:47–48

«Earl of Merioneth» 188:448–449

Turner, Rick, Jamie Quartermaine & Barrie Trinder «Thomas Telford’s Holyhead Road: the A5 in north Wales» DG [David Gwyn] Publication received 182:89–90

Turner, Terry News from the Line: Staff news 49:8 50:11 51:9; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Staff news 56:6 58:9 61:8; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:12; News from the Line: Personnel 109:15 [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11; News from the Line: Personnel 125:200

Turner, Terry, Operating officer, Ffestiniog Railway Company

(ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Looking ahead – 2 [Blaenau Ffestiniog timetable] 63:14–16

The story behind the 1981 timetable 91:17–21

Correspondence: The Blaenau connection 99:36; Tablelaying 105:28; FR150 114:39; Sense & sustainability: the clean sheet 184:201

Turner’s rodeo guide – 2 110:14

Guide to rodeo railroading: a short epistle in response to editorial comment in Magazine no. 106 108:21–23

“The year of the dirty window” 108:28–29

Takt (and diplomacy?): 1988 – even interval timetable 118:20–23

Turner, Walter Railways of north Wales Publication received:163:284

Turner’s rodeo guide – 2 T Turner 110:14

[Turning locomotives] Tony Simmons & Norman F Gurley [NFG] If you want to know, ask 88:15

Turnock, David & John Thomas «Regional history of the railways of Great Britain» Volume 15 «North of Scotland» 2nd edition Publication received 141:383

Turnouts: From the museum shelves David Hedger 179:506–507

[Turntables] Tony Simmons & Norman F Gurley [NFG] If you want to know, ask 88:15

Turtle, Martin «Llyn – a magical place» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 210:405

Turtles Correspondence: Peter N Jarvis 184:204 Keith Fairgray 185:268

Tut, tut David Lyall Correspondence 94:35

Twenty years in the “festering bog” Mike Elvy : part 1 183:159–263; part 2 184:220–223; part 3 185:286–289; part 4 186:349–354

«Twenty first century narrow gauge: a pictorial journey» by James Waite JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 246:448–449


Twinning with the HSB [Harzer Schmalspurbahnen] Notice Board 195:155

Twinning topics John Organ 196:243–247

John Bell Correspondence 197:295–296

News from the Line 199:415–416

Two Canadian narrow gauge Fairlies Ralph Beaumont 246:464–465

«Two foot gauge rails to the ironstone» by Paul Ingham Publication received 171:108

Two for one? Notice Board 200:522–523

Two heads are better DV Harris Correspondence 106:33

Two old Ffestiniog workhorses Correspondence: Menopausal meditations 113:39–40

“Two «Palmerstons» at Minffordd in 1889”, painting by Edward Paget-Tomlinson Notice Board: For sale by sealed bid auction 229:38–39

«Two Snowdonia rivers: Glaslyn & Dwyryd» by Jean Napier & Alun John Richards PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 203:735

Two Thomas Edwards Steffan ob Owain , The 203–713–715

«Two-foot gauge survivors» by Vic Mitchell Publication received 162:245

[«Tyke», Name of] Correspondence 43:25

Tyler, Captain

Captain Tyler regrets . . . Michael Seymour 29:18–20

Captain Tyler RE: a memoir by his daughter, Miss ML Tyler edited by Michael Seymour 30:18–21

Tyler, Keith News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 217:30

Tyler, Miss ML – Captain Tyler, RE: a memoir by his daughter, Miss ML Tyler edited by Michael Seymour 30:18–21

Tyler, Keith Correspondence: Modernisation 52:28; Blaenau Central 89:47–48; Never mind the quality . . . look at the width 90:33; Thank you – whatever for? 151:284

Tyne Tees Area [proposal to form Ffestiniog Railway Society group] 70:2

Tyson, Colin «Great British steam railway timetable 1996» Publication received 153:358


Unceremonial award [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 120:4–5

Underground dealings [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 82:1–2

Underground rumblings JS Davies Correspondence 104:46

Undiscarded stubs J Francis Parker Correspondence 110:34–35

Unesteemed contemporary [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 119:4

Unexpected visitor [lady from Croesor] Brian Bushell 210:423

«Unfinished lines: rediscovering the remains of railways never completed» by Mark Yonge Publications received 256:297-298

Uniforms News from the Line 185:245

Uninitiated traveller William DC Lambe 1:13–16

Unintended consequences : the FR versus the C[entral] E[lectricity] G[enerating] B[oard] Stephen Murfit 256:302-304

Unique opportunity… Notice Board 211:472

U[nited] N[ations] E[ducational] S[cientific] and C[ultural] O[rganisation] World Heritage Inscription: What it means for the FR David Gwyn 255:203-205

Unregenerate preservationism David Rowbotham Correspondence 118:37

Unstable liveries Stephen J Renwick Correspondence 118:40–41

Unusual choice 15:2

«Unusual railway pubs, refreshment rooms and ale trains» by Bob Barton PED [Paul E Davies] Publication received 224:557

Up, up & away In Switzerland Keith Strickland 244:308–315

Update on Dinas [Daniel H Wilson & Peter Johnson] 100:3–4

«Upnor Castle» Allan GW Garraway 40:5

«Upnor Castle»: help needed Notice Board 210:396

Upper Thames Group [of Society] see Group notes Upper Thames

Used postage stamps 80:20

Notice Board Rod Buchanan 186:329

Useful service? Louisa Wasley 146:77–78


Vacancy, Vacancies 112:18

Vacancy [Assistant membership secretary] 47:13

Vacancy [Ffestiniog Railway Society secretary] Notice Board 164:323

Vacancy (permanent staff): Civil Engineering Department Notice Board 171:101

Vacancies for Ffestiniog Railway Company pensions trustees Notice Board 188:453

Vacancy: Station Master at Campbell’s Platform Huw Jenkins 236:626–627

[Vacuum cleaner needed by FR] Stop press 4:11

[Vacuum-piped freight wagons] RC Crick Correspondence 30:27

Vad Säger Engelsmännen? [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 40:2

«Vale of Neath line, Neath to Pontypool Road» by Gwyn Briwnant Jones & Denis Dunstone PED [Paul E Davies] Publication received 157:28

«Vale of Rheidol light railway through the years» (video) Publication received 146:78

Vale of Rheidol open day 92:11–12

«Vale of Rheidol railway, the: the story of a narrow gauge survivor» by Peter Johnson Publication received J[ohn] L D[obson] 251:829-830

Vale of Rheidol reduction 94:14

Values & behaviours Bob Rainbow Correspondence 234:436

Van no. 99 Notice Board Adrian C Gray 223:476

van Lottum, Sarah

Ffestiniog Railway Society AGM (2010) 209:326

Safety Advisor 209:327

Van Praet, Roger News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 219:171

Van Zeller, Peter & David Mosley «Fifteen inch gauge railways – their history, equipment and operation» Publication received 113:34

Vanns, Michael Publications received: «Signal boxes» 159:114; «Illustrated history of signalling» 160:155; «Severn Valley Railway – a view from the past» 164:327; «A witness to change: a record of the industrial revolution» PJ [Peter Johnson] 182:90

[Varoomshka cartoon] Odd mention 54:2–3

Vaughan, AB

Horticultural report 59:16 62:10 63:8 65:13 67:14 71:13 79:18

Ffestiniog horticulture – the story so far 74:19

Vaughan, Adrian «Signalman’s twilight» Publication received 101:29

Vaughan, Janine News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 202:646

Vaughan Davies, Philip, 1920–2006 Peter N Jarvis Obituary 193:19–21

Veall, Allan Correspondence: Steam 125 122:82; Historic hulks 126:259

Vehicles Geoff Hall Safety lines 63:10–11

Velinheli & friends Paul Lewin 263:872-874

Vellacott, Jane News from the Line: Personnel 182:76

Verily Correspondence: Bodger 104:48–49; D Mordecai Jones 105:33–34

Verily, verily Correspondence: RA Rainbow 107:34–35; Ralph OT Povey 107:35

Vernon-Williams, Sheryl News from the Line: Personnel 185:255; Personal & Personnel 193:17

Vernon-Williams, Sydney Louise News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 193:17

Verran, Liz [and others] Correspondence: The Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways Trust 223:480 An unreported incident 249:682

[Verran, Liz] Notice board: Steampipes 2018 241:50–51 242:131 Steampipes [2019] 248:592 249:679 Notice Board: Steampipes [2020] Cancelled 250:742 Steampipes reaches the buffers 256:278

«Vertical boiler locomotives & railmotors built in Great Britain» Volume 2 by Philip J Ashworth & Vic Bradley JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 236:607

Very late news 85:33

Vickers, HE Correspondence: Foreign visitors 150:243–244

Victorian Minffordd, Ffestiniog Railway 150 News from the Line 113:3–4

«Victorian railway and how it evolved, The» by P John G Ransom Publication received 129:384

Victorian train, The Ffestiniog Railway News from the Line 179:486

Victorian vintage weekend, The Raymond A Elliott Correspondence 235:525

Victorian weekend 227:769–772

«Victoria’s railway king: Sir Edward Watkin – one of the Victorian era’s greatest entrepreneurs & visionaries» by Geoff Scargill I M D[unsire] 255:216

Vidal, Sebastian News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 229:28

Video 125 «Ffestiniog & Conwy – a driver’s eye view plus!» (video) Publication received 137:207

View from above Nigel Smith 194:116–118

View from the 1930s 196:241–242

View of «Moel Tryfan» GE Hughes Correspondence 90:30–32

View windows News from the Line 184:186

Views have it Paul Lewin 160:169

Views of a potential volunteer David Goadby Correspondence 173:201–202

Vignes, Edouard translated by DA Boreham «Technical study of the Ffestiniog & other narrow-gauge railways» Publication received 113:33–34

Vincent, Jo, Adrian C Gray & Tricia Doyle News from the Line: Kids’ Training Week (2011) 214:669–670

Vincent, Joanna News from the Line: Personnel 189:510; Personal & Personnel 193:17 197:283 200:504

Vincent, Joanna (Jo)

Notice Board: Sponsorship for young volunteers 233:363

Notice Board: Young persons’ sponsored volunteer programme 235:522

Vincent, Malcolm News from the Line: Staff news 35:7

Vinelott, Sir John [1923–2006] Stephen Murfitt Obituary 194:85

Vintage 2000

Dave High 171:122–125

Robin Leleux Correspondence 172:159–160

Vintage congratulations Correspondence: David Ward 191:657; Deryk Simpson 191:657

Vintage heritage Alan F Skellern Correspondence 172:161–162

Vintage is best [AJ Gordon Rushton] 147:95–96

Vintage or bust Robin Leleux Correspondence 148:171–172

vintage performance on the Welsh Highland, A Chris Jones 175:299–301

Vintage shenanigans Peter Lawson Correspondence 128:346

Vintage thanks Correspondence: Adrian C Gray 167:448; David High, Geoffrey Hurlock & Adrian Strachan 167:448

Vintage tickets 79:10

Vintage trains 120:20 132:490–491 144:496

Vintage train 1988 Ian Rudd 119:15–17

Vintage train Ian Rudd 122:65

Vintage trains [AJ Gordon Rushton] 123:100–101

Where next? Ian Rudd 123:114–115

Vintage train goes on Ian Rudd 124:153

Vintage train 1990 Paul Ingham 127:281

Vintage travel Robert S Purcell Correspondence 146:81

Vintage volunteer preservation – an appeal Michael Baker Correspondence 68:33–34

Vintage weekend (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Membership matters 153:348

Vintage Weekend / Welsh Highland Railway Dinas Yard open day – 25 & 26 October 1997 Notice Board 158:59–60

Vintage Weekend (1999) 167:462–463

A matter of utmost gravity [12 / 13th October 2002] News from the Line 178:430 179:488

[Vintage weekend 2002] : Peter Donovan Correspondence 179:494; 179:508–509

Vintage Weekend [2004] Notice Board 184:197 185:263

Vintage Weekend diary Pedr [Peter N Jarvis] 191:663–666

Vintage weekend Mark Evans & John L Dobson 211:462–469

Vintage weekend [2011] : everyone was there 215:754–755

Vintage Weekend [2011] Clare Britton News from the Line 214:654–655

Vintage Weekend congratulations Correspondence: David F. Lester 215:765; Geoff Stocker 215:765

Vintage woes Peter Donovan Correspondence 173:200–201

Violet, Alan Correspondence: Overseas Fairlies 148:171

[«Virginia», steam pinnace] News from the Line: Noises off 34:11

Virtual raffle Notice Board 196:222

(2003) Notice Board 181:23

Virtual AGM Tours [Anon. 2020] Notice Board 249:678

Visa card, Ffestiniog Railway Notice Board 165:362 173:194 176:342–343

Visa cards and raffle tickets John Castle Correspondence 168:495

Visit by the Bishop of Bangor News from the Line 207:167

Visit to Penrhyn Quarry HM Gunston 9:7

visit to Pithiviers, A Peter Treloar 133:28–30

Visit to the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Rob Smallman 203:753–759

Visitor experience services: News from the line Stephen Grieg 256:250 259:487-488 260:566 261:646 262:728-729 263:811-812 264:891-892 265:008-009 266:087-088 267:167-168

Visitor feedback Correspondence Alan Howarth 223:481–482; Vivian Blake-Dyke 224:554

visitor to the Grand Slate Shunt, A Paul Hitchcock 171:121–122

Visitors to Boston Lodge Notice Board 195:154–155

Visually Richard Weston Correspondence 137:208

Vital statistics News from the Line 54:14

Vivarais Correspondence: Richard Malins 169:23; Jean Arrivetz 170:61–62

Vivarais and hostels Adrian C Gray Correspondence 168:494

Vivarais encore Richard Watson Correspondence 138:249

Vivarais link Richard Harrison Correspondence 167:449

Vivarais narrow gauge by John Organ Publication received 165:367

«Vivarais revisited» by John Organ JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 199:448–449

Vivarais update John Organ 182:106–109 201:618–620

VM «Ffestiniog Railway – a view from the past» by Peter Johnson Publication received 158:77

«Volunteer» [locomotive] see Peckett

«Volunteer» (Peckett), «Palmerston» and other locomotives out of use AJ Wilson If you want to know – ask [with editors’ reply] Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley, General Manager’s reply] [Allan GW Garraway] 35:21–22

Volunteer[s], volunteering (in order of Magazine issue numbers)

Volunteer, How to become a 15:5–6

Volunteers wanted 19:11–15

Volunteers 25:8

Volunteers, right dress! AN Massau 26:14

[Volunteer effort] Allan GW Garraway Correspondence 30:26–27

Volunteers’ mail 48:9

Volunteers’ library 54:24; book list 58:34–35; additions 59:24 68:26 72:25 80:20

Volunteering, Convention (1972) 59:10

Volunteer’s library [additions] 63:27

Volunteers required (1976) Alan Heywood 71:8–11

Volunteers, Increased need for [1976] 74:8

[Volunteers and permanent staff] Howard J Wilson Correspondence 74:24–25

Volunteering requirements (1977) 76:13–15; (1978) 80:10–11; (1979) 84:8–9; (1980) 88:14; for 1981: traffic & commercial 91:7–8

Volunteers’ register 81:26

Volunteer work on the Ffestiniog Railway 87:11

Volunteering, Boston Lodge 92:9–10

Volunteering News from the Line 98:8 99:9–10 100:9 103:3 104:6 105:3 106:3–4 107:5–6 108:5–7 109:5–6 110:4 111:6 112:7 113:3–4 115:3 116:7–8, 116:11–12 117:4–6, 117:9 118:4–6 119:5 120:7 121:6 122:54–55 124:143 125:191–193 126:231 135:87 136:130 137:179–181 139:2 Iain Wilkinson 258:421-422

Volunteer resource manager [advertisement] 100:14

Volunteering and the unemployed 104:14

Volunteering on the Ffestiniog Railway David Green 104:15–16

Volunteer policy, Ffestiniog Railway (agreed at Joint Boards Meeting 11th December 1984) News from the Line 108:6–7

Volunteer involvement, Towards more David Green 109:19–20

Volunteering at Boston Lodge News from the Line 111:10

Volunteer and mechanical requirements News from the Line 113:8

Correspondence: Ian Rudd 119:35; James Wild 124:163; Tony Willlmore 204:805; Mick Whittle 204:805; Colin Marsh 205:38; Linda Scrivens 206:109–110

Volunteer projects News from the Line 129:364–365

Volunteering [AJ Gordon Rushton] 134:45

Volunteer Resource Co-ordinator (Traffic), From the 138:231

Volunteer help Eileen & Neil Clayton P&G notes 138:232; P&G wants 139:268 141:359

Volunteer co-ordinator 141:358

Volunteer Coordinator (Operating), From the Stewart D Macfarlane 142:404

Volunteer help Eileen & Neil Clayton BP&G bits, The 142:403; BP&G box, The 143:455

Volunteers News from the Line 148:142

A volunteer? Spare us a tanner Guv! Douglas J Lindsay 148:164–165

Volunteering Notice Board Paul Lewin & Andrew Heyward 158:64–65

[Volunteer co-ordinator] Is that really what they mean? Correspondence 168:493–494

Volunteering and the Ffestiniog Railway Society 169:27

Volunteer resource News from the Line 173:180–181 175:277–278 176:323–326

Volunteer forum Notice Board 176:341

Volunteering report Notice Board 177:405–406

Volunteer, The: return of the young Notice Board 180:544

Volunteering – an immediate & long-term challenge Volunteer Recruitment Team, Hilary Norton, Howard Wilson, Charlie Sharp & Alan Pye 182:91–92

Volunteering – the reaction Howard Wilson & the Volunteer Recruitment Team 183:151–152

Volunteer liaison meeting Notice Board 187:395

Volunteer database project Notice Board 188:454

Volunteer hands-on weekend 14 & 15 October [2006] Notice Board 193:31–32

Volunteer working parties and hands-0n crew training weekends News from the Line 195:138–139

Volunteer registration cards Notice Board D Fred Howes 197:287–288

Volunteer requirements (2008 / 9) Notice Board 199:442–443

Volunteer travel passes Notice Board Richard Buxton 201:589; 202:656

Volunteering in (2009) News from the Line 203:716–717

Volunteering in the 1960s TE Hopkins 203:759–760

Volunteering as we age Notice Board 209:328

Volunteering Howard Wilson 228:844–845

Volunteers’ recollections needed Notice Board David Smith 229:38

Volunteers’ recruitment Notice Board Howard Wilson 230:126

Volunteer recruitment weekend Notice Board Howard Wilson 231:209–210

Volunteer liaison meeting 2018 John E Fenner Notice board 239:837–838; 2019 Notice board 243:205–206 245:357–361

Volunteers, Join the Railway, 21–22 April 2018 Howard Wilson Notice board 240:924

Volunteer crossing keepers for Penrhyn, News from the line Ian Dunsire 253:8-9

Volunteering in a time of coronavirus Ben Powell 254:140-142

Volunteering: What’s changed? Iain Wilkinson 260:611-612

Volunteering: News from the line Iain Wilkinson 262-747-746

Volunteer Recruitment Team & Howard Wilson Volunteering – the reaction 183:151–152

Volunteer Recruitment Team, Hilary Norton, Howard Wilson, Charlie Sharp & Alan Pye Volunteering – an immediate & long-term challenge 182:91–92

Volunteer recruitment weekend News from the line Howard Wilson 241:33–34

«Volunteers’ manual» [for Ffestiniog Railway] 9:4-5 33:14; 36:31 38:15 40:35 41:30 42:12

Group news: London Area 9:4–5

edited by Roy Cunningham Publication received 73:19; 81:24

von Schutzmansdorff, Baron Roberrt Alexander Schutzmann News from the Line: Personal & Personnel: Obituary 231:188

«VORRSA the vale of Rheidol Railway supporters’ association – a tribute to a Welsh railway promotion group» by Christopher Magner Publication received 265:52-54


Wacaday Ruth Hopkinson 123:119

Wade, EA «The patent narrow gauge railways of John Barraclough Fell» Publication received 116:37

Waggon maintenance 144:498

Waggon no. 19, Reconstruction of AR Goode 7:8–10

Waggon report 2012 William High 219:192–194

Waggon tracks Heritage Group 213:602–605 215:752–753

Waggon Tracks Team Update Will High 266:143-145

Waggon Tracks: Waggon Tracks & Minffordd Yard News from the Line Iain Wilkinson 219:164–165; Waggons Tracks update Rob Collins 220:240; The Waggon Tracks shed Ian Hartill 228:834; Iain Wilkinson 229:22; The Waggon Tracks Appeal Iain Wilkinson 230:106; Waggon Tracks shed Ian Hartill 234:412; Waggon Tracks David High News from the line 239:812–813 Waggon Tracks Alistair Williams 254:96-97 William High 257:335-337 Waggon Tracks Team 260:576-579

Waggon tracks/Wooden Waggon Federation Alasdair Williams News from the line 247:496–500 251:792-794 255:179 257:337-338 258:416-417 259:495-496 William High and Alistair Williams 261                           :655-657

Wagon train Correspondence: David High 139:290; Rodney Weaver 140:335

Wagons list [1981] 93:28–33 and see Stock list [corrections] 94:14

Wagstaff, FC, AIB, Assistant Membership Secretary, Ffestiniog Railway Society Ltd Portrait PJGR [P John G Ransom] 66:22–23

Wagstaff, John Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11

Wagstaff, John & David Losey Man from the Ministry 51:20–25

Wagstaffe, John Correspondence: Paul Dukes 136:166

Wainwright, Brian Correspondence: Future train services 1 256:290

Waite, James «Twenty first century narrow gauge: a pictorial journey» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 246:448–449

Waite, James Correspondence: Vintage congratulations 191:657

Waiting for the first Welsh Highland Railway train / Disgwyl Agor Rheilfordd yr Uckeldir [1923] Ellen Ann Evans 203:762

Wakeford, Roy News from the Line: Personnel 144:495 145:19

Wakeford, Roy H Correspondence: FR150 116:41–42

Wakelin, Peter «Worktown: the drawings of Falcon Hildred» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 220:262

Wakey wakey! News from the Line 188:441 D Fred Howes

Waldren, Dave & Caroline Casterbridge connection 191:675–676

Waldron, Simon A journey to remember 75:3

«Wales in the golden age of picture postcards» by David Gwynn PLW [Patricia Layzell Ward] Publication received 207:188

Wales to the World: a Fairlie fantastic event, From Paul Lewin 247:523–524

Walk in the Vale of Ffestiniog by Ralph Maddern 122:54

Walker, Major Charles «Ffestiniog Railway ciné collection» no. 3: «The films of Major Charles Walker» (video) JFO [John Organ] Publication received 202:663–664

Walker, Chris “Le Mastrou” revived (again!) 222:426–428

Walker, Colin «Trails of steam» Volume 7 «Trails along the Welsh border» Publication received 91:34

Walker, Dave “Burrell” News from the Line: Staff news 55:6; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Staff news 60:10 63:7; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Staff news 66:12; News from the Line: Personnel 184:188; Personal & Personnel 193:17 203:717

Walker, DL, Fred Boughey, PR Girdlestone & CR Gibbard Rebuild of Alco Cooke no. 57156 101:16–25

Walker, George H Correspondence: More imagery 102:35

Walker, Jack News from the Line: Personnel 184:188

Walker, Joe News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 193:17

Walker, Judith Remembrances of Pant y Ffynnon  260:602-603

Walker, Judy News from the line: Personal & personnel 263:841

Walker, Margaret Ffestiniog nightmare 52:11–12

Walker, Ron

Correspondence: Future of the past 145:37–38

News from the Line: Trackside drains 214:666–667 215:740 216:816–817 217:25–26 218:92 219:166 220:240 221:308–309 222:379–380 223:454 224:527 225:602 226:678 227:755–756 228:839 230:109–110 231:183–184 232:271–272 233:349; Notice Board: The Drains Group 233:363; News from the Line: Trackside drains 234:416–418 235:501–502 236:578–580 drains 237:659–660 238:735–736 239:815–816 240:892–893

Notice Board: «Prince» & «Princess» in London: help required 220:254

Walker, Ron 1940-2023 Phil Hawkins 260:599 News from the line: Personal & personnel 260:597

Walker, Ron, Brian Ammann, Ian Andrew, Gareth Davies, John Fry, Phil Hawkins, Fred Howes, Chris Jones, Mick Thorp, Brenda & Ray Waters Obituary: Rodney Thorp, 1954–2017 240:904–906

Walker, Ron [and others] Correspondence: Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railways Trust, The 223:480

Walker, Ron A «Ffestiniog holiday» (film / video) by Alan Willmott Publication received 107:25–27

Walker, Ronald A Correspondence: The big big D [diesel] 108:49–50

Walker, Ron & Phil J Hawkins Ffestiniog Railway Society groups 200:539–542

«Walking around the Ffestiniog Railway» by Celia Hancock Publication received 162:245

[Walking on the line, Not] Oh, but we’re members” [73:11

Walks around the Ffestiniog Railway Louisa Wasley 132:506–507

«Walks from the Ffestiniog Railway» by Showell Styles Publication received 92:24

«Walks from Snowdonia’s heritage railways» by Des Marshall IMD Publication received 243:213

«Walks from the Welsh Highland Railway» Part 2 «Rhyd Ddu to Porthmadog» by Dave Salter & Dave Worrell PNJ [Peter N Jarvis] Publication received 207:188–189

Wall, John «First in the world – the Stockton & Darlington Railway» Publication received 176:349

Wallace, Arthur W «Mason steam locomotives» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 192:726

Wallace, JK If you want to know – ask: [Why «Moelwyn» faces downhill] 46:31–32

Wallace, Keith: Keith Correspondence: Sectioning and suchlike 117:31–32; Historic hulks 126:259

Waller, Peter Publications received «Classic trams – 30 years of tramway design 1920–1950» 145:34; «Heyday of the tram – 2» 154:397; «British trams» 181:35; «Works trams of the British Isles: a survey of tramway engineers’ vehicles» 247:541

[Wallis, Edward] «Forgotten railway infrastructure 1922–1934: stations | signalling | trackwork: photographs from the Edward Wallis collection» [PHJ] Phil J Hawkins Publication received 240:930–931

Wallis, Mrs Raymond Railway heritage 167:438

WALLS – and I don’t mean ice cream Geoff Hall 95:25–26

Walpole, Chris Irish connection, An 234:467

Walsh, Ian News from the Line: Staff news 51:8 55:6

Walsh, Shirley Correspondence: Joys of filth 43:25

Walwyn Richard Publication received: «A little history of Borth-y-Gest» PLW [Patricia Layzell Ward] 214:692; (editor) «Gestiana / Alltud Eifion» by Robert Isaac Jones PLW [Patricia Layzell Ward] 224:555; (editor) «Porthmadog and its resources 1856 / Madog ap Owain Gwynedd» facsimile edition PLW [Patricia Layzell Ward] 224:555

Wandering Flea, The John Alexander 170:63–64

Wandering muse in Wales 68:27

Want to paint the town red? 114:13

«Wantage Tramway» 2nd edition by Reg Wilkinson Publication received 152:320

Wantage Tramway Paul Towers Correspondence 186:333

Wanted, wants 52:8 53:16

(organized by Magazine numbers)

Wanted for lecturing purposes 7:4–5

Wants list 56:7; BP&G 137:190–191; no. 20 (June 1999) 165:white sheet bound in with number; no. 22 (August 1999) 166:white sheet bound in with number; Wants list no. 23 (December 1999) 167:white sheet bound in with number

Wants department News from the Line 71:7: Cleaning rags 71:7; Concrete sleepers 71:7; Packing timbers 71:7

Wanted News from the Line 101:10 102:9 110:8

Wanted [TV camera] 107:17

Wanted: waste oil – a JR of the Ffestiniog Railway News from the Line 116:12

Wanted – first aid News from the Line 116:16

Wants & grovels News from the Line 119:5

Wanted – design office assistance News from the Line 119:8

Wanted – scaffolding clips 131:449

Wants Eileen & Neil Clayton P&G notes 138:232

Wool for blankets Notice Board 160:146

Wants Notice Board 170:59 174:242

Wants list Notice Board 173:196

[Graphic design skills] Notice Board 180:543

Bridge inspectors Notice Board Alun Tomlinson 221:332

Track inspectors Notice Board Alun Tomlinson 221:332–333

Wants News from the Line 228:842

Old bedsheets Notice Board 230:127

Wanted urgently [volunteers for point and signal maintenance] Notice Board 233:363

Wanted – bridge inspectors Graham Cole Notice board 242:129–130

«War Department locomotives» by R Tourret Publication received 78:24

Warburton, Mike News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 216:823

Ward, AJ, ARICS, Assistant Membership Secretary, Ffestiniog Railway Society Ltd Portrait 51:28–29

Ward, AJ Correspondence: Ffestiniog Railway’s refugee problem, The 107:34

Ward, David

Correspondence: Vintage congratulations 191:657; Names for carriages 228:861

Margaret Ritchie & saloon no. 119 227:774–775

Ward, DH Correspondence: Spam blockage 121:40–41

Ward, GA Articulated locomotives: part 1 15:16–18; part 2 17:10–12; part 3 22:12–14; part 4 25:15–17; part 5 32:12–15

Ward, Geoff Introducing the staff 28:13

Ward, Geoffrey A Layzell see Layzell Ward, Geoffrey A

Ward, Judith & Nick Griffiths  News from the line: Health and safety 263:822-823

Ward, Patricia Layzell see Layzell Ward, Patricia

Ward, Ian

Gloucestershire Group working party reports 181:48–52

Tony Ward 1937–2011 213:596–597

Ward, James L Building railways Publication received 153:357

Ward, John Correspondence: Pleasantly surprised John 181:33

Ward, John R Correspondence: Alan [GW] Garraway 230:130

Ward, Patricia Layzell see Layzell Ward, Patricia

Ward, Tony

A presentation 211:453

[death] 212:531

Tony Ward 1937–2011 Ian Ward Obituary 213:596–597

Ward, Tony Not marketing again! 106:25–26

Wardt, Bob de 1925–2012 Graham Cole & Martin Duncan Obituary 218:99–100

Wardt, Bob de

Correspondence: Ffestiniog Travel 134:75; Way ahead 196:227

Tanygrisiau signalling system 146:65–66

Notice Board: Tanygrisiau signalling report 157:18

Tanygrisiau project, The: The Project Manager’s tale 172:164–66

Warner, Jack, Lorraine & Robert News from the Line: Personnel 191:642

Warner, Maggie (Margaret) News from the Line: Personnel 134:54 135:95–96

Warner, TW Correspondence: An absolute Fairbourne 112:51

Warner, Trevor News from the Line: Personnel 134:54

Trevor Warner Access to the F[festiniog] R[ailway] – Correspondence 251:827

Warner, Trevor A dubious publicity coup Correspondence 234:437

Warning 188:441 D Fred Howes News from the Line

Warr, Elizabeth & D Fred Howes Percy Royston [Dick] Wollan 1923–2010 Obituary 210:383–384

Warren, Gina News from the Line: Personnel 127:278 153:346 160:143 172:147 175:285 179:486; Personal & Personnel 211:453

«Wartime on the railways» by David Wragg JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 195:169

Washington, Bob News from the Line: Personnel 234:421–422

Washington, Edward Gordon News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 208:239

Washington, Jenni News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 208:239 217:30

Washington, Lawrence News from the Line: Personnel 190:572; Personal & Personnel 208:239 217:30

Washington, Lawrence Purple Moose Brewery 188:470–473

Washington, Lawrence, Peter Asquith, Tim Oulton & Howard Wilson Cyril Barnett 1924–2013 Obituary 223:461–462

Washington, Matthew Jack News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 217:30

Wasley, Eleanor, Louise & Michael Correspondence: “Threat’” from the Welsh Highland Railway 183:14

Wasley, Linda Another walk 133:31

Wasley, Louisa (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Old tracks 130:418

More old tracks 131:459–460

Walks around the Ffestiniog Railway 132:506–507

Safety corner 134:67–68

Louisa’s bit 135:113

Anyone for private station 136:162

What a day! 137:204–205

Tokens 139:284–285

Facelift for diesels 141:381–382

Round and about 143:471

Rags, please 144:516

Useful service? 146:77–78

It’s not just the firing… 147:122

Shunting 148:169–170

Time to get involved 149:207

Wasley, Michael Correspondence: Safety first 145:35

Waste oil 68:3 76:21 78:11 83:19 84:9–10 85:13 86:8–9 88:13

(ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

General Manager [Allan GW Garraway] 70:9–10

A challenge: we want it! Many others don’t! Will you help us get it [Paul Dukes, Works Manager, Boston Lodge 80:9–10

Co-ordinator] [Rob Holton] Late news 94:20

News Bryan Leech 97:18–19

Waste oil News from the Line 99:7–9 105:8 120:16–17 124:146–147

A new phase Bryan Leech 104:26–31

Waste oils – where have you gone? 114:7–8

Wanted: waste oil – a JR of the Ffestiniog Railway News from the Line 116:12

JB Leech Correspondence 119:40–41; RC Paddison Correspondence 120:32–34; Laurie Tebb Correspondence 120:34

Water [at Tan-y-Bwlch] 130:407

Waterer, Graham «Southern electrics – a view from the past» Publication received 164:327–328

«Waterloo sunset» special train: Paul Anderson commemoration Tony Massau Notice board 237:684

Waters, Brenda & Ray Correspondence: On shunting vols 175:291–292: «Mountaineer» 221:337

Waters, Brenda & Ray, Brian Ammann, Ian Andrew, Gareth Davies, John Fry, Phil Hawkins, Fred Howes, Chris Jones, Mick Thorp, Ron Walker, Obituary: Rodney Thorp, 1954–2017 240:904–906

Waters, Brenda & Roy Correspondence: «Mountaineer» 221:337

Waters, Helen: News from the Line: Personnel 184:188; Personal & Personnel 193:17 203:717

Waters, Helen

Ffestiniog Railway’s business, The 179:498

2003 timetables, The 179:500–501

Waters, Ian, Ann Gates & Raymond Elliott Michael Gates 1933–2006 Obituary 194:83

Waters, Laurence Publications received: «Celebration of steam – the Chilterns» 152:321; «Around the Great Western Railway then and now» 178:449

Waters, M Correspondence: Sparks 43:26

Waters, Dr PE «A Catalogue of the parcel stamps of the Colonel Stephens Railways» Publication received 105:23

Waters, Dr PE Jones v Ffestiniog Railway Company 116:31–32

Waters, PE, BSc. (Eng.), GIMech.E Correspondence: Passenger explosion (a look into the future) 40:32–34

Waters, Ray Correspondence: Golden opportunity 189:524

Waters, Ray & Brenda Correspondence: On shunting vols 175:291–292: «Mountaineer» 221:337

Waterston, R Correspondence: Oil on the rail R 62:37

Watkin Jones, Iorwerth, MBE, 1940–2006 Dafydd Gwyn Obituary 194:84–85

Watson, AL Correspondence: Life and Leech 120:31–32

Watson, Mair

News from the Line: Staff news 50:11; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; [1979–80] 87:9; News from the Line: Staff news 91:7; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:12; [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11; News from the Line: Personnel 145:19 146:58 168:481

Mair Watson 1930–2009 Alan Heywood & Richard Buxton Obituary 205:22

Watson, RHW Correspondence: Your magazine 47:32

Watson, Richard Correspondence: Missing locos 138:246; Vivarais encore 138:249; «Linda»’s chimney 139:288; Gala-math 142:430; That rapid! 147:125; «Linda» restored Richard Watson 148:172

Way ahead Bob de Wardt Correspondence 196:227

Way ahead, The

David W Ronald Correspondence 100:43–44

TG Jones Correspondence 133:37–38

Wayne, Francis T

Secretary, Ffestiniog Railway Company Portrait 13:7

Francis T Wayne EJR [E John Routly] Obituary 132:479–480

Derek Harrison Correspondence 133:37

Wayne, Francis T

Correspondence: [Reply to Mr Cunningham (10:6–8)] 11:8–9; [Coach painting and varnishing] 27:25

1966 report [of Ffestiniog Railway Company] 35:14–16

Narrow gauge upside down 47:18–19

WBB [William B Broadbent] A message from the Chairman 1:1

«WDLR album» compiled by Roy C Link JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 226:697

«WDLR companion» by Colonel David W Ronald & Roy C Link JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 244:296–297:

“%We all thoroughly enjoyed our trip” [AJ Gordon Rushton] 145:7–8

We need you! Richard Wilson 170:60

We need cotton rags! Notice Board Paul Lewin 253:40

We only just made it Allan GW Garraway Correspondence 41:31

We ran a vintage train Stewart D Macfarlane 130:416–417

Wear, Russell «Locomotive builders of Kilmarnock» Publication received 78:25

Weather permitting Alf Fisher 161:201–203

Weatherly, Christine Song of the engine 217:9

Weaver, CR

Correspondence [«Prince» valve gear] 2:9; Charles Spooner: a reply to “Boston Lodgite” 22:17–18; [Diesel and steam engines] 34:26–27; Locomotive of the future 36:28; «Fire Queen» 49:38; Modernisation 50:42; [Preservation vs modernization, Active Forty] 55:44; Raspberries in spring 61:31–32

Charles Spooner 20:25–26

Weaver, Rodney, 1939–2003 Peter N Jarvis [PNJ] Obituary 180:540–541

Weaver, Rodney (in order of Magazine issue numbers)

Correspondence: «Topsy» 48:30; Matters arising 63:34; Garratt and gauge 64:24; Pipedream (1975) 72:26–7; Spooners 78:25; «Topsy» 79:26–27; More megaffest 80:26–27; Boat, The 80:28–29; New slant 88:24; More on engines 92:33; «Mountaineer» 96:36; [Dragons] 98:35; The media again 98:35; Fairlie futures 100:45; Locomotivery yet again 106:31–32; The big big D [diesel] 108:50–52; On locomotives, and other things like diesels 109:35; Menopausal meditations 113:39–40; Decauville wasn’t here 113:42; Sectioning «Livingston Thompson» 118:35; Décauville & Cleminson 119:38–39; Self-steering 118:39–40; Secret society 120:36; Early track 124:180; Sprung points 124:181; Wagon train 140:335; Bug box no. 9 140:336; From my corner 171:106–107

Pipedream (1975) 68:19–23 72:26–7

La chose est impossible 72:19–21 74:24

Porthmadog meets Aston 80:19–20

Torch Lake 85:34–36

Fairlie singular 89:28–34

Fairlie controversies 91:23–24

Philadelphia to Pitt’s Head 94:17–20

English ponies 100:18–29

Cornerman’s corner 103:37–39 105:34–35

Elephantasy 103:38

Euphoria Limited 103:38

Lo-commotion 103:38–39

Top air 104:36–38

Seeing double 105:34–35

Bells 105:35

Cornerman’s corner 111:42

A day older than Texas? 112:29

Gravity working – a postscript 113:22–23

Summer long past 114:23–27

Wheels and gravity working 118:30–32

Robert Stephenson (1788–1837) – a bicentennial memoir 121:30–32

The Baguley story, The 124:170–173

Dragon country Correspondence 125:220–221

Décauville precursors 126:245–247

Ffestiniog Railway royal train, An Correspondence 128:340–341

A slightly less endangered species 136:164–165

An opportunity missed? 148:154–158

Motorail to Dduallt 150:237–239

Web sites, Ffestiniog Railway 191:655 192:722 193:34 194:97 195:157 196:225 197:291 198:369 199:445 200:509 201:608 202:658 203:730 205:32 206:107 207:183 208:257 209:329 210:397 211:474 212:538 213:611 214:685 215:763 216:835 217:45 218:112 219:185 220:257 221:334 222:399 223:500 224:548 226:686 227:761 228:855 229:32 230:119 231:211 232:291 233:364 234:426 235:509 237:679 238:745 239:867 240:929 241:52 242:120 243:207 244:292 245:366 246:444 253:41 255:199 260:608 261:686 262:769 263:851

Webb, Brian & DA Gordon «Lord Carlisle’s railway» Publication received 82:28

Webcams, Ffestiniog Railway Harry Gow Correspondence 231:212 Nigel Prescott Correspondence 233:366

Webster, Bryan

«Taliesin» update 155:437–438

Team «Taliesin» makes tracks 159:123–124

Webster, VR Correspondence: Your magazine 47:31

Wedi Blino yn Stesion Rhosllyn / Fed up at Rhosllyn Station Gwilym Deudraeth 185:285

Wednesday afternoon [Norman F. Gurley] 30:22–23

Wednesday weed-ins 113:13

Wee omission Andy J Savage Correspondence 119:41

Weeding containers needed Notice Board 227:778

Weedon, MJ On locomotives Correspondence 129:387–388

week in the life of a buffet car steward, A Peter Treloar 128:331–335

Weekend in autumn Peter N Jarvis 219:206

weekend with Alan Pegler, A Notice Board 173:195–196

[Weight of locomotives and carriages] WE Long If you want to know ask 81:26

Weir, Barbara News from the Line: Staff news 57:7; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11

Weir, Barbara, Kathryn Victoria, Margaret & Richard News from the Line: Staff news 75:11

Weir, Margaret: Staff news 72:8; News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 211:453

Weir, Richard

Staff news 56:6 65:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Staff news 67:12 68:1 72:8 81:8; News from the Line: Personnel 115:11 124:151 174:237 175:285 182:76; Personal & Personnel 194:81 196:212 202:646 211:453

Richard Weir 1943–2009 Alan Heywood & John L Dobson 206:95–96

Weir, Richard

On-train catering – 1 133:22–23

Correspondence: Help please 162:243–244

My early days on the Ffestiniog Railway 206:138–140

Welbourn, Nigel Publications received: «Lost lines – Southern» 154:397; «Lost lines north eastern» 159:114; «Lost lines – British narrow gauge» PQT 172:163; «Lost lines – Birmingham and the Black Country» 179:497

Welch, Nick «Ffestiniog odyssey» [G[A]LW] Geoffrey A Layzell Ward Publication received 209:333

Welcome to a new [Ffestiniog Railway Company] director [Gerald Fiennes] 40:2

Welcome volunteer weekend 14–18 April 2001 Notice Board 171:100 172:152–153

Well, you said it! 57:28

Wells, Bob News from the Line: Staff news 64:8; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Staff news 75:11

Wells, Frances News from the Line: Staff news 68:10 80:9

Well-trained bears, The J Audrey Edwards 75:19–21

Welsh and water towers: Correspondence Gareth Griffith 264:932-933

«Welsh for visitors; a little goes a long way» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 244:298

Welsh Highland Railway (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

[Welsh Highland Railway and Ffestiniog Railway] Philip S Clark Correspondence 18:18

[It’s that railway again] [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 66:1–2

E John Routly, Chairman, The Ffestiniog Railway Company 128:309

Gala: Nigel Garvey Correspondence 129:385–386; M Holmes Correspondence 129:386

[Trackbed purchase] M Holmes Correspondence 129:386

Affair [stop press insert on yellow paper bound in with 131]

[Future] John Padley, in Welsh Highland affair Correspondence [stop press insert on yellow paper bound in with 131]

Useful discussions [AJ Gordon Rushton] 132:478

The Welsh Highland – high and low level Correspondence: Cyril A Selman 132:513; EH Preston 132:513–514; JF Andrews 132:514; Ken Farrell 132:514; AN Massau 132:514; GB Sutton 132:514

Trackbed [Peter Johnson] 134:44

Welsh Highland 135:99 139:267

Welsh Highland [AJ Gordon Rushton] 136:125 141:346

Welsh Highland [Peter Johnson] 138:215–216 140:299

Consolidation EH Preston Correspondence 138:244–245

The Ffestiniog Railway’s proposals [enclosed and bound with Ffestiniog Railway Magazine 139]

Correspondence: John Hopkins 139:288–289; David Lyall 140:335; Stephen G. Abbott 141:385; Daniel H Wilson 142:428–429; Malcolm Hindes 142:429; Ron Cooper 142:429; Andrew Morris 144:517; Daniel H Wilson 145:36; Richard Stibbs 146:79; Andrew Morris 146:79–80; Robert Tatham 146:80; P. Donovan 146:80; Derek J Winter 148:171; Daniel H Wilson 159:110; Roy W Bell [with reply by Editor] 170:61

From the Ffestiniog Railway Society Chairman Fuzz Jordan 140:318–319

From the President Alan Pegler 140:319–321

From the Chairman of the Ffestiniog Railway Trust E John Routly 140:32

Enquiry: [AJ Gordon Rushton] 143:440–441; Membership matters 145:20

Decision 146:60–64

A Welsh Highland pioneer [«K1»] Membership matters 148:148

Where is it? Brian J Overbury Correspondence 155:44; Stephen F Berisford Correspondence 156:489–490

And «Welsh Pony» CEA Buckle Correspondence 158:75

Welsh Highland and Ffestiniog distances Sean Emmett Correspondence 163:282

[Distances] Adrian C Gray Correspondence 164:325–326

Transport & Works Order Notice Board 165:363–364

Welsh Highland Railway Notice Board 167:444

Welsh Highland News from the Line 169:9

Welsh Highland Railway inquiry reports Notice Board 169:20

Gala [2000] Dave Kent 170:55

Welsh Highland and Ffestiniog Funkey locomotives: David Payling 175:308–313; Part II – North Wales 176:370–377

Howzit going 15 years on? Andy J Savage 179:499–500

Extension Peter Lawson Correspondence 182:88

Phase 4 Correspondence: David C. Morton 187:397–398; Roy Cunningham 187:398

Welsh Highland Railway / RhE Real Ale Festival [2005] News from the Line 188:437

In Porthmadog Michael Huber Correspondence 190:593

Welsh Highland Railway funding Notice Board 193:30

Track D Fred Howes Correspondence 193:36

Finances: John Knowles Correspondence 193:37 195:164

Welsh Highland Railway new trains appeal News from the Line 194:76–77

Welsh Highland Railway and the Ffestiniog Railway Society Boards Robin Leleux Correspondence 201:595

Welsh Highland Railway Phase 4 opening dates Notice Board 204:799

Welsh Highland Railway (RhE) holders – Ffestiniog Railway Society members’ travel privileges Notice Board 205:33

Welsh Highland Railway reopening delayed Notice Board 206:107

Welsh Highland Railway sponsors’ train (2010) Notice Board 208:254

Welsh Highland Railway News from the Line: Y Fforestwr Eryri 215:744; Alasdair Stewart 216:820–822

Timetable (2014) 224:550–551

Welsh Highland Railway Timetable [2015] 228:858–859

WHR buffet car sales Steven Pack Correspondence 235:526

Welsh Highland Railway, Timetable [2017] 236:591, 594

WHR Super Power Weekend – change of dates [2017] Notice Board 236:602

Welsh Highland Railway, 2018 timetable 940:911, 914

W[elsh] H[ighland] R[ailway] centenary research competition: Notice Board: 1923-2023 Nick Booker 257:373

Welsh Highland Railway Publications received:  «Welsh Highland Railway Year book & travel guide 1980 / 81» edited by Bryan Shear 90:29; «Welsh Highland stock list photo fact file no. 1» 137:207;«Welsh Highland Railway: 25 years of memorable milestones» by East Anglian Group Cymdeithas Rheiffordd Eryri  250:748«Welsh Highland Railway / Rheilffordd Eryri guide book» by David Grosvenor 161:200; «Welsh Highland Railway – Caernarfon to Porthmadog» [Volume 1] «A phoenix rising» by John Stretton 166:410; Volume 2 «Halfway to paradise» by John Stretton JLD [John L Dobson] 187:404; Volume 3 «Ain’t no stoppin’ us now!» by John Stretton JLD [John L Dobson] 205:40; «Welsh Highland Railway Lein Bach» (video) 172:163; «Welsh Highland Railway: an historical guide» Part 1 «Caernarvon to Rhyd Ddu» compiled by John Keylock PED [Paul E Davies] 192:729–730; «Welsh Highland Railway» by Bellhurst Productions JFO [John Organ] 192:730; «Welsh Highland Railway driver’s eye view» (video) JFO [John Organ] 194:103–104; «The Welsh Highland story» by Railfilms (video) PED [Paul E Davies] 217:50; «Welsh Highland Railway renaissance: the story of the restoration of the Welsh Highland Railway 1991–2011» by AJ Gordon Rushton PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 218:117–118; «The Welsh Highland Railway renaissance» (video) PED [Paul E Davies] 219:188–189; «Welsh Highland Railway: the complete journey» (video) by Graham Whistler & Jeff Freestone IMR 224:554–555

Welsh in a week Clare Britton 191:681

Welsh language and the Ffestiniog Railway Dafydd Gwyn 218:136–138

Welsh league 58:18

«Welsh lines preserved» (video) with James Boyd Publication received 140:334

«Welsh narrow gauge, On the» by James IC Boyd Rodney Weaver Publication received 84:23–24

«Welsh narrow gauge, The, – a pictorial history» by JDCA Prideaux Publication received 75:21

«Welsh narrow gauge – a view from the past» by Peter Johnson Arthur Lambert [ALl.L] Publication received 166:410

«Welsh narrow gauge in colour, The» by Peter Johnson Norman F Gurley [NFG] 142:426

«Welsh narrow-gauge railways» by Peter Johnson PNJ [Peter N Jarvis] Publication received 134:72–73

«Welsh narrow gauge railways from old picture postcards» by Andrew Neale Publication received 133:35

«Welsh Pony»

(ordered by Magazinbew number)

«Welsh Pony» MJ Dickinson Correspondence 36:29

«Welsh Pony» [& «Prince»] Paul Lewin 210:390

«Welsh Pony» restoration News from the Line Martin Batcock 222:372–373

«Welsh Pony» – an appeal for help Notice Board Martin Batcock 222:398

«Welsh Pony» appeal Notice Board Dave Charlton 223:475–476

«Welsh Pony» News from the Line Martin Batcock 223:444–445; Paul Lewin 224:516–517; 225:593–594 226:662–664; Paul Lewin 227:744–745; John Dobson 228:827

«Welsh Pony» & lineside maintenance van appeal Notice Board Dave Charlton 227:776–777

«Welsh Pony» remembrance donation Johann Hickey Correspondence 233:365

«Welsh Pony», «James Spooner», etc. David C Morton Correspondence 233:366

«Welsh Pony» News from the line Paul Lewin 237:647–648

Welsh Railways Action Group (WRAG) 79:1–2

«Welsh railways in the heyday of steam» by HC Casserley Publication received 88:21–22

«Welsh slate: archaeology & history of an industry / Llechi cyrmu: archaeology a hanes by David Gwyn PNJ [Peter N Jarvis] Publication received 229:45–46

Welsh Slate Company high bridge, Blaenau landmark 50:32–33

«Welsh steam railway calendar 1993» Publication received 138:243

Welsh, Joe, Bill Howes & Kevin J Holland «Cars of Pullman» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 210:404–405

Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway 17:12–13

[Cattle van] MH Green Correspondence 17:18

Welshpool van Peter N Jarvis 41:13–16

Publications received: «Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway guide book» 78:25; «Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway» 2nd edition by R Cartwright & RT Russell 94:32; «Welshpool & Llanfair light railway» by Ralph Cartwright & RT Russell 125:218–219; «Welshpool & Llanfair Railway» by Graham Whistler (video) 154:398; «The Welshpool & Llanfair» by Ralph L Cartwright 177:410; «Welshpool to Llanfair featuring the lost connection» by Vic Mitchell & Keith Smith JLD [John L Dobson] 206:112 «Welshpool & Llanfair light railway, the: The story of a Welsh rural byway» by Peter Johnson, 251:830-831

Welshpool & Llanfair closes Ralph Cartwright 194:112–116

Welshpool van Peter N Jarvis 41:13–16

We’re all marketing assistants 103:13–14

We’re on video [AJ Gordon Rushton] 137:177–178

Wessex Express rail tour Notice Board Jim Parrish 220:255

«West Clare Railway, The» by Joe Taylor Publication received 177:410

West coast line PWB Semmens Correspondence 61:30–31

«West German narrow gauge» by John Organ JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 197:298–299

Weston, Peter: Personal and personnel :News from the line 256:279

West shore route: Llyn Ystradau deviation [maps] 55:8–9

West side stories [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 55:2

«West Somerset Railway – a view from the past» by Richard Jones Publication received 164:327

«West Wales railways: Milford Haven and Neyland Branches» by John Hodge Publication received 259:533-534

Westcott Jones, Kenneth «Rail tales of the unexpected» Publication received 139:286

«Western change: summer Saturdays in the west 1957–1995» by Paul Chancellor Publication received 151:283

Western Front during the First World War, Narrow and standard-gauge locomotives on the, Winifred Holtby’s savage, shrieking fire-eyed trains «The beasts!»: Christopher Chippindale 237:702–704

Westley, Graham News from the line: Personal & personnel 260:597

Weston, Peter, Adrian C Gray & Michael Seymour Rusty bits & dusty bits – museums & archives 159:118–121

Weston, Peter News from the line: Personal & personnel 256:279

Weston, Richard Correspondence: Visually 137:208

Weston, Stephen & Peter Chatham «Early railways: a guide for the modeller» GLW [Geoffrey Layzell Ward] Publication received 245:376

Whalley, Bex & Alun Tomlinson News from the line: Infrastructure 265:016-018

Whalley, James Peter, Jon & Rebecca News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 230:117

Whalley, Jon News from the Line: Personnel 118:14 133:18 139:267 149:192 156:473 157:15 174:237 187:380; Personal & Personnel 197:283 204:790

Whalley, Jon Boston Lodge and Dinas workshops: News from the Line 266:091-092

Whalley, Jon Fairlie locomotive strategy 205:53–54

Whalley, Jon, James Evans, Paul Lewin & David Payling ««Lyd»: a new Lynton & Barnstaple locomotive» JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 215:766

Whalley, Jon Workshops and running shed: News from the line 251:787-789   254:89-91 255:171-173 256:253-256 257:332-334 259:490-492 260:569-573 261:649-650 262:731-733 263:813-815 264:894-896 265:011-013 267:173-175

Whalley, Jonathan News from the Line: Personnel 114:10 115:12

Whalley, Jonathan Arthur News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 199:430

Whalley, Mrs Pat: News from the Line: Staff news 73:10; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:12; News from the Line: Personnel 98:13100:12 103:12

Whalley, Rebecca News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 200:504; 234:421 243:182

What a day! Louisa Wasley 137:204–205

What a lot we got! News from the Line 125:191

What can I do? Roy Woods 155:413

What did Morris Owen really write? Michael JT Lewis 37:23–24

What did you do in the War granny? John Alexander 218:134–135

What else do you do?: Peter Hayden 191:682; Rebecca Kitchin 197:314–315; Katharine Dobson 198:399–401

Whatever happened to “The Active Forty” Rob Holton 255:228-236

What happened 22:2–3

[What makes people train-mad?] TA Kletz Correspondence 64:24

What next? [Peter Johnson] 141:344

What’s in a name? 39:25; Mark Lewis Correspondence 68:34; Michael Seymour 111:20–21

Whayman, Angela M 98:15

Wheat, Geoff Correspondence: Pithiviers 134:75; Bunny Lewis 195:165

Wheelchair ramps

MH Green Correspondence 152:323–324

Notice Board 193:33

Wheeler, Laurence Notice Board: Rail tour to Edinburgh 215:760–761

Wheelhouse, AW, Director – Ffestiniog Railway Society Limited Portrait 48:13–14

Wheelhouse, Alan Swiss Alpine tour – 18th–26th October [1974] 67:17

Wheeller’s Day: August 8th 1935 by Peter Liddell JLD [John L Dobson] Publication Received 216:839

Wheels and gravity working: AJ Padley 116:24–27; Rodney Weaver 118:30–32

Where does the money go? [AJ Gordon Rushton] 145:8

Where have all our workers gone? 61:11

Where have all the people come from? [AJ Gordon Rushton] 140:301

Where is the business plan? Phil J Hawkins Correspondence 197:294–295

Where is this Ffestiniog Railway safety film? Alan Smith Correspondence 207:186

Where the money goes 33:12–13 34:23 44:3; (Dduallt ’68) 50:26–28; James Evans Correspondence 159:113

Where to stay AJ Gordon Rushton 125:188–189

WHH Transport & Works Order decision Membership matters 166:404

«Whipsnade & Umfolozi Railway and Great Whipsnade Railway» by CS Thomas Publication received 151:282

Whistler, Graham Publications received: «Ffestiniog Railway» (video) 138:243; «Ffestiniog Railway (a celebration of forty years)» (video) 154:398; «Welshpool & Llanfair Railway» (video) 154:398; «Ravenglass & Eskdale railway experience» (video) 155:441; «Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway – the cab ride» (video) 157:28; «A day in the life of two Talyllyns» (video) 180:550; «Narrow gauge story» (video) JFO [John Organ]] 189:531–532; «Darjeeling Himalayan Railway» JFO [John Organ] 198:375–376

Whistler, Graham & Jeff Freestone «Welsh Highland Railway: the complete journey» (video) IMR Publication received 224:554–555

[Whistles] DR Hall If you want to know – ask 34:24; [editors’ reply] Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley If you want to know – ask 34:24; Peter Stephens & Brian Butterworth If you want to know – ask 82:21

Whitaker, Rogers EM

Portrait (Patrons of the Ffestiniog Railway Company) PJGR [P John G Ransom] 91:30–31

Rogers EM Whitaker Herbert Mitgang Obituary 93:5

Whitcomb, David Notice board: Recycling ink-jet cartridges 247:533

Whitcomb, David & David Edwards Notice Board: Limited edition paperweights & 220:255

Whitcombe, Graham 243:182, 190; News from the line: Personal & Personnel 244:272

Whitcombe, Graham News from the line: Parks & gardens 244:267–268 245:344 246:424–425 247:515 248:589

White, Christopher «Forty years of the Talyllyn Railway» Publication received 134:73

White, HP «Regional history of the railways of Great Britain» Volume 2 «Southern England» Publication received 139:286

White, Mr JB 3:11

White, Mark & Howard Mattingley Plas Tan yr Allt & the Ffestiniog Railway 237:706–707

White Rose Group [of Society] see Group notes White Rose

Whitehouse, Michael Publications received: «Narrow gauge steam: Britain’s legacy to the world» JLD [John L Dobson] 221:340; «Talyllyn pioneers» PLW [ Patricia Layzell Ward] 232:294–295; Whitehouse, Michael «Narrow gauge album 1950–1965 in colour» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 244:294–295; «Narrow gauge album 1965-1965 in colour» [John Dobson] 248:610-611

Whitehouse, Michael (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

The family reunion, The 142:414–415

From the Ffestiniog Railway Company Chairman 180:533–535 186:318

From the Ffestiniog Railway Company Chairman: moving the business forward 181:24–25

From the Ffestiniog Railway Company Chairman: Raising our game 182:77

From the Ffestiniog Railway Company Chairman: building a consensus for the future 187:381–382

Enduring values 190:581

Correspondence: [reply to Open letter to the Ffestiniog Railway Company Chairman] 191:656

Beautiful buildings 193:24

Whitehouse, Michael & Ian Hogarth «Heyday of Tyseley and its locomotives» Publication received 180:550

Whitehouse, Michael & Peter Johnson «Ffestiniog in colour» Peter J Lawson Publication received 149:208

Whitehouse, Patrick

OBE 39:17

Patrons of the Ffestiniog Railway Company PJGR [P John G Ransom] 91:28–31

[Death] 141:386

Whitehouse, Patrick & JB Snell «Narrow gauge railways of the British Isles» Publication received 105:22

Whitehouse, Patrick & David St John Thomas Publications received: «Great days of the GWR» 135:117; «The great days of the Southern Railway» 140:334; «The romance of Scotland’s railways» 143:472

Whitehouse, Patrick & Maggy Whitehouse «China by rail» Publication received 123:124

Whitehurst, Glyn 131:447

News from the Line: Personnel 127:278

Whitehurst, Glyn Correspondence: Less is good [how many Fairlies?] 159:111

Whiteley, Josh News from the Line: Personnel 150:234 160:143

[Whither Ffestiniog Railway support] J. Ransom Correspondence 52:27

Whiting, GL Correspondence: Subscriptions 147:125

Whiting, John S Correspondence: Myers, Bill, Penrhyn Crossing keeper] 179:495

Whittaker, Nicholas «Platform souls: the trainspotter as twentieth-century hero» Publication received 151:282

Whittaker, Vic Correspondence: Kids’ Week impressions 174:247–248

Whittle, MC Correspondence: Sit in memory 126:259

Whittle, Mick News from the Line: Personnel 144:495 145:19 156:473 157:15 173:189

Whittle, Mick Correspondence: Volunteering 2 204:805 Dating a photograph 253:44

Who are the Railway Children? Andy J Savage 187:410

Whole line special train Notice Board 204:800

Wholly owned subsidiary [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 76:1–2

Who’s oldest? [AJ Gordon Rushton] 138:217

Who’s who

Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10

Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11

Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9

Who’s who on the staff [1983] News from the Line 100:12–13

WHR see Welsh Highland Railway

Why bother? Richard Wilson 171:103

Why build a new Mountaineer? David R C Wood 253:73-75

[Why «Moelwy» faces downhill] JK Wallace If you want to know – ask 46:31–32

Why, Derrick Correspondence: Sectioning «Livingston Thompson» 118:37; «Mountaineer» 230:131

«Wickham of War» by Loxley Ford & James Cooper Jnr JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 185:273

Wickham trolley Jonathan Flood Correspondence 207:186

Wickham trolley project, The Carwyn Coates 267:229-233

wider line, The [AJ Gordon Rushton] 142:393

Wigley, Gareth J. Correspondence: Alternative fuels 2 193:38

Wike, William

Introducing the staff: Seasonal staff 27:9; News from the Line: Staff news 37:6

[death] 49:3 49:12

Wilcox, Jennie & Steve Coulson Arthur Brooks 1931–2012 220:244–245

Wild goats 38:7–8; of Dduallt 66:18

Wild week-end [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] 47:3

Wild, Alan

Correspondence: Locomotive of the future] 24:17–18

Wooden spooners’ corner: [«K1» Garratt purchase] 35:26–27

Correspondence: Locomotives – ancient and modernised 53:36–37: More locomotivery 103:32–33

Wild, James Correspondence: Volunteering 124:163

Wilde, Paul Letter: [Spelling of Ffestiniog] 122:75

Wilkins, Jonathon Correspondence: Future train services 2.  256:290-291

Wilkinson, Alastair News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 194:81 254:113

Wilkinson, Andy

Notice Board: Strippers wanted [signboard preparing] 234:432

Sign writing on the FR 242:124–128

Signwriting minibashes: News from the line 254:108-109

News from the line: Sign writing at megabash 261:675-676

Wilkinson, Andy & Howard Wilson News from the Line: Megabash 2015 229:27–28

Wilkinson, Andy & Ann Notice Board: Help needed: can you work with wood? Can you paint? If so, you might be able to help your Railway 226:690

Wilkinson, David Correspondence: Masterful 137:208

Wilkinson, Eddie News from the Line: Staff news 54:12; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Staff news 67:13 73:10

[Wilkinson, Helen, resignation] John Alexander Notice board: The F&WHR Trust 238:755

Wilkinson, Iain John CDA Prideaux FR Company Board appointment 238:748

Wilkinson, Iain

News from the Line: Volunteering 258:421-422

News from the Line: Young Volunteers Week 260:594-595

News from the Line: Waggon Tracks & Minffordd Yard 219:164–165; The Waggon Tracks Appeal 230:106;The Waggon Tracks shed 229:22

Notice board: Hunslet 125 – 22–25 June 2018 239:839

Notice Board: Chairs, chairs everywhere! 256:288

Notice Board: Committee & steering group participation 262:767

Volunteering: What’s changed? 260:611-612

Volunteering: News from the line 262:745-746

Young volunteers’ training week [2023]: News from the line 262:754-755 [2024] 265:027-028 266:107-108

News from the line: Boston Lodge interpretation and regeneration project 265:024-026

News from the line: Young volunteers’ (working parties) 263:837-838 267:189

News from the Line: [Boston Lodge] works tours & experiences 265:044-045

Wilkinson, Iain, Rob Collins, Dave High & Will High News from the line: Heritage 237:650–651

Wilkinson, MJ Correspondence: [Ravenglass & Eskdale and Welshpool & Llanfair railway preservation societies] 12:7

Wilkinson, Michael

Notice Board: Diamond Jubilee Appeal 226:691 230:126 231:210 232:297 235:524

Notice Board: 2017 Snowdonian special trains 235:524

Wilkinson, Reg «Wantage Tramway» 2nd edition Publication received 152:320

Wilkinson, Peter: Notice Board: Fundraising thanks 259:527 News from the line: Fundraising 262:757-758

Willans, JW Pioneer “modern power” on the Ffestiniog 26:17–20

William, Hywel News from the Line: Personnel 141:357 146:58 149:191

Williams, Alasdair 247:497

Williams, Alasdair

Junior corner: Kids’ Training Week report [2007] 198:403

News from the line: Waggon tracks/Wooden Waggon Federation 247:496–500 251:792-794 254:96-97 255:179 257:337-338 258:416-417 259:495-496 261:655-657 Heritage Waggons 265:026-027 266:104

Williams, Alfred Correspondence: Rheilfordd Eryri: an opportunity not a threat 202:659–660

Williams, Alastair Starting as a young volunteer  253:58-59

Alasdair Williams Heritage Waggons: News from the line 267:187-188 

Alasdair Williams & Rob Collins Heritage Waggons: News from the line 262:738-739 263:819-820

Williams, Allan News from the Line: Staff news 85:12

Williams, Anna Wyn News from the line: Personal & Personnel 240:902

Williams, Arwel News from the Line: Staff news 53:6; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Staff news 65:10

Williams, Beryl & John Milner Publications received «Rails to Glyn Ceiriog: the history of the Glyn Tramway» part 1: «1857–1903» JLD [John L Dobson] 215:767; part 2 «1904–1937» JLD [John L Dobson] 229:47–48

Williams, Bleddwyn News from the Line: Personnel 95:14

Williams, DA Correspondence: Thanks for DLG 158:73; Locomotive mileages [1999] 169:24

Williams, Dafina, Ward, Patricia Layzell & Geoffrey A Layzell Ward Ellis Arwyn Morgan 1934–2008 Obituary 203:720–721

Williams, Dafydd Gwyn News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 204:791

[Williams, David] Stop press 52:8

Williams, David News from the Line: Stop press 52:8; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; News from the Line: Staff news 56:6 64:8 65:10

Williams, David S Correspondence: Memories of the Dutch Commandos 199:447

Williams, Diana News from the Line: Personnel 189:510

[Williams, Diana & John Reynolds wedding] Congratulations 73:5

Williams, Doris 136:129

Williams, Douglas, Tim Maynard, John Ryan & Peter Berry Jim Fraser 1920–2012 Obituary 218:100

Williams, DP Correspondence: Back to rotten tare 114:41–42

Williams, Enid Correspondence: Britannia Foundry 122:89–90

Williams, Eurliw News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 197:283

Williams, Gareth News from the Line: Personnel 99:13; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; News from the Line: Personnel 111:17; Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11; News from the Line: Personnel 127:278

Williams, Gareth

Gwilym Deudraeth: Ffestiniog Railway poet 185:284–285

Protecting the Ffestiniog Railway’s heritage 198:362–363

Taith i’n Treftadaeth – Our heritage journey: a possible £300,000 cash injection for heritage work 213:606–608

Williams, Gareth & John Alexander John Andrews 1922–2007 Obituary 197:284

[Williams, Gareth Haulfryn]

Publications received: «On the British narrow gauge» 88:21–23; «Railways in Gwynedd» 88:21, 23

Ffestiniog Railway Trust, appointment to John DCA Prideaux Notice Board 180:542

Regaining the heritage 183:153–154

Williams, Glenn News from the Line: Personnel 170:51; Personal & Personnel 221:316 240:902

Williams, Glenn News from the line: Carriage works 240:884–886 241:15–16 242:94–95 243:175–177 244:253–254 245:332–334 246:415–416 247:495–496 248:575-577 249:653-655 250:707-709 251:790-792 252:868-870 253:15-18 254:92-96 255:173-176 256:258-262 258:412-416 259:493-495 261:652-655 262:737-738 263:818-819 264:899-901 265:014-016 266:092-095 267:175-176

Williams, Glyn

News from the Line: Personnel 186:317

Publication received «The Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway» JLD [John L Dobson] 215:768

Williams, Guy «Exploring Snowdonia by rail and foot» Publication received 143:472

Williams, Gwen News from the Line: Personnel 186:317

Williams, Helen News from the Line: Personnel 182:76 237:667

Williams, Helen News from the line: Publicity 238:719 239:798–799; News from the line: Marketing 240:879–880

Williams, Herbert «Railways in Wales» Publication received 94:32

Williams, Herbert Membership record? Correspondence 128:346

Williams, Hugh News from the Line: Old friends 84:7

Williams, Huw Introducing the staff 44:9; News from the Line: Staff news 52:6

Williams, Ian News from the Line: Personnel 168:481 169:16 172:147

Williams, Jack F Correspondence: Gone … but not forgotten! 158:76

Williams, JD Correspondence: Modernisation 50:42

Williams, Jim Correspondence: Winter traffic 197:294

Williams, Job, 1827–1915 Mike G Fell 226:706–707

Williams, Job [1 and 2] Correspondence Peter Johnson & John Alexander 228:861–863

Williams, John

News from the Line: Personnel 113:11; [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11; News from the Line: Personnel 133:18 138:228–229 139:267

Jim Hewett Correspondence 227:781–782

Williams, John K & Bob Miller (compilers) «Steam locomotives in industry 1930–50» Publication received 174:250

Williams, Johnny John Idris Jones Correspondence 134:73–4

Williams (née Allen), Megan News from the Line: Personnel 190:572; Personal & Personnel 204:791 206:93 208:240

Williams, Megan

Correspondence: Thank you 192:725

Ffestiniog Railway & Welsh Highland Railway – major contributors to the Gwynedd economy 205:31–32

Williams, Sir Michael Osmond, MC News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 220:244

Williams, Mrs Rosemary Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:12; News from the Line: Personnel 103:12 110:11; [Permanent staff list, 1986] 114:11

Williams, Paul News from the Line: Personnel 173:189

Williams, Raymond News from the Line: Personnel 146:57 189:510; Personal & Personnel 203:717 204:790

Williams, Robert News from the Line: Personnel 150:234

Williams, Rosemary News from the Line: Personnel 109:15 114:10

Williams, Ross [1] News from the Line: Staff news 49:7 53:6; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Staff news 62:10

Williams, Ross [2] Ffestiniog Railway Society AGM (2010) 209:326

Williams, Ruby News from the Line: Personnel 124:151

Williams, Sion News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 204:791

Williams, Tony News from the Line: Personnel 176:337 177:399; Personal & Personnel 196:212 204:790 205:17 206:93

Williams, Tony

News from the Line: Boston Lodge visits 235:487

News from the Line: Workshops & running shed 214:659–660 215:733–735 216:805–807 217:18–20 218:83–85 19:154–156 220:227–229 221:298–301 222:370–372 223:442–443 224:514–516 225:590–593 226:662–664 227:741–744 228:824–826 229:11–13 230:92­94 231:171–174 232:254–256 233:333–335 234:405–407 235:485–487 236:564–566 shed 237:644–647 238:722–726 239:802–805 240:883–884 241:11–15 242:91–94 243:172–175 244:249–253 245:329–332 246:412–414 247:491–493 248:571-573 249:650-653

Williams-Ellis, Sir Clough [death] Michael Seymour 82:3

Williamson, Keith News from the Line: Personnel 150:234

Williamson, Richard Correspondence: Your group 156:489

Willmore, Mrs News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 202:646

Willmore, Tony Correspondence: Authentic heritage 186:334; Volunteering 204:805

Willmott, Alan

«Ffestiniog holiday» Ron A Walker (film / video) Publication received 107:25–27

News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 226:682

Wills Notice Board 201:591

Willson, KC Narrow gauge main line 40:45–46

Wilsdon, RE Correspondence: Clowning about 123:129–130

Wilson-Smalley, Bethan News from the Line: Personal & Personnel 212:528 216:823

Wilson, Andrew Publications received: «Ffestiniog Railway from 1950» 179:497; «Narrow gauge railways of north Wales» 181:35–36

Wilson, Andrew

Correspondence: [Review of Past and Present The Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways] 154:398–399; Immortal rails 186:331; «Earl of Merioneth» 186:332–333; Thanks for Ffestiniog Railway 50 189:526; Recent Ffestiniog Railway books 198:368; Restoring «Welsh Pony» to steam 210:399

Driving & firing «Linda» 162:247–250

Wilson, C David «Racing trains: the 1895 railway races to the north» Publication received 151:282

Wilson, D Ramsay

If you want to know – ask: [Concrete block set in the track, Tafarntrip] 32:22

Correspondence: Locomotivery again 105:28

Wilson, Daniel H (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Director, Ffestiniog Railway Company Portrait 14:7

Wilson, Dan Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; [Honorary (volunteer) staff list, 1986] 114:12

Editor, Ffestiniog Railway Magazine Portrait 57:24–28

Daniel H Wilson Adrian C Gray Correspondence 136:167

Daniel H Wilson 1934–2005 John Alexander, Roy Cunningham, John L Dobson, Peter N Jarvis, Peter Johnson, Roanne Moore-Loizides, Tim Oulton, Patricia Layzell Ward & Daniel H Wilson Obituary 192:711–713

Daniel H Wilson John Snell 193:36

Wilson, Daniel H [DHW] [ordered alphabetically]

“Australian Ffestiniog”, The [Puffing Billy] 84:16–20

Blaenau link line 23:11–13

Board visits the Vivarais, The 135:106–110

Bron Madoc 89:35–41

Comment from the back 126:260–261 127:298–301 128:347–349

[DHW] Connie & JC Locke Obituary 107:4

Correspondence: Clown line 122:91–92; [Will Davies accident] 133:36; Ffestiniog Railway Cob traffic in wartime 138:245–246; Small coaches and great men 83:27–28; Thanks, but no thanks 150:244; Thoughts on the Boat 157:25–26; Welsh Highland; [Welsh Highland Railway] 142:428–429 145:36 159:110; Working party adventures with Norman F Gurley 187:402

Dduallt, and other dragons – a glossary 28:14–19

Developments on the American 2-foot gauge 178:456–461

Dinas – never start or never stop? 119:23–25

Early revival days on the Ffestiniog Railway 192:736–740

Ffantasises 126:261

Ffestfest calendar, The 128:347–348

Ffestiniog Railway’s other traffic [Telephone] 74:18–19

Fisit to ‘Fodty, A 103:22–24

four-wire carrier, The 111:31–33

[DHW] Glimpse into the future 2:8

Look! The end of the hypothetical mill has spots on it: slate mine gricing – a report [Practical Industrial Archaeology course] 95:26–31

Lottie’s treadle 27:10–11

Magazine matters 125:209–210

Manod caverns 104:33–36

More on Minffordd 126:260–261

[DHW] «Narrow gauge railways in south Caernarvonshire» by James IC Boyd Publication received 60:20–21

[DHW] «Portrait of the Ffestiniog» by Peter Johnson Publication received 138:242

[DHW] Portrait: TN Oulton, Director, Ffestiniog Railway Society Ltd 95:33

[DHW] Publications received: «Narrow gauge railways in south Caernarvonshire» by James IC Boyd 60:20–21; «Rhosydd Slate Quarry» by Michael JT Lewis & JH Denton 68:23–24; «Traveller’s guide [to Ffestiniog Railway]» 101:28–29; «Cwmorthin Slate Quarry» by Graham Isherwood 102:27–28; «Portrait of the Ffestiniog» by Peter Johnson 138:242

Roads under the pass 38:21–23

[DHW] «Rhosydd Slate Quarry» by MJT Lewis & JH Denton Publication received 68:23–24

[DHW] Saving of the Ffestiniog Railway 1950–4 [drawn diagram] 85:3

serious danger of your money going to the railway, A 125:209–210

Single Fairlies, The – the legend 124:154–158

Smoothiel 128:348–349

Songs of raise 127:299–300

Spooner connection, The 127:300–301

Spooners up to date, The 77:19–25

Stiff-Rail 28:347

[DHW] «Traveller’s guide [to Ffestiniog Railway]» Publication received 101:28–29

Vivarais, The Board visits the 135:106–110

[DHW] PR (“Dick”), Wollan, Chief Executive, Ffestiniog Railway Company Portrait 84:24–25

Yellow pages 62:20–24

Wilson, Daniel H, John Alexander, Roy Cunningham, John L Dobson, Peter N Jarvis, Peter Johnson, Roanne Moore-Loizides, Tim Oulton & Patricia Layzell Ward Daniel H Wilson 1934–2005 Obituary 192:711–713

Wilson, Daniel H, Tom Davies, Will Jones, Michael Seymour, Michael Lewis & Norman F Gurley Gravity slate working: part 1 44:16–20; part 2 45:26–29; part 3 46:12–16

[Wilson, Daniel H & Gerald Fox] Fox speaks 63:18–21

Wilson, Daniel H, Allan GW Garraway & Norman F Gurley Wooden spooners’ corner: [seats and passenger comfort] David C Pinner with reply by General Manager & Editors 46:32–33

[Wilson, Daniel H & Norman F Gurley] [ordered alphabetically]

Ach-y-Fy Dafydd! 28:3–4

Add water and pow! It’s Furzleman!!! [Instant Ffestiniog Railway Society membership] 68:2–3

All downhill 60:5

Also [no more reprints of early Magazines] 44:2

Australian pippin 42:2

Baa [on Blaenau Ffestiniog] 66:1–3

Bare garret to luxury hotel «[K1»] 71:1–3

Bed and board 57:1–2

[Blaenau station options] 60:1–4

Bygones at Pen Cob 39:3

Calendr Lein Fach [1972] 54:2

Carriage building fund 43:3

Conjunction telling of travel 32:2

Correspondence: Early Ffestiniog Railway track “30905” with editors’ notes 45:34–35

Correspondence: Your magazine: Editors’ comments 47:32

Cover picture 37:1

Cover pictures 43:1

De Winton 69:3–4

Detachable mouthpiece 61:3

Detour through the carriage sidings 54:3–4

Detwist 42:1–2

Deviation 28:2–3

Deviation deviation 48:1–2

Dry forecast 63:2

Earliein of Thomspooner 55:2–3

Editorial 17:1 18:1 19:1 20:1 21:1 22:1 23:1–2 24:1 25:1 26:1 27:1–2 28:1–5 29:1–3 30:1–3 31:1 32:1–2 33:1–2 34:1–3 35:1–2 36:1–2 37:1 38:1–2 39:1–3 40:1–2 41:1–2 42:1–2 43:1–3 44:1–2 45:1–2 46:1–2 47:1–3 48:1–2 49:1–2 50:1–2 51:1–2 52:1–3 53:1–2 54:1–4 55:1–3 56:1–3 57:1–2 58:1–2 59:1 60:1–5 61:1–3 62:1–2 63:1–2 64:1–2 65:1–5 66:1–3 67:1–2 68:1–3 69:1–4 70:1–2 71:1–3 72:1–3

Editors regret 44:2

Esteemed contemporary 41:1–2

Fare play 61:2

Few Tin Cog, Western and Atlantic diversion 25:2

Ffestiniog Railway Magazine Society 70:2

Ffestiniog-international 33:2

Ffoenix 47:2–3

First and Third Class, note 51:2

Foreign bodies 69:1–2

[GIM] 56:1–3

If you want to know – ask: [Roaring noises from rails: editors’ reply] 31:2; [Concrete block set in the track, Tafarntrip: editors’ reply] 32:22; [Difference between figures for bookings and for passenger journeys: editors’ reply] 33:27–28; [Whistles: editors’ reply] 34:24; [«Volunteer» (Peckett), «Palmerston» and other locomotives out of use: editors’ reply] 35:21–22; [Colonel Campbell’s private locomotive: editors’ reply] 36:24–25

Interim score 65:3–4

It’s that railway again [Welsh Highland Railway] 66:1–2

Linemadoc 28:4

Little sister 25:1–2

Lloyd George – great, but in the end not popular 45:2

Lone torch-bearer 33:2

Mini-Beeching 39:2

More new facts – 2 34:2–3

NGRTD, or the all-electric telephone 32:2

No free shuttle 67:2

No tomato time 65:2

Of bugs & «Russell» 30:2–3

Old nut cracked 38:2

Open Plas 68:23

Other memories, . . . and [Will Williams] 29:1–3

Photographic competition 40:1

Power structure re-jug 47:1–2

Raspberry of the year award 60:5

Relief workings 50:1–2

Renewing a renewer 49:1–2

Royalty overthrown 29:1–2

Slight spot of correction 65:5

Smalley stamps for big intentions 60:4

Socially responsible Ffestiniog 53:2

Son of Smalley 65:5

Special policy 43:2

Standing candidates 52:2–3

Start of a new finish 26:1–2

Sums on slate 72:2–3

Third of a vacancy 65:4

Thorny problem 43:3

Topics Welsh 67:2

Trolleys at one 36:1–2

Vad Säger Engelsmännen? 40:2

West side stories 55:2

Wild week-end 47:3

Wooden spooners’ corner: [Passenger capacity of coaches: editors’ reply] 30:28–29; [Condition of railway property: editors’ reply] 32:23–24; [Speed of trains: editors’ reply] 35:24–26; [«K1» Garratt purchase: editors’ reply] 35:26–27

Your views, please 26:2

[Wilson, Daniel H, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson]

10 September [1973] 79:2–3

AGM [Annual General Meeting] minutes 80:2

Bargain post 78:2–3

[Belgian Girl Guides] A new EEC surplus 86:2

bit of a WRAG [Welsh Railways Action Group, A 79:1–2

Changing times 94:2–3

Coach talk 88:5

Devil’s advocate 88:2–4

Digging in Greaves 78:1–2

Editorial 73:1–2 74:1 75:1–3 76:1–2 77:1 78:1–3 79:1–3 80:1–2 81:1–2 82:1–3 83:1–2 84:1–2 85:1–4 86:1–2 87:1–2 88:1–5 89:1–2 90:1–3 91:1–3 92:1–3 93:1–5 94:1–5 95:1–2 96:1–2

Educational section 94:4–5

Even writing F*******g doesn’t look polite 85:2–3

Fairy gold 88:4

Family concerns 93:4–5

Ffestfest at the Plas 89:2

Ffestiniog in Parliament 92:2–3

Ffestiniog Railway 21 74:1

Ffestiniog Railway Convention 1980, The 91:2–3

First rides 96:1–2

Fox trot 79:2

From the Boardroom (rubbish end) 94:3–4

Greaves, Digging in 78:1–2

Heavy cosmetics 83:2

Ins and outs 80:1–2

Intertwined bodies 93:1–3

Is that man in our trees with the binoculars from the Social Security or Ffestiniog? 92:2

Jones, Eddie [death] 75:2–3

Juicy bit 81:1–2

Lake of the Valleys, Onward to the 75:1–2

Little Wonder [Harbour Station buffet] 73:3–4

Local difficulties 96:2–3

new EEC surplus, A 86:2

New slants 87:2–3

Non-burning issue 81:2

Onward to the Lake of the Valleys 75:1–2

Other local developments 88:2

Planners smack narrow-gauge wrists 82:2–3

regular item, A 86:1–2

Snake pits 92:1

Snips and snippets 73:2–4

time of high Welsh rails, A 90:2–3

Titular tattle 90:1–2

Trust us 93:3–4

Underground dealings 82:1–2

Wholly owned subsidiary 76:1–2

Winter, Bill [death] 80:2

WRAG [Welsh Railways Action Group, A bit of a 79:1–2

Yes, but . . . but . . . but . . .oh, never mind [about article in «Shell Times» 1981] 95:2

Wilson, Daniel H, Peter N Jarvis, Pat Ward, Peter Johnson, & John L Dobson Norman F Gurley 1932–2004 Obituary 185:260–262

[Wilson, Daniel H & Peter Johnson] [ordered alphabetically]

Adjustment time 108:4–5

Bard simulator 112:4

Blaenau 1981 [Blaenau Ffestiniog seen from Gloddfa Ganol] 93:23–25

Board Game “«Livingston Thompson»”, The – opening move 115:2

Book of the café of the locomotive that’s about neither, The 114:114:4–5

Central issue 98:3–4

Coedybleiddiau or Coed-y-Bleiddiau? 100:4–5

Conventional concept 112:4–6

Crest fallen 114:2–3

Croesor Junction & Moon Railway 118:1–2

“Crewe” 104:4–5

Décauville & the Ffestiniog 118:3–4

Departure of a Volunteer 121:5

Doctor divulgement 113:2–3

Devious routings 99:2–3

Editorial 97:1–3 98:1–3 99:1–3 100:3–5 101:1–3 102:1–2 103:1–2 104:3–5 105:1–3 106:1–2 107:1–4 108:3–5 109:1–4 110:1–3 111:1–4 112:3–6 113:1–3 114:1–5 115:1–3 116:3–7 117:1–3 118:1–4 119:1–4 120:3–7 121:3–5 122:51–54

Editorial office [moving] 121:5

End of an era, The 107:2–4

Exchanges at Crewe 116:5–6

Ffestiniog initiative test 117:3

Ffestiniog Non-Railway Society 120:6–7

Freebies 98:2–3

Getting the feel 119:2–3

Goodbye to the Hatcham Works 99:3

Grub and scrub 109:3

Half-bard class stirs in the grave, The 117:2–3

Haulage concerns 105:2

Heating survey 121:5

Hubble bubble double engine 121:3–4

Hwyl-fired 122:54

IMP-busting 110:2–3

Issue of shares, The 111:1–2

Knavery 113:1–2

Little Wonder – the book 105:3

Maps of importance 109:2–3

Mileage trouble 97:3

Nasty and commercial is only nature’s way 114:3–4

new hostel, A 119:4

No bugs in «Russell» 121:4–5

Not sparing the rod, On 103:2

Nought for your comfort stations 107:2

Old man – and young man – Garraway 110:3

One business railway, The 106:2–3

Phantom light, The 116:6–7

Pullmen 99:2

Railway monks needed 109:2

“real tip” refers to the slate waste, Madam, A 101:3

Remember rotten tare? 114:1–2

Rheidol benefits 115:2–3

Secret of the year 101:2–3

Shuttle preview 121:5

Single line distaff 111:12

Singular Fairlie 118:2–3

Small cheap books about the Ffestiniog Railway 122:52–53

Son of Yellow Pages 111:2–3

Steam 125 119:1–2

Stop Gil Shephard 118:2

Support columns 105:2–3

Third means worst 119:3–4

Top feed 120:5–6

Trawsporthffest 116:4–5

trim job, A 111:3–4

Tube-boos 122:53–54

Unceremonial award 120:4–5

Unesteemed contemporary119:4

Update on Dinas 100:3–4

Wilson, Daniel H & AJ Gordon Rushton Interview with the Ffestiniog Railway Society Chairman, An 114:15–19

Wilson, David News from the Line: Personnel 185:255

Wilson, David Ramsay, Assistant Membership Secretary, Ffestiniog Railway Society Ltd Portrait 53:15–16

Wilson, David «Wilson’s preserved steam railway timetable» 4th edition 1992 Publication received 137:207

Wilson, Howard

News from the Line: Staff news 50:11

Ffestiniog Railway Society Board part three John L Dobson 206:113

Wilson, Howard (in order of Magazine issue numbers)

Correspondence: [Volunteers and permanent staff] 74:24–25; Sectioning «Livingston Thompson» 118:36; Future heritage 120:38–39; [Gala] 141:384; Spooner’s refurbishment 185:270; Train of the future 190:592–593; Alan Skellern 221:336; Restrictive bunks in Tunnel Mess 232:291; The new «James Spooner» 233:365

Ralph Clifton Taylor 1921–2004 184:194–195

Notice Board: Commemorative medals 186:327–328

Notice Board: In memoriam register 186:329

Operation Grandstand 194:110–111

[Ffestiniog Railway Society] Chairman’s piece 200:505 201:577–578 202:648–649 203:722–723 204:794–795 205:27–28 206:99–100 207:171–172 208:242–243 209:310–311 210:385–386 211:455–456 212:530–531 213:599–600 214:673–675 215:746–748 216:826–827 217:33–34 218:102–103 219:174–175 220:246–247 221:320–321 222:388–389 223:463–464 224:535–537 225:606–607 226:684–686 227:764–766 228:844–845 229:30–32 230:118–119 231:190–192 232:278–284 233:357–359 234:423–424 235:510–511 236:587–588 237:672–674 238:746–748 239:821–822 240:910, 915 241:40–42 242:117–119 243:198–200 244:276–277 245:352–353 246:432–434 247:521–522 248:597-599 249:676-677 250:731-733 251:810-812 252:889-891 253:33-34

Fred [Boughey] ’s funeral train 203:726–727

Ffestiniog Railway shares for life 213:608

News from the Line: Gigabash 215:742–743; (2012) 219:170–171; 222:384 223:456–457 226:680–681 227:759–760 230:115; Gigabash (2015) 231:186–187; 30th Gigabash working party 234:431; Gigabash 235:506–507; Gigabash 2017 – register now! 238:755; Gigabash 239:819–820; (2018) 243:190–192; (2019) 247:516–517 251:806-807

News from the Line: Lineside management 216:816

News from the Line: Megabash 217:29; (2013) 221:313–314; 233:352–353; (2018) 241:32–33 257:353-355

Looking to the future… 217:33–34

Milestone celebrations… 218:102–103

Notice Board: Members’ travel entitlements 219:182

Notice Board: Long service badges 219:183–184 221:33

Anthony George Catchpole 1949–2013 Obituary 222:385–386

First Class passes 224:536

Alan Pye 224:537

Roger Schofield 224:537

Communications [Faceboook page] 224:536–537

News from the Line: Terabash at Harbour Station 225:603

News from the Line: Personal & Personnel: Peter Rumbelow – a personal recollection 226:682

Notice Board: Legal adviser required 226:689–690

Porthmadog signalling 228:845–846

Project support 228:846

Volunteering 228:844–845

Notice Board: Volunteers’ recruitment 230:126

Gremlins at Garnedd 230:135–137

Notice Board Volunteer recruitment weekend 231:209–210

Notice Board: Ffestiniog Railway disc signal project 232:288–289

News from the Line: The Fairlie Appeal 235:508–509

Notice Board: Join the Railway volunteers 2017 236:601; Join the Railway volunteers 2019 243:206

News from the line: Megabash 237:664–656

Notice board: Obtaining members’ tickets for travel on the FR 238:754–755

Comment by FR Society chairman on The Gweithdy Chris Hoskins Correspondence 238:758–759

Join the Railway volunteers 21–22 April 2018 239:847 240:924

Notice board: Society AGM [2018]: day tours 240:923–924

Notice board: FR affinity credit cards 240:924

Notice board: Rodney Thorp: memorial service 240:924

Correspondence: FR lineside drains 240:928

News from the line: Volunteer recruitment weekend 2018 241:33–34

News from the line: Young volunteers’ training week [2018] 242:112–114

Notice board: Gigabash 2019 246:443

Young volunteers’ training week 2018 News from the line 246: 425–427

Notice board: A[nnual] G[eneral] M[eeting] [Boston Lodge] tours 2020 247:532

NHS, Thanks To, 249:678-679

News from the Line: Megabash & Gigabash 249:667

Notice board: F[festiniog R[ailway] Society board membership 250:740

Notice Board: F[festiniog] R[ailway] gardens appeal 250:741-742

Notice Board: Society Membership, An appreciation 251:821-822

Notice Board: Donations to the [FR] Society at no personal cost, with William High 251:822

Notice Board: National railway heritage awards 251:822

Thank goodness for sell by dates 251:851-852

News from the line: The Gweithdy project receives an award 252:874

News from the line: Megabash to Minibash 252:881 253:28-29

News from the line: Young volunteers’ training week 254:109-110

Stepping Down 254:122-123

News from the line: Gigabash 255:190-191

Notice Board: Gigabash [2022] Reminder 258:477

News from the line: Gigabash [2022] 259:507-509

Notice Board: Young volunteers’ training week & weekend 2023 259:526

News from the line: Megabash 261:674-675

News from the line: Gigabash 263:835-836

News from the line: Megabash 265:028-029

Notice Board: Long service badges 265:48-49 266:123 267:215

Wilson, Howard, Peter Asquith, Tim Oulton & Lawrence Washington Cyril Barnett Obituary 1924–2013 223:461–462

Wilson, Howard, Eileen Clayton & Richard Buxton John Towers 1932–2011 Obituary 216:824–825

Wilson, Howard & Roy Cunningham Rise and fall of the Midland Group 211:496–499

Wilson, Howard & John L Dobson Norman [F Gurley] ’s special 185:262

Wilson, Howard & Adrian C Gray Kids’ Week (2006) 194:105–107

Wilson, Howard, Bob & Frances Harris & John Dobson Obituary: Roger Goss, 1940–2018 240:908–909

Wilson, Howard, Tim Oulton & Peter N Jarvis Norman Pearce BEM 1917–2006 Obituary 195:146–147

Wilson, Howard & Norman Pearce Correspondence: In memoriam 161:199 164:325

Wilson, Howard & Andy Savage Obituary: Sir William McAlpine 1936–2018 241:37–38

Wilson, Howard, Hamilton Sparks & Peter Susan Oakley 1949–2008 Obituary 201:575–576

Wilson, Howard & the Volunteer Recruitment Team Volunteering – the reaction 183:151–152

Wilson, Howard, Volunteer Recruitment Team, Hilary Norton, Charlie Sharp & Alan Pye Volunteering – an immediate & long-term challenge 182:91–92

Wilson, Howard & Andy Wilkinson News from the Line: Megabash 2015 229:27–28

Wilson, Howard R If you want to know – ask: [Dduallt footbridge] 38:25; [Area of flat land near Dduallt] 47:29

Wilson, Howard RL Correspondence: Ffestiniog Railway 150 113:39; AGM 117:33

Wilson, HS Publications received: «TPO: a history of the Travelling Post Offices of Great Britain» Part 1 «England – “The specials” and associated TPO’s» Revised edition 76:24–25; «History of the travelling Post Offices of Great Britain» Part 3 «Scotland and Ireland» 82:28

Wilson, Richard Ffestiniog Railway Society Board part 3 John L Dobson 206:113–114

Wilson, Richard (in order of Magazine issue numbers)

Junior corner 167:445–446 168:490 169:22 170:60 171:103 172:155 173:198 174:244 175:290 176:344 177:408 178:444

Kidz weke 168:490; Kidz weke still there 169:22; Kidz Weke is here again! 170:60

Let’s have more correspondence 168:490

Mick’s the man to contact 168:490

Social life is great 168:490

Signwriting 169:22

Workers of P&G migrate 169:22

Discovery! 170:60

We need you! 170:60

Why bother? 171:103

Food glorious food 171:103

Happy new millennium 171:103

Info burst 171:103

Upon a boy with an idea 172:155

And now, a word from our sponsors 172:155

Upon old people and their uses 172:155

But I know a man who can 185:276

Editorial 189:497–498

Wilson, Rosemary, John L Dobson, Martin Duncan & David Lyall Alan Skellern 1933–2013 Obituary 221:317–318

Wilson, Rosemary, Richard Howard & Clare Wilson Correspondence: Norman and Gwen Pearce 196:229

Wilson, Rosemary & Patricia Layzell Ward Gwendoline May Pearce 1916–2007 Obituary 196:214

Wilson, Sharon News from the Line: Personnel 143:453

Wilson, Spencer & Vernon J Glover Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad: the Historic Preservation Study JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 185:271–272

Wilson, Stephen, John Fry, Mike Royner & Jim Parrish Heritage milestone project 224:540–544

Wilson, Sue Notice Board: Personnel 185:255; News from the Line: Personnel 186:317

Wilson’s preserved steam railway timetable 4th edition 1992 by David Wilson Publication received 137:207

Winifred Holtby’s savage, shrieking fire-eyed trains «The beasts!»: narrow and standard-gauge locomotives on the Western Front during the First World War Christopher Chippindale 237:702–704


Winter hazard 53:29

Winter traffic Jim Williams Correspondence 197:294

Winter trains project News from the Line 182:67

Winter wall planner [2004 / 5] Notice Board 187:395

Winter services [2006–2007] News from the Line 196:200–201

Winter volunteering in Boston lodge News from the Line 204:788–789

Winter services [2010–2011] News from the Line 211:438–439

Winter major works programme [2014–15] News from the Line Dafydd Thomas 227:750–752; Boston Lodge development Dafydd Thomas 227:751–752; buildings and estates Dafydd Thomas 227:750–751; lineside Dafydd Thomas 227:750; permanent way Dafydd Thomas 227:750

Winter, Bill [death] [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 80:2

Winter, Derek J

Correspondence: Grouping, The 115:42; Taktiks 119:35–36; New timetable 122:85; Auto-loop 123:131; [Tanygrisiau loop] Hors d’oeuvres 131:466–467; Tanygrisiau loop 142:431; Welsh Highland 148:171; Tanygrisiau 172:157; Tanygrisiau signalling 185:269–270; That journey north 216:837

Tanygrisiau loop development 131:456–458

Tan-y-Grisiau signal box and loop project 135:99

Tan-y-Grisiau signalling project 138:235

Winter, Kim Correspondence: Mike Elvy & «Moelwyn» at Dduallt 186:330–331

Winter Maintenance The reverend Bob Rainbow 252:912-913

Winter, Mark [«Merddin Emrys»] Correspondence 127:290

Winter volunteering programme – example opportunities 267:203

Winton, John

Publications received: «The little wonder» PNJ [Peter N Jarvis] 69:12 «The little wonder – 150 years of the Ffestiniog Railway» revised edition 113:33–34

[death] Notice Board 173:197

Winton, John [John Pratt] Correspondence: Another book on the Ffestiniog Railway 63:35; Son of Little Wonder 92:28; Review with knobs on 94:36

Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railway Gordon Bartlet Correspondence 196:227–228

Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railway today Peter S. Barney 195:179–182

Wisdom, Tony Correspondence: Sectioning and suchlike 117:29–30

Wiseman, Martin News from the Line: Personnel 143:453 187:380

Wiseman, Martin Correspondence: Hostel 168:492–493

Wiseman, Rebecca News from the Line: Personnel 187:380

Wiseman, Sharon News from the Line: Personnel 187:380

Witcomb, David (in order of Magazine issue numbers)

Day in the life of a marketing volunteer 152:317

Correspondence: De-commercialising Christmas 194:100

Notice Board: Sainsbury’s reward vouchers 174:239–240; 176:342

Notice Board: Nectar vouchers 214:684 215:761 216:834 217:44 218:111–112 219:185 220:255 222:398 223:477 234:433 235:510–511 236:603

Notice Board: Ffestiniog Railway Society sponsored walk: [2011] 215:761; [2012] 219:185; (2013) 222:399

Notice Board: Recycling ink-jet cartridges & mobile phones 214:684 215:761 216:834 217:44 218:112 219:185 220:255 222:398–99

Notice Board: Recycling ink jet cartridges 223:477 232:290 233:363–364 234:433 235:523 236:603 242:131–132 243:206–207 244:291 245:366 246:443 248:607 252:898 253:40 257:372-373 258:448

Notice Board/News from the line: Access for all 223:477–478 234:434 235:524 267:169

Trailfest 2016 235:522–523

Correspondence: Promoting Blaenau Ffestiniog 241:57

Notice Board: Secondhand railway books sales 242:132

Notice Board: Bristol Group book sale 244:292 248:607 249:679

Notice Board: Recycling ink jet cartridges 249:679 250:742

Notice Board: Donations to the Society at no personal cost 256:288

Notice Board: Bristol Group book sale 256:289

Notice Board: Recycling inkjet cartridges 256:289

Notice Board: Blaenau Ffestiniog 40  256:289 257:373

Witcomb, David Notice board: Are you a swimmer? 245:365

Witcomb, David & David Edwards Notice Board: 50th anniversary paperweights 222:399

With a lot of help from my friends…  Clare Oates 254:138-139

«Witness to change: a record of the industrial revolution» by Michael A Vanns PJ [Peter Johnson] Publication received 182:90

Wojtczak, Helena «Railwaywomen: exploitation, betrayal & triumph in the workplace» PLW [Patricia Layzell Ward] Publication received 192:726–728

Wollan, “Dick”

Chief Executive, Ffestiniog Railway Company DHW [Daniel H Wilson] Portrait 84:24–25

Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:12; News from the Line: Personnel 103:12

Percy Royston [Dick] Wollan 1923–2010 Elizabeth Warr & D Fred Howes Obituary 210:383–384

Wollan, Dick Musical adventure for Ffestiniog Travel 95:22–23

Wolstenholme, Matthew 245:365

Wonderful weekend, Correspondence A  Hazel Garside 265:51

wondrous beauty of «Palmerston», The [AJ Gordon Rushton] 141:345–346

Wood storage shed for carriage works Notice Board 173:194

Wood, PE 21 years of volunteering from London 71:19–21

Wood, Peter Introducing the staff: Permanent Way Department 27:9; News from the Line: Staff news 30:8

Wood, Peter

Obituary: Eric Hubbard 138:218

Membership matters: Restoration of Lottie’s Cottage 149:194

Wood, RB & P Mallahand Locomotive stock of British Railways 1977 Publication received 78:25

Wood, David R C Why build a new Mountaineer?  253:73-75 «Mountaineer» 1863 project, The 262:757

Wood, Roy Notice Board: Fund-raising ’97 156:475–476: core projects 156:476; Cycle wagon 156:476; Fairlie bogies 156:476; How you can help 156:476

Wood[s], Vi[olet] Staff news 54:12; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; News from the Line: Personnel 99:13 167:435

Wooden carriages & rust David Gunn 218:138–139

Wooden posts in concrete Bodger Correspondence 152:324

Wooden slate wagon rebuild 122:65

Wooden Spooners’ corner 30:28–29 32:23–24 35:24–27 39:26–27 46:32–33

(in order of Magazine issue numbers)

[Passenger capacity of coaches] AP Greenough 30:28; [editors’ reply] Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley 30:28–29

[Condition of railway property] P Crossley 32:23–24; [editors’ reply] Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley 32:23–24

[Speed of trains] AP Greenough 35:24–26; [editors’ reply] Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley 35:24–26

[«K1» Garratt purchase] A Wild 35:26–27

[Tie designs] Nigel A Rainbow 39:26

Tan-y-Loo [toilets at Tan-y-Bwlch] Jasper 39:26–27

[Seats and passenger comfort] David C Pinner with reply by General Manager & Editors Allan GW Garraway, Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley 46:32–33

Wooden, John

News from the Line: Personnel 179:486 185:255 186:317

Wooden John

News from the Line: Shops 190:564 214:656–657 215:729–730 216:803 217:17–18 218:81–82 219:152 220:224–5 221:296–297 222:367–369 223:439–440 224:511–512 225:584–586 226:659–660 227:738–739 228:821–822 229:8–9 230:89–90 231:168–169 232:249–251 233:330–332 234:403 235:482–483

Publication received: Year in the life of Rheilffordd Ffestiniog Railway – 2007 (video) JFO [John Organ] 200:528

Making a DVD… …the Ffestiniog Railway way 218:120–122

A day out with Festshopman and a video camera 223:496–499

News from the line: Moving media 236:561–562

Wooden Waggon Federation see Waggon tracks

Woodhead, Cathy Publications received «Loss of the «Criccieth Castle», The: a true account of heroism and survival» PLW [Patricia Layzell Ward] 222:407; (editor) «Moses Kellow: the autobiography of the Croesor Quarry manager» PJH [Phil J Hawkins] 231:214–215

Woodhouse, D GLToW [Great little Trains of Wales] : the timetable work 67:22–24

Woodhouse, Lt Col. E [death] 55:3

Woodley, Richard Day of the holiday express – Western region services on 9 July 1960 Publication received 152:321

Woodnutt, DL Correspondence: Preservation and modernisation 57:34–35

Woodroffe, Simon Correspondence: Déjà vu – recollections of a volunteer 174:246–247

Woods, Roy

News from the Line: Personnel 155:426 160:143 175:285 179:486 180:529; Personal & Personnel 223:459 224:532

(editor) The Ffestiniog Railway: an historical guide PNJ [Peter N Jarvis] Publication received 215:766

Woods, Roy (ordered by Magazine issue numbers)

Core railway 155:410–413

Moelwyn Tunnel portals 155:410–411

Three and a half Double Fairlies 155:411

Minffordd relay room & booking office 155:412

Fund-raising for the projects 155:412–413

What can I do? 155:413

Wood[s], Vi[olet] Staff news 54:12; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; News from the Line: Personnel 99:13 167:435

Wooler, Neil Correspondence: Preservation-era history 188:461–462 Correspondence: FR revival founding

fathers on DVD 264:932

Word square 103:39; answers 104:49

Words from the groups Philip Hawkins Correspondence 63:36

Wordsearch 120:25 123:119 128:336; Ruth Hopkinson 132:507; 138:239

Wordsworth, William [Poem about Ffestiniog Railway] 68:27

Work experience on the Railway Sigrid Dengel Correspondence 172:160–161

Work for volunteers Life Member 8:10–11

Work, Philip News from the Line: Staff news 46:6 49:7

Work, Philip Correspondence: Bill Hoole or AN Other? 186:332

Works tours & experiences Iain Wilkinson 265:044-045

Workers of P&G migrate Richard Wilson 169:22

Working on the “old” Ffestiniog Railway Hugh Davies 192:734–735

Working parties 27:7 [Yellow sheet bound in with Ffestiniog Railway Magazine 139]

Working parties News from the Line 28:11

Working party adventures with Norman F Gurley Daniel H Wilson Correspondence 187:402

Working party organisers see Diary

Working party programme 38:29 39:27 42:24; [1969] 43:13; [1969–1970] 46:9; 47:15; [1970–1971] 50:34; [1970] 51:17; 55:34 58:17; [1973] 59:14; [autumn 1973] 61:11; 63:9

Working weekend 5 / 6 April, 1986 News from the Line 111:15

Works developments News from the Line 192:702–703

Works Manager, From the [brochure on Boston Lodge works] Paul Dukes 87:16–27

«Works trams of the British Isles: a survey of tramway engineers’ vehicles» by Peter Waller JLD [John L Dobson] Publication received 247:541


Workshop[s] vacancies News from the Line 46:5

Workshop[s] volunteering requirements News from the Line 120:12

Workshop[s] News from the Line 125:195–197 126:234–236 127:271–274 128:311–314 129:359–362 130:400–402 131:442–443 132:483–485 133:9–12 134:47–50 135:89–90 136:133–134 137:182–184 138:220–222 139:262–264 140:306–309 141:349–352 142:395–397 143:446–448 144:488–491 145:12–15 146:53–55 147:103–104 148:139–141 149:186–188 150:227–230 151:258–260 152:301–302 153:338–339 154:375–376 155:420–421 156:463–467 157:9–10 158:51–53 159:98–99 160:135–137 161:182–183 162:226–229 163:267–269 164:311–313 165:350–351 166:392 167:428–431 168:475–476 169:7–9 170:43–45 171:87–91 172:139–142 173:185–187 174:233 175:279–281 176:331–333 177:394–396 178:432–435 179:480–482 180:523–525 181:12–15 182:69–71 183:125–126 184:181–184 185:247–249 186:309–312 187:375–376 188:439–440 189:503–505 190:565–567 191:633–635 192:697–700 193:8–12 194:73–77 195:136–139 196:202–204 197:273–274 198:345–346 199:418–420 200:489–492 201:562–564 202:632–635 203:706–708 204:778–779 205:8–10 206:82–83 207:154–157 208:225–227 209:297–300 210:370–372 211:442–444 212:515–517 213:585 257:332-334 258:409-411

Workshop volunteers at Boston Lodge Notice Board 155:432

Workshops: Welsh Highland [Railway] News from the Line 169:9

Workshop[s]: Contracts News from the Line 192:700

Workshops capital projects News from the Line 208:225–226 209:299–300

Workshops revenue work News from the Line 208:226–227 209:297–299

Workshops & running shed Tony Williams News from the Line 214:659–660 215:733–735 216:805–807 217:18–20 218:83–85 219:154–156 220:227–229 221:298–301 222:370–372 223:442–443 224:514–516 225:590–593 226:6 227:741–744 228:824–826 229:11–13 230:92–94 231:171–174 232:254–256 233:333–335 234:405–407 235:485–487 236:564–566 237:644–647 238:722–726 239:802–805 240:883–884 241:11–15 242:91–94 243:172–175 244:249–253 245:329–332 246:412–414 247:491–493 248:571-573 249:650-652 Paul Lewin 250:706-707 Jon Whalley  251:787-789 Paul Lewin 252:865-868 253:11-14 Jon Whalley 254:89-91 255:171-173 256:253-256 Paul Lewin 258:409-411 Jon Whalley 259:490-492 260:569-573 261:649-650 262:731-733 263:813-815 264:894-896 265:011-013 267:173-175

Worktown: the drawings of Falcon Hildred by Peter Wakelin PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 220:262

World Heritage Site, FR as a David Gwyn News from the line 242:109–110

«World’s last steam trains, The» by Chris Davies Publications received 258:454

World’s most famous steam locomotive – Flying Scotsman compiled by David Clifford Publication received 157:27

Worldwide steam railways by Keith Strickland PED [Paul E Davies] Publication received 209:335

Worley, John M. Correspondence: Museums and reality 65:30–31

Worrell, Dave & Dave Salter «Walks from the Welsh Highland Railway» Part 2 «Rhyd Ddu to Porthmadog» PNJ [Peter N Jarvis] Publication received 207:188–189

Worton, Roger Correspondence: Recollections of a 1958 Tadpole 241:55–56

Would you like a ticket from Dduallt to Tan-y-Grisiau? 62:10

WRAG [Welsh Railways Action Group], A bit of a [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 79:1–2

Wragg, David Publication received: Southern Railway handbook 1923–1947 JLD [John L Dobson] 184:208; Wartime on the railways JLD [John L Dobson] 195:169

Wragg, John News from the line: Personal & Personnel 243:196

WRAGtime again Chris Magner Correspondence 112:50–51

“Wreck” of the Flying Flea, The Tim Oulton 169:28–30

Wrexham and Ellesmere Railway by SC Jenkins & J Strange DG [David Gwyn] Publication received 187:405

Wright, Andrew PM The Swanage branch Publication received 144:517

Wright, DJ Correspondence: Smoking cinders 166:407

Wright, M Correspondence: To all members 99:35

Wright, Sarah Colonel Péchot: tracks to the trenches PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 229:48–49

Writer absence shock! Richard Wilson 169:22

Writing to the editors? 63:27

Wrong type of leaves Vic Mitchell Correspondence 164:326

Wrottesley, Michael News from the line: Personal & personnel 260:597

Wrottesley, Michael & David Ronald Obituary: Philip John Greer Ransom, 1935–2019 Obituary 245:350–351

Wyddfa, Yr: the story of Snowdonia summit by Michael Senior PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 214:691

Wyn Jones, Malcolm News from the Line: Personnel 133:18

Wynne Jones, Ivor «Llechwedd slate caverns» Publication received 90:29

Wyn Jones, Tomos News from the line: Personal & Personnel 245:349

Wyn Williams, Anna News from the line: Personal & Personnel 240:902



«Y dyddiau gynt ym Mborthmadog a Thremadog / Past times in Porthmadog & Thremadog» by Martin Prichard G&PLW [Geoffrey & Patricis Layzell Ward] Publication received 234:441

Y Fforestwr Eryri Rheilffordd Eryri [Welsh Highland Railway] report 194:123–125 196:251–255 197:326–329 198:395–399 199:468–472 201:612–614 202:675–678 203:749–752 205:49–52 206:120–124 208:268–270 209:344–348 210:416–418 211:488–491 212:554–559 213:632–635; 215:744

Y Tren Siarad / The “Talking Train” Paul Lewin 184:191–192

Yarborough, Bruce News from the Line: Staff news 55:6; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1971] 55:10; Staff news 59:8 62:10 65:10; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Staff news 73:10

Yarborough, Christine News from the Line: Staff news 59:8

Yard shunters’ courses Notice Board 157:18

Yate, Bob «By Great Western to Crewe: the story of the Wellington to Nantwich & Crewe line» PED [Paul E Davies] Publication received 191:661–662

Yates, Dave / David 131:447

News from the Line: Staff news 59:7; Who’s who at Porthmadog [1974] 65:11; Staff news 77:10 84:7; Who’s who on the staff [1979–80] 87:9; Who’s who on the staff [1983] 100:13; News from the Line: Personnel 113:12 125:201

Yates, David & Lynda News from the Line: Staff news 86:8

Yates, Ian News from the Line: Personnel 127:278

Yates, Ian Proposal for carriage 15 147:117

Yates, Robert News from the Line: Personnel 184:188

Year ahead [Peter Johnson] 147:93–94

«Year in the life of Rheilffordd Ffestiniog Railway – 2007» by John Wooden (video) JFO [John Organ] Publication received 200:528

“year of the dirty window, The” T Turner, Operating officer, Ffestiniog Railway Company 108:28–29

Year so far [2002] News from the Line 177:389–391

Yellow pages Daniel H Wilson 62:20–24

Yeomans, JR «The Lynton & Barnstaple Railway» Publication received 86:30

Yes Neil Clayton, Brian Butterworth & John Hayes Correspondence 96:36

Yes, but . . . but . . . but . . .oh, never mind [about article in «Shell Times» 1981] [Daniel H Wilson, Norman F Gurley & Peter Johnson] 95:2

Yes, but where? AJ Gordon Rushton 125:189

Yet more imagery Correspondence Arthur Ll. Lambert 103:36; J Manners 103:36; Ronald B Pegler 103:36; David M Ronald 103:37

Yet more notes on the Festiniog & Blaenau Railway DA Boreham 88:18–20

Yet more volunteers wanted 92:10

Ymddeoliad yn Mhorthmadog – Retirement in Porthmadog Richard Buxton 166:411–412

Ynysoedd Dyffryn Madog : The Islands of Dyffryn Madog Martin Pritchard 256:311-315

York, Paul Ellis Young volunteers: Correspondence 255:213

You are wonderful [Gordon Rushton] 148:136

You can’t have it all I King Correspondence 97:43

Youell, RF Correspondence: First aid & safety 88:29

Young and on the rails, please Joe Tarver Correspondence 225:624

Young persons’ sponsored volunteer programme Notice Board Jo Vincent 235:522

Young volunteers Membership matters 148:148

Young volunteers: Correspondence Paul Ellis York 255:213

Young Volunteers’ Training week Adrian C Gray 238:739–740; [2017] 235:507 236:581–582 237:666; [2018] 240:899–900; Howard Wilson 242:112–114; [2019] Adrian C Gray 243:192–193; Young Volunteers’ Training Week [YVTW 2019], Adult helpers needed for Alex Spring Notice board 244:290–291; Young volunteers’ training week 2019 News from the line Howard Wilson 246: 425–427 News from the Line 2020 Alex Spring 248:590  254:109-110 258:430-432 Howard Wilson 259:526 Iain Wilkinson 260:594-595 Andy Cook & Iain Wilkinson 262:754-755 265:027-028 266:107-108

Young, Don «My first 50 years with steam Publication received» 111:33

Young, Don

«Mountaineer»s – large and small 70:14–17

Correspondence: Agsoc 118:39 : Heritageous 121:38–39 : Sectioning «Livingston Thompson» 118:36

Young, John 11:6

Young, Mike Battery-electric power: Correspondence 264:934

Young volunteers’ (working parties): News from the Line Iain Wilkinson 263:837-838 267:189

Younger, Carol News from the line: Personal & Personnel 247:520

Younger, Carol A day out with the Drains Gang 245:393–395

Your archives need you! :Notice Board John Alexander 250:741

«Your book of steam railway preservation» by P John G Ransom Publication received 100:36

Your carriage awaits Paul Lewin 190:582–585

Your group Richard Williamson Correspondence 156:489

«Your guide to modelling narrow gauge railways» edited by Steve Flint JW Publication received 232:292

Your magazine Correspondence: Sqn Ldr R Bailey RAF 47:31; M Tasker 47:31; VR Webster 47:31; C Bannister 47:32; DB Lyall 47:32; RHW Watson 47:32; Editors’ comments [Daniel H Wilson & Norman F Gurley] Correspondence 47:32

John L Dobson 183:118

Your questions answered Ruth Hopkinson 127:290–291

Your railway needs you! Notice Board Dafydd Thomas 222:397–398

Your views, please [Daniel H WIlson & Norman F Gurley] 26:2

Youth training

News from the Line 202:643–645

Youth Training Programme Notice Board 199:443–444 201:569–571

Administration Notice Board 204:801

Youth travel bargains on British Rail(ways) 79:19

Yr hen iaith Correspondence: John S Bartlett 60:33; K Catchpole 60:33Rev. KS Dobson 60:32; John Gilbert 60:33; DB Lyall 60:33

Yr Wyddfa: the story of Snowdonia summit by Michael Senior PJH [Phil J Hawkins] Publication received 214:691

Ysgol Eifionydd Astudiaethau’r Gweithle / Ysgol Eifionydd link Deiw Jones 180:645–646

Ysgol Eifionydd link / Ysgol Eifionydd Astudiaethau’r Gweithle Deiw Jones 180:645–646

Ysgol Maenofferen Clare Britton News from the Line 226:655–656

YVTW see Young Volunteers’ Training Week


Zeepvat, Bob Archaeology at Boston Lodge: Recording the past for the future, Part 1, 262:782-784

Zeepvat, Bob Archaeology at Boston Lodge: Recording the past for the future, Part 2  263:864-867

Zeepvat, Bob News from the line: Rest of the world gang 240:890 245:339–340 247:505–506 249:660-662 257:343-344 260:587 261:664-665 262:748 263:829-830 264:915 265:030-031 266:110 266:192

Zeepvat, Bob & Paul Bradshaw News from the line: Rest of the world gang 238:729–731 259:501-502 

Zeepvat, Bob & Phil Nock News from the line: Rest of the world gang 237:654–655

Zeller, Peter Van & David Mosley «Fifteen inch gauge railways – their history, equipment and operation» Publication received 113:34

Zukunft [AJ Gordon Rushton] 147:95